Because Liang Shuangqi didn't get his homework when he came, he had to go home to get it. Before Liang Shuangqi left, he glanced warily at Chu Xiaoyi and muttered, "brother, you shouldn't lock the door now."

Liang Shuangqi doesn't want to be shut out. He always thinks brother Xiao is likely to do such a thing.

Chu Xiaoyi thought that the devil was still very sharp, but Chu Xiaoxiao comforted and said, "certainly not. Brother Qi Qi can come in from the yard and we'll meet in the teahouse."

Liang Shuangqi thought about the location of the teahouse, so he safely went home to get things. The brother and sister carried snacks to the teahouse.

Chu Xiaoyi cut out the fruit tray with fresh fruit and took it to the teahouse. She was a little worried on the way. She reconfirmed: "brother Qi Qi is also here this time. Are you really not going to run away?"

Chu Xiaoyi: "of course not. Don't worry. If I say he can't learn for too long!"

Chu Xiaoyi is convinced that Liang Shuangqi belongs to his own kind. Few people in the world regard learning as play. The little boy is expected to be unable to sit down soon. Chu Xiaoyi will naturally see off the guests at that time. It's almost a plan.

In the tea room, the table was covered with all kinds of exercise books. The three sat on one side of the table, and Chu Xiao happened to be in the middle. After Chu Xiaoxiao opened the exercise book, she bowed her head and began to write. Chu Xiaoyi and Liang Shuangqi fell into a long silence. They stared at the book in front of them.

Liang Shuangqi's loading speed is slightly faster. After accepting the cruel reality that he must learn, he took the lead in opening the winter vacation exercise book and recalling the homework assigned by the teacher.

Chu Xiaoyi was much more listless. He simply forked a piece of fruit and ate it. The metal fork collided with the porcelain plate and made a crisp sound. Liang Shuangqi was attracted by the sound and immediately raised his eyes to the fruit plate. He also picked up a fork and ate the fruit, making the same jingle.

Chu Xiaoyi forked up again and glanced at Liang Shuangqi. Liang Shuangqi was unwilling to show weakness and continued to follow.

A moment later, the two musicians became interested in this novel game. They hit the porcelain plate harmoniously, playing a sense of rhythm inexplicably and indulging in the magical sound of orchestrations!

Chu Xiaoyi and Liang Shuangqi: it's really fun to study!

Chu Xiaoxiao had been quietly doing her homework, but her ears were suddenly filled with the sound of porcelain plates and drums. She immediately looked up at the fork concert beside the fruit plate and couldn't help but advise: "if you want to eat, eat well. Do you have to play music before the fruit dies?"

Chu Xiaoxiao: it's pathetic enough to eat fruit. I want to hear you play a song.

When Liang Shuangqi heard the speech, he immediately stopped beating drums to see off the fruit, quietly put down his metal fork and looked down at the exercise book again.

Chu Xiaoyi should be much more righteous and plausible: "the inspiration of musicians is like this. Inadvertent stimulation in life can produce new songs. You don't understand our beat..."

Chu Xiaoxiao knows nothing about music. She looks like she knows nothing. She's really not sure if they're doing serious things.

Liang Shuangqi timely interrupted: "brother, I think that part just now sounds good, otherwise you go back to the house to edit and record it. It's a pity to forget it later."

Chu Xiao immediately believed it. She was afraid that her brother's musical inspiration would disappear. She hurriedly said, "really? Then go back to the house and make music. I can do my homework with brother Qi Qi."

Chu Xiaoyi always said that he had the most abundant music inspiration at night. Now it's rare to have inspiration during the day. Of course, Chu Xiaoyi didn't dare to stop him. Although she complained about her brother's escape while studying, work is obviously more important than study, and things always have priorities.

Chu Xiaoyi: good boy, you are so kind-hearted that you want to deceive me away!

Chu Xiaoyi stares at Liang Shuangqi in disbelief. Unexpectedly, the little boy is so resourceful, but the other party is innocent and calm. He still speaks in front of Chu Xiaoxiao.

