“Yes, I received a mission from Yamashita’s family to assassinate a person named Wang Xuan, but I really didn’t expect you to be so strong.”

The man’s face was complicated, but a sly look suddenly appeared at the corner of his eyes.

He thought that he hid his emotions well, but he didn’t want his micro-expressions to be seen by Wang Xuan.

“Sure enough, it’s the people from the Yamashita family, hey, wait, why is the person gone!”

Liu Qingyu was shocked.

When he looked at the offender again, he found that the man had actually disappeared.

In its place, a plank.

“It’s not good, he escaped!”

Long Yunyun couldn’t help but shout.

She was also on full guard just now, but she was still escaped by the other party unknowingly.

“Ninjutsu, sure enough, there are a few strokes.”

Wang Xuan’s eyes narrowed.

He began to calm down and carefully feel the breath around him.

At this moment, even the slightest movement of grass and trees, he knew it clearly.

Seeing the domineering launch!


The next moment, Wang Xuan disappeared again.

When he returned, he carried another figure in his hand.

This figure was clutched by him, struggling desperately like a chicken.

“Abominable! How the hell did you do it! ”

The ninja was about to have a nervous breakdown.

The trick he carefully set up was suddenly seen through by the other party.

Not only that, he was caught again, and he couldn’t escape the palm of this young man’s hand at all.

“Report your identity.”

Wang Xuan said coldly.

According to previous understanding, the Yamashita clan is a samurai family, while the samurai and ninja of the East have always been two circles.

Although the Yamashita family has many swordsmen, there will not be a ninja.

“Kazuzaki Koga.”

The ninja said gloomily.

Although half of his face is under the mask, his gray face cannot be hidden.


Wang Xuan was stunned.

The two strongest ninja families in the East are the Koga clan and the Iga clan.

Unexpectedly, this assassin turned out to be a ninja of the Koga family.

“No wonder the Yamashita family was nothing for a while, the feelings were preparing for a big deal, but even the ninja clan invited over.”

Wang Xuan sneered.

On the side, Kazusaki Koga couldn’t help but snort when he saw him.

“I admit it this time, but if you can let me go, the Yamashita family and my family will give a ransom, you may be able to consider it.”

Kazuzaki Koga said dejectedly.

I have to say that as a ninja who has lived on the knife edge for many years, his heart quality is indeed very high, and he did not panic and shout for mercy.

“Not interested.”

Wang Xuan smiled coldly, and then froze Kaga Kazuzaki into a popsicle.

“Xiao Xuan, are you a special power? No wonder it has such a terrifying ability. ”

Wang Lan muttered.

Although she had seen supernatural people before, compared to her younger brother, those strong people seemed to be far inferior.

“Sister, you guys find a place to rest for a while, I’ll come back after I’ve finished solving the matter at hand.”

Wang Xuan said.

He decided that the grudge with the Yamashita family had to be settled as soon as possible.

“Where are you going?”

Wang Lan exclaimed.

But at this time, Wang Xuan had already cast his body technique and disappeared in place.

Songzhou downtown.

The brightly lit city and all kinds of colorful lights have turned this place into a city that never sleeps.

However, in the dark corners where the neon light does not shine, a bloody killing is set off.


At the end of the street corner, a figure slowly fell.

This is the fourth victim of the Koga Ninja Army.

When he received the commission from the Yamashita family, the head of the Koga family once boasted that he would succeed in Haikou within three hours.

But now three hours have passed, and the target has not been damaged, but the Koga family is a general who has lost several members in a row.


In the distance, an old man said hatefully.

Through a special ninja secret method, he can sense the location and status of his people.

To the old man’s shock and anger, the family members died one after another.

Judging from the perceived situation, the killers sent out by their own family were all actively found and easily killed.

Although the old man did not see the tragic situation of the murder of his people, he was still angry.

Damn, who is the hunter and who is the prey.

The Koga ninja, who was supposed to be a killer, has now become the target of the other party’s pursuit and killing.

It’s indescribably ironic.

“Elder, we have already lost four members, and the strength of the other party is far beyond our imagination!”

A ninja next to him said in a cold sweat.

“I know! Quickly gather the rest of the clansmen back, we will concentrate all our forces to kill this damn guy!” ”

The old man said indignantly.

“Elder, do you want to?”

The ninja seemed to have guessed something, and suddenly showed a surprised look.

“Although this ninjutsu has not yet been successfully developed, but now the situation is urgent, and there is no way around it.”

The elder’s sad and indignant face showed a hint of helplessness.

“I know, I’m calling everyone back.”

The ninja nodded.

Then, he took out a strange talisman from his arms and began to recite the strange incantation.

One after another mysterious and obscure runes flashed and appeared, spreading to all corners within a radius of ten miles in an instant.

“The elder has an order, all the staff return quickly!”

Everyone received such an order. _

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