The Adventurer System

Chapter 254 - The Dark Mansion

The blood of the six dark crows was the sacrifice for the bloody treant to awaken. