Just when Qingming was preparing to invade Huaxia with great fanfare, the situation within Huaxia was also undergoing tremendous changes.

The Sun family in the capital fell overnight.

The countless pieces of cake left by this super clan have become the targets of other forces.

“Why didn’t you make a move?”

Long Yunyun asked curiously.

Facing the huge family property left by the Sun family, Wang Xuan seemed quite calm.

Or in other words, he didn’t take the Sun family’s industry to heart at all.

“Grab it as they please.”

Wang Xuan shook his head.

Although the Sun family’s legacy is very tempting, each is a time bomb.

Those who are robbing are now in a fierce competition.

If this situation continues, it will not be long before the situation gets out of control and turns into a contest between you and me.

The major families will spend countless energy and financial resources to win this battle, and these resources used to fight can far exceed the benefits snatched from the Sun family.

“After the infighting, the major families will be greatly damaged, and this is the time for our Wang family to make a move.”

Wang Xuan smiled lightly.

“You’re really far-sighted.”

After listening to Wang Xuan’s explanation, Long Yunyun had to sigh.

Those bigwigs who thought they could calculate everything must not have expected that they would be played by a young man.

The Sun family is even more pathetic, and after death, it will become a tool used by Wang Xuan to layout.

At this time, Long Yunyun’s phone suddenly rang.

“Commander Blue, it’s me.”

She picked up the phone and listened to a few words, and her face couldn’t help but show a shocked look.

“What, this happened!”

Long Yunyun shouted in a lost voice.

Then, she hung up the phone with a dumbfounded look, apparently not yet recovering from the shock.

“The Toyo side moved?”

Wang Xuan said.

“Huh, how do you know?”

Long Yunyun’s eyes widened suddenly.

“You don’t need to guess, but judging by your expression, it seems that they will make a big move this time.”

Wang Xuan analyzed.

“Yes, just now the commander of the military region told me that the gate detected that a large number of Oriental Kingdom powerhouses are about to enter the Huaxia Kingdom, and the most terrifying thing is that they are all powerful powerhouses!”

Long Yunyun sighed.

“This battle is really not small, I am afraid that the powerhouses of the entire Eastern Ocean Country have mobilized.”

Wang Xuan’s eyes narrowed.

“Yes, war, it’s about to break out!”

Long Yunyun looked up at the sky, his expression extremely solemn.

At this time, the Eastern Theater of Operations was preparing intensively.

The sudden and large-scale invasion of the Eastern Kingdom made the situation very urgent.

In order not to panic the population and cause social unrest, the military and government have issued supreme instructions.

Be sure to keep your enemies out of the country!

In order to support the Eastern Theater, the military and government mobilized all their forces and brought in powerful superpowers from all over the country to prepare to meet the enemy.

The Eastern Theater also hurriedly expanded its special combat team and urgently recalled its captain Long Yunyun.

“Team Dragon, you’re finally back!”

In the conference room, the special operators finally saw the captain who had been missing for a long time.

“How is it now?”

Long Yunyun had already changed into a military uniform at this time, looking heroic and very capable.

“Captain, the situation is bad now, now there have been skirmishes on the front line, and there are casualties on both sides. If the enemy’s large forces arrive, with our current combat strength, it is likely that they will not be able to resist. ”

Fang Hongming stood up and said seriously.

Because of the urgency of the war, he also returned to the army urgently.

“Damn, we’re one step slower after all.”

Long Yunyun said unwillingly.

There are definitely many more capable people in Huaxia than in the Eastern Kingdom, but this country is too big to mobilize all the forces, and there are many factions of the domestic Extraordinary People organization, each with ghosts, and it is difficult to organize effectively.

Today, Toyo Koku is prepared, and it is said that there is a super strong person sitting in the town, and the lineup is very strong.

Compared with its opponents, the combat power assembled by Huaxia is far inferior in quantity and quality.

Although there will be more reinforcements later, according to the current situation, it is too late to wait for them to come.

“At present, while coping with the war, the military region is also actively mobilizing within its jurisdiction, but the situation is not optimistic.”

Fang Hongming said grimly.

“It’s okay, it’s good that I brought a helper this time.”

Long Yunyun said.

“What, could it be that Wang Shao has returned?”

Fang Hongming was pleasantly surprised.

As long as Wang Xuan is there, no matter how many enemies come, it will not be a problem.

“Wang Xuan went to pick up his sister and won’t come back for the time being, but he promised that he could send nine dragon sons to help us meet the enemy.”

Long Yunyun said.

Everyone present immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Although these nine people were not enough in front of Wang Xuan, they were definitely an existence that could not be resisted by ordinary superpowers.

With their help, the pressure on the military district suddenly became much less.

“However, this amount is…”

Fang Hongming’s face became bitter again.

Although with the addition of Ryuko, it is still difficult to make up for its own quantitative defects.

“There is no other way, only a war, we will still be afraid that these devils will not succeed!”

Long Yunyun was not afraid in the slightest.

She clenched her fists, and the female tyrannosaurus attribute returned, but under adversity, a strong fighting intent broke out.

Now as long as they survive this sudden attack, the other party will soon fall into a situation of weakness, and with a strong foundation, they can completely drag the other party down, and even have the opportunity to counterattack.

Therefore, in this battle, Xu Sheng is not allowed to lose, even if he tries everything, he must keep the enemy out of the country, otherwise, they will be sorry for their duties and the expectations of the people. _

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