Chu Xiaoyi is a person who has experienced the storm in the circle. He immediately smiled and openly said the words against his heart: "it doesn't matter. Learning is the most important. Put your work back."

Liang Shuangqi sighed with regret when he saw that brother Xiao was really stumbling and didn't go. He saw the mobile phone screen on one side and took it over to see the new news.

Seeing this, Chu Xiaoyi immediately learned and used it flexibly, pretended to be gentle and said, "Qi Qi is busy? If you have something urgent, otherwise..."

Liang Shuangqi: "no, no, no, it's just a training notice for the orchestra."

Before long, Chu Xiaoyi just picked up his cell phone to see it. Liang Shuangqi said alertly, "is your brother busy? If you have something urgent, or first..."

Chu Xiaoyi: "no, no, no, just the itinerary notice of the studio."

Chu Xiaoxiao: "

Chu Xiaoxiao felt that they were playing riddles. She tentatively picked up her mobile phone, but she didn't hear any sound. She raised her mobile phone and swayed in mid air. Then she took it in front of her, but they still didn't speak. She burst into discontent and said, "did you just show off that you were busy?"

Chuxiao: why didn't anyone ask me if I was busy? This is bullying me. I don't have a band and a studio!

Chu Xiao first tasted the taste of being excluded. She was the only one in the teahouse who didn't understand music and was not busy.

Chu Xiaoyi didn't understand her sister's brain circuit. He subconsciously replied, "but you are really busy..." she has neither winter vacation Orchestra training nor social work. Now she is in a free state.

Liang Shuangqi suddenly smelled the smell of crisis. He pondered for a few seconds and tentatively said, "is Xiao Xiao busy? If you have something urgent..."

Chu Xiaoxiao was badly hit by her brother. Fortunately, her little partner handed out the steps in time. She looked down at her mobile phone and said sadly and angrily, "I'm busy. I'm busy. I'm busy sending messages to sister Yang Yin!"

Since Yang Yin left, Chu Xiaoxiao felt out of place in the teahouse and tasted Liang Shuangqi's past. She now feels that the yurongtai trio has no place to live. Obviously, she is a veteran. Why do they come together with music topics?

Chu Xiaoyi: "..." what's the urgent matter of sending a message? How many friends can you have?

If it were normal, Chu Xiaoyi would surely take advantage of the victory and continue to ridicule his sister, but now he saw that Liang Shuangqi flattered first-class, so he honestly shut up and never gave the courtiers opposite him a chance. He can see that good advice goes against the ear and is conducive to action. It's not easy to be a loyal minister now.

The three finally stopped and studied honestly for a period of time. Chu Xiaoyi and Liang Shuangqi dare not openly look at their mobile phones on the table for fear of arousing Chu Xiaoxiao's resentment. She found herself idle now and wanted to leave the teahouse for them.

Chu Xiaoyi and Liang Shuangqi secretly look at their mobile phones under the table. Naturally, they can't escape Chu Xiaoxiao's eyes. She collapsed on the table, thinking that she had studied for a long time, she muttered, "take it and have a look. Let's have a rest."

Chu Xiaoyi and Liang Shuangqi smiled and said in unison, "it's really something wrong with the studio (Orchestra)...."

Chuxiao angrily slid his mobile phone: "I know, I have something to do!"

Chu Xiaoxiao: I want to send messages and greetings to all my friends. I'm busy with my mobile phone every day!

Chu Xiaoyi didn't intentionally brush his mobile phone, but he Xin kept sending information to himself to let him check the team's recent achievements. He now includes school and study in his future plan, but it is impossible to recklessly abandon the team and pursue the so-called life by himself, which is too cruel to his colleagues who help him all the way.

He Xin and others depend on work to support their families, while Chu Xiaoyi's exposure will be reduced during his study. The compromise is that they gradually cultivate new people and develop the studio to a mature company. Even if Chu Xiaoyi reduces his activities one day, it won't hurt the people around him. There are still things we can do.

