The Adventurer System

Chapter 186 - At Once

[Dark soul earing]

It was the item that flickered inside his head, wondering what was the ability of this item. Yet, this wasn't the right time to do that, as a giant monster appeared over them.


After Cricket utilized his gun to make a mana light. The 4 adventurers that had been gathered inside the cave were suddenly looking over them. 

"Watch out!" Cricket hurriedly ordered as a new creature sighted by his observant eyes. He had strong feelings the elastic web and its transparent outward appearance came from that monster.

On the other hand, his voice was echoed in the entire place. Enough reason for the giant spider to suddenly opened its eyes.

It loosened it held to the web, then hardly to land to the ground and made a mild explosion of the surface.


Cricket was sent back to his party members, as the strong force pushed him. He rolled many times to the wet surface and stopped after Morga caught him.

"Are you okay?" Morga asked him with a worried tone.

"Yeah, this isn't a big deal." Cricket replied, then pushed himself into a stood up position. He patted his green robe but the dirt was still there.

Luckily, he didn't receive any type of damage on that collisions.

"Hippie, point your sword in front of us. We must get the monster's basic information." Yumiro said inwardly, at first, he thought the monsters inhabited here weren't that kind of big. Yet, all those ideas faded when he saw that this cave was bigger than he thought.

She pointed her kobold knife with the help of [Fiery sword skill.]

After a few seconds, all of them were shocked when they seeing a giant spider that releasing a terrifying aura.

"That's a spider? It had a big difference." Yumiro said in a low voice, then pulled out his Kariki knife. To ready himself for the possible swift attack.

[Cordian Spider]

- 5 meters in height.

- 12 limbs and two of them are blades.

- Habitat cold place to easily cool down the web is made.

When the moment the view screen flashed to their eyes, they also quickly removed it. Since the spider starting to clash its two blades and make a spark.

Yumiro clicked his tongue. 'Damn it! How we can find this monster's weakness if the given information.'

He took a deep breath to calm himself, so he could command his party members properly. He recalled the ability of Morga and Cricket and a new idea instantly popped inside his head.

"You, come with me. I think you're fast enough to catch up with my pace." He was talking about Morga and added. "And you, stay on the backline, use your guns to deal some damage in that distance."

Both of them nodded at once. "Yes! Leave this job to us."

But all of sudden, someone tugged his arm. It was Hippie that clueless about what she needed to do.

"Grim, you give them an assignment. B-But, his about me...?" Hippie stuttered as she felt Grim didn't want him in this expedition.

Yumiro hardly sighed and admitted he totally forgot about Hippie.

"Eh, you belong to a swordsman class, so you should come us." He said in a low voice, then moved his head closer to her. "Hippie, if you would like to respect by those adventurers, you should not leave behind, okay?"

In his mind, Hippie probably could take their trust once she show that she was worthy to Grim.

"Hmm... You can leave me this one. Also, I promise that tomorrow is my last mistake." She grinned, then positioned in the center.

"If you say so..."

Before 4 of them engaged the monster, Morga requested something from Hippie.

"Hippie, can you avoid pointing your knife when we are fighting that monster?" She said in a polite tone.

Hippie moved away from her hand to Morga's side. "Oh, I'm sorry. I just want to help you to see the place."

Morga worriedly waved her hands. "No, no, no. That's not what I mean."

Cricket coughed, then explained why Morga didn't want the light. "If you don't want to say it, I'll say it. To avoid any conflict in this expedition, that's right party leader?"

Yumiro narrowed his eyes and eventually nodded at him. "Y-Yeah that absolutely right."

Seemingly Yumiro felt uncomfortable to pretend that he was a strict party leader.

"To make it clear, Morga's zexel is called dark. So when the area is dark her movements and strength are increased." He said without stuttering, and also revealed his unique passive skill. "Also, my zexel is called [Dash precision] skill. To be more simple, once I used any scope my agility would increase for 20 seconds. That's seemed quite useful for me since I belong to the range class." 

That's right, being a range class should have high agility to change its position after releasing the attack. So the monsters or adventurers had no idea where that attack came from.

The downside of Cricket's zexel it had 20 seconds cooldown. So after he fires twice he needed to hide for 22 seconds before he shoot again and changed his position.

"We are taking too, let's go." Yumiro said and ordered Cricket. "You, fire a strong skill that you had. So you could lure the monster's attention away."

He nodded to him without thinking too much. "Leave it to me."

Cricket stepped forward his right foot while his left foot was hardly stepping to the surface. He then raised his shiny orange guns seemed design like UMP.45.

[Dual ray!]

Then suddenly a strong magical power was slowly gathering on the guns' mouth. Nevertheless, it took 7.2 seconds before it was completely released.

"Hey run to the edges!" Cricket ordered them as he was ready to utilize his magic skill.

3 of them took a glance at Cricket, feeling the mild heat coming from him. However, all of them listened as they dashed to the left and right sides.

Yumiro went to the left side, and the other two went to the left side. By doing this, the monster will be confused about which of those adventurers the spider going to attack.


To begin with, Cricket succeeded to release his attack. However, he couldn't control the outstanding force. As a result, he was blown away and rolled many times to the ground.

A spider had a green outward appearance like algae, received a magic skill like a laser.


[Cordian Spider 560/620]

The spider groaned loudly and was forced back to the wall.


The monster groaned once more as a sharp rock stabbed its back.

"Come on, it's time to attack!"

Even though the monster was enveloped by brown smoke. The three adventurers were started to attack.

[Physical transmission--]

But all of sudden, Yumiro stopped to cast his skill. After seeing Morga surpassed his speed since she already elevated to the mid-air and launching a swift attack. 

"So it's true, her speed it's better than mine." He mumbled, then saw Hippie was ready to follow up. "Tch! I'm late..."

[Dark Pen!]

Morga swayed away her robe and revealed the ordinary knife in her right hand. However, the black aura released by it made looked stronger.


As soon as she appeared near to the monster's head, she raised her knife over her head then hardly swung it.


The sound of hard metal was perceived by their ears while seeing the blade whirling in the mid-air.

"Oh, crap! This is bad! The monster's head is harder than I thought--"

However, she suddenly stopped in the mid-air as she hit something the changed her trajectory.

To begin with, Morga hit the transparent web that looked like glass. Also, it already stretched and aiming to Hippie's location.

The main problem here was Hippie's knife was positioned in front of her. This means it was surely stabbed her.

"Hippie hide your knife right now! I can control my body!" Morga yelled while seeing the green blade that could inflict a lot of damage.

Hippie frowned her brows, she then immediately back her knife on her waist. "No, I'm already in the mid-air. I can't change my position."

When the moment she widely opened her arms, Morga reached the endpoint of the web and made her burst out.

Hippie was shocked, as she knew she could never catch her at that kind of speed. 


Both of them were collided and hardly whacked to the ground. Luckily, no one was hurt because of their weapons.

"Ouch, I'm sorry, Hippie. The monster pulled out something." Morga said even though she couldn't perfectly saw the whole place.

On the other hand, Grim saw how the monster did it. To be exact, the monster didn't release the web on its mouth either butt, the spider released it on its arms. Where everyone had ordinary eyes couldn't notice it.

"Phew! We should remake our attack." Yumiro stopped at his flashy pace. "Attacking this monster directly would kill us, we must think of another plan."

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