Oriental island nation.

Located in an old house in Kyoto, a conference is being held.

Everyone present was dressed in very simple kimonos.

Everyone had a murderous look on their faces.

They were all plain, all with calm faces, and did not say a word.

There was an atmosphere of extreme tension throughout the conference hall.

Finally, a majestic man spoke.

“The young lord died, and died in battle in Huaxia.”

He sighed bitterly, his eyes filled with anger and sorrow.

As soon as these words came out, the sad atmosphere of the venue was suddenly pushed to the top.

“Young Lord, you are wise and wise, how can you break a halberd in a place like Huaxia!”

“I must avenge the Young Lord! Damn Huaxia, actually killed our young lord! ”

“The head of the family is now critically ill, and the young master has unfortunately died, what should our Anbai family do in the future?”

“Did the killer of the young lord find out? I’m going to smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces!” ”

“We will go to Huaxia now to avenge the Young Lord!”


Everyone was sad and indignant.

The young master of the An Wei family has always been respected by the courtiers, and now that he has died in another country, how can he not make the clansmen angry.

“Bastard, what’s the use of you shouting like this, for now, it is to find the murderer as soon as possible, so that we can avenge the young lord and maintain the dignity of our Anbei family!”

The majestic man scolded in a calm voice.

It can be seen that this person is very high in the family.

After he shouted this, the venue suddenly fell silent.

All eyes were staring at him, waiting for his orders.

At this moment, a waiter dressed as a samurai hurriedly ran in.

He whispered a few words to the majestic man, and then respectfully retreated.

The majestic man’s face changed and changed, sometimes shocked, sometimes gritting his teeth.

In the end, it seemed that it took him a long time to calm down.

“What’s wrong, have you found out who?”

Everyone craned their necks and asked.

“The young master was killed because he wanted to hunt a Huaxia superpower, and the murderer’s name was Wang Xuan.”

The majestic man said with a gloomy face.

“Wang Xuan? It always felt like I had heard this name before. ”

Everyone was stunned.

Then, they suddenly remembered.

Isn’t this the first young master of Huaxia five years ago?

“Wang Xuan? I remember that he was dead, and it caused a sensation in China at that time. ”

“It should be a person with a heavy name, how can that eldest young master have such strength?”

“What kind of guy is he, the person who drove the Yamashita family out of Songzhou a few days ago seems to have this name.”


There was a lot of talk.

“Stop arguing, it’s that Wang Xuan, it’s the eldest young master of the Wang family!”

The majestic man hummed.

At first, he didn’t believe that a dead wealthy young man could actually kill the young master of his own family?

But from all kinds of information heard, this murderer must be that Wang Xuan!

“Damn it, this kind of guy can also defeat our young master!”

The crowd was shocked and furious.

If the young master was killed by a powerful powerhouse, it would be okay, but he actually died at the hands of a big young master?

This is unacceptable to everyone.

“Hmph, do you think Wang Xuan is just a big young master of the Hao clan?”

The majestic man snorted coldly, feeling rather speechless at his own people.

“So, he’s also a powerful psychic?”

A clansman asked in surprise.

“How powerful!”

The majestic man sighed.

Then, he took out a piece of information with the names of all of Wang Xuan’s defeated generals.

Ryuko, Knights of Solomon, Koga Ninja, Knights of the Jewels, Hairy Bear Biochemical Warriors.

If the above list only shocked everyone, the last name can almost shock the eyeballs.



Everyone gasped.

“Tanjun, it won’t be the Tanjun of that baseball country, right?”

“Who else is besides that old monster, the super strong man who once tied with our ancestors!”

“Isn’t it, even he failed? That’s impossible! ”


Everyone couldn’t believe that that the extremely powerful Tan Jun was actually Wang Xuan’s defeated subordinate.

The clansmen who had just been clamoring for revenge suddenly weakened their momentum.

Even Tanjun is not an opponent, how can they fight?

Unless, unless their ancestors can be resurrected!

Although the old ancestor of the An family, An Bei Qingming, is an extremely powerful yin-yang master, his lifespan is not long.

When he rose that year, because he was too powerful, he provoked Tanjun.

The two sides later fought fiercely, and in the end there was no victory.

Tanjun has lived in seclusion since then, and has not come down again for more than a thousand years.

And An Beiqingming was also seriously injured, and in order to continue to survive, he had to close himself into a state of suspended animation.

In fact, there is no difference between it and death.

For a psychic person, 79 years old is enough to call an untimely death.

But there is a legend in the Anbei family.

After a thousand years, the ancestors of the Anbei family will be resurrected.

Unfortunately, this is just a legend after all.

An Beiqingming died in 1005, and now it is 2017, which has long exceeded the time limit of 1,000 years.

Just when everyone was desperate, a trembling old man suddenly appeared.

“I have a way to resurrect the ancestors!”

He said firmly. _

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