Chu Xiaoyi recently asked Chu Jiadong about the management methods of many companies, but the key is to search for good seedlings, otherwise he Xin and others have no possibility of operation. He doesn't want to catch people and push them in a hurry. At least he should train them for a few years, and then push the newcomers to the screen.

Because Chu Xiaoyi is a male star, he now prefers to find new men, so it is easier to undertake resources. If they plan to succeed and the male newcomers improve slightly, they can gradually find female newcomers, and the company should have more resources at that time.

The resumes on Chu Xiaoyi's mobile phone are colorful, mostly art seedlings aged 12-16, which attracted the curiosity of two young carrots.

Chu Xiaoxiao found that the document was actually called "training planning", so he said strangely: "will you not be a star and specialize in youth education? Then we seem to be peers."

Chu Xiaoxiao: it looks like the file I made for my brother cheap.

Liang Shuangqi looked strange. He bumped into Chu Xiaoyi, looked at his eyes from time to time, and said suspiciously, "brother, what are you doing suddenly staring at me?"

Chu Xiaoyi looked at Liang Shuangqi carefully and looked down at the photos on his resume. He immediately opened the next resume: "no, no, it doesn't look like you. He Xin's eyes are really too low. Even if I didn't look good when I was a child, I have to surpass you."

Liang Shuangqi: "??" you are so arrogant. Why are you not as good-looking as you?

Chu Xiaoyi feels that Liang Shuangqi is already the bottom line of his own standard. He is now raised by SSR cubs, not to mention the prodigy in the supernormal class. If they want to find good seedlings with artist potential, they should ignore IQ for the time being, but they should also have Liang Shuangqi's appearance and absolute sound sense, which sounds decent!

Chu Xiaoyi is always worried about Liang Shuangqi stealing cabbage. Naturally, he also vilifies the little boy. He thinks he is an ordinary primary school student. Anyway, he can't compare with his unique sister. He edited an artist standard, basically compared with Liang Shuangqi's conditions, and sent it to He Xin, who had a bad eye. He soon waited for his agent to reply.

He Xin's words are euphemistic but cruel reality, to the effect that "you're thinking of a peach", and there's a ghost when you can find it.

He Xin also sent a special voice. He earnestly advised: "what are you thinking? It's easy to list these conditions. It seems that you can find them when you go shopping, but if you want such a powerful child, why doesn't he go to an old big company and have to sign us?"

Chu Xiaoyi was quite unconvinced and replied with the same voice: "where you need to go shopping, just go shopping in the community!" sometimes you don't have to go shopping in the community. He touched it with snacks and couldn't catch up.

He Xin's voice returned very quickly: "let him sign when you see it in the community!"

After hearing this, Chu Xiaoyi suddenly realized that he looked at Liang Shuangqi and showed a thoughtful look.

Liang Shuangqi seemed to be aware of his deep meaning. Before the other party could speak, his head shook into a rattle. He was full of resistance. He hurriedly and flustered: "no, no, no, you're not the one who can be my boss in your family!"

"Brother Qi Qi wants to be Ma Yun in the future. He doesn't want to be a star..." Chu Xiaoxiao said to help. She suddenly remembered something and gave advice wisely, "but maybe his classmates are interested?"

Chu Xiaoxiao recalled the people in Liang Shuangqi orchestra. They were all at any age. They were noisy every time.

Chu Xiaoyi was instantly awakened and hurriedly said, "yes, yes, yes, is there anyone better than you in your Orchestra? You can recommend one or two to me..."

Liang Shuangqi cut the nail and cut the railway: "No."

Chu Xiaoyi: "

Chu Xiao Yisi and the other party had a superior sound sense, and said, "you don't have to play the piano better than you. It's OK to look better than you..."

In front of Chu Xiaoxiao, Liang Shuangqi didn't give in at all. He would never help the enemy. He simply said, "it doesn't exist."

Chu Xiaoyi: "??" you are so arrogant. Why are you not as good-looking as you?


There's no need to discuss it in the comment area. Qi Qi doesn't enter the entertainment industry and his brother doesn't fall in love. I can hammer these two things to death.

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