The Adventurer System

Chapter 137 - Nakil Vs Amiya Battle At The Radiance Guild

Everyone that positioned outside of the Radiance base, and even though the members of Aries Guild ware sensed a strong magical power gathered in one position.

"What's that?" A man with green hair, dragon tattoo on his neck, and long tongue asked.

[Cronosius arrow!]

So the adventurers took a glance at the 3rd floor of the Radiance base, seeing from afar a young woman releasing skill that new in their eyes.

"Everyone hide!" A bark from the Aries Guild was perceived by their eyes. "She's the Silver-wing marksman Aoiri!"

The distance of 50 adventurers member of the Dark Guild was around 80 meters within the Radiance base. By this range, it was enough to warn everyone.


Sound broken glass transpired along with the arrow that had the same size as the car. Seemingly although Amiya belonged to the archer class, she focused to develop her intelligence stats. So she becomes more proficient in long-range combat.

The large red arrows were rapidly aiming at the opponent. Then Amiya slightly revealed herself in the broken window. More likely, she wasn't finished casting her skill.

As soon as the arrow reached the location of Aries Guild members. It stopped in the mid-air while emitting light, like a disco ball.

[Scatter arrow activated!]

Amiya raised her right hand, to trigger the trick behind her huge skill.

Then suddenly, the enormous arrow released keen hundreds of arrows and perfectly aimed all their opponent near to their base.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A continuous explosion happened in the area along with the yelling of those adventurers who received the damage.

"It's not good, why she's here, Bugane?" A man had a long tongue said. He was Nakil leader of the invasion. 

Then, a man had spiky black hair, a skinny body type, and wearing a brown shirt shook his head. "I don't know, leader Nakil. I'm sure she's not here when we attack." Bugane calmly replied.

"Leader Nakil! Already 40% of our members are annihilated with this attack. What should we do?" A woman holding a steel wand said?

"Of course, cast magical barrier to deflect those arrows. Your head isn't just joint with your brains!" Nakil yelled.


[Magical Barrier!]

The clerics and mages cast all the barriers that had 3 layers, although they knew it will consume a lot of mana. They still did it, so the arrows won't penetrate.

8 minutes had passed, all the Aries members were hidden in the thick tree, rocks, in the object where her arrows won't reach them.

"Leader Nakil, we can't attack again just like earlier. We must eliminate that woman first." Bugane suggested while gazing at the woman who had blue glittering hair. 

"Yeah, I know. How can you tell about the distance? Do you think you can reach it?" Nakil asked with an upcoming plan inside his head.

"As long as my eyes could see it." Bugane confidently replied. "So what's your plan? 20 members already wiped, we can't accept if we lose more."

Nakil rubbed his chin while having a malicious smile on her face. "We will rush to this woman by using your spatial magic, and the remaining members should wipe all the members of the Radiance guild."

Bugane shook his head with bothered eyes. "I don't think this is a good plan, the guild Captain is there. We don't guarantee if we could win against him."

"Don't worry Bugane, we will not fight with the Guild Captain. We are just distracting that archer, so our member could still charge. Remember, our true mission here is to get their item if no one could give a backup in the Radiance member. We will get the victory, also their precious items." Nakil was greedy to steal their items.

"If you say so... Since you're the leader here, I'll listen with your shot calls." Bugane said, then pushed himself so he could see where was the good part to use his magic. "Where do you want, Captain Nakil?"

"It's better if we are closer to here hahaha." Nakil said with an evil laugh.

"As you wish..." Bugane responded

[Spatial magic activate!]


On the other hand, a man who had brown hair was sat on the polished ground with a terrified reaction on his face. It was Verden that straight forward his arms next to the window.

"Amiya, I apologize. Please forgive me." Verden begged as he suddenly disrespected Amiya's big brother.

"Even you're the Captain here, you had no rights to insult my brother. You didn't know the reason, so I were you, keep your mouth shut." Amiya angrily muttered to him, then stepped back 7 meters away from her location earlier

The polished surface was crumbling along with a dark circular portal that appeared in front of them.

After a few seconds, two men who had delinquent appearances smirked at her.

"Oh, you have great senses, huh." Nakil said, while the man next to him slowly closed the portal. So the other members of Radiance Guild couldn't use it.

[Scatter bind!]

However, Amiya won't give them a chance to neutralize their powers. As she continued to attack, by stretching 3 arrows in her red bow.

By using this skill, Amiya could limit their movement as this skill was similar to the binding magic.

3 arrows with the magic golden thick string passing through the mid-air. Yet, Nakil didn't look worried about her attack. As he pulled the green knife out of his inventory, then swung it so the trajectory of arrows would change and hit the ceiling.

"Hey, beautiful calm down. Let's have a small chattering." Nakil said, then licked his lips maliciously.

Moreover, won't mind his words as she literally focused on her battle. "I don't have time with the insect-like you."

After Amiya said those words, she pointed her bows at the ceiling.


A red light flickered all over her body, as she cast a buff skill. With [Precision] skill, it helped her to increase her agility by 10% and precision to release the arrow for 8.5%.

"Oh what a reckless woman! This is what I like!"11

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