I pushed him back with all my force. His head hit on the table hard.

Charlotte - I'm sorry !! I didn't do it on purpose Mr Wilson !! Pardon me !!

Mr Wilson - Ahh.. It's okay I am fine

Charlotte - I have to go now !! Sorry again. Bye Mr Wilson.

I stood up in a hurry and ran out of the office. I got in the taxi immediately. Did he just kissed me !!? I wrapped my face with my hands in shame. i took a deep breath and try to understand the situation that what was happening ??.

Jack - *thinking* Really that shy.

Charlotte - Achoo... Is someone thinking about me.

I arrived home in a few minutes. I opened the door. As soon as I saw the bed I jumped on it. Today was a weird day after all. But I think I shouldn't get into such rich people world. Mr Wilson surely must have many women who can die for him. Why I am even thinking about this ? I should sleep now.....

At morning .....

I was just going to work but I couldn't find a taxi. I saw a car coming from behind. It was Caesar's. Caesar is Lucas's best friend. Even though I and Lucas broke up. I and Caesar still meet. He is like my big bro. He also hates Dora and don't talk to her much. He and Dora even got into a argument when Caesar embarrassed her in front of everyone. Heehe for me it's quite funny. Caesar waved a hand to me.

Caesar - Long time no see Charlotte !! Why are you standing here ??

Charlotte - I couldn't find a taxi to my office.

Caesar - Then let me drop you. We haven't talk recently.

Charlotte - Okay !!

My face suddenly turn happy. I sat inside the car.

Caesar - So how's your work going ?

Charlotte - Quite good and yours?

Caesar - Not too fine. We are facing a problem in a product.

Charlotte - Ohh

Caesar - But it will after a test.


I didn't even notice that I reached the office.

Charlotte - We have arrived. I am gonna go now.

We stood out of the car. He looked at the building carefully.

Caesar - Then bye.

Charlotte - Bye and thank you for the ride !!

I waved him back. I entered the office. I surprisingly forgot about the incident that happened yesterday !

Jack - Smiling so much what happened ??

I doubt. Why he is asking such a question ??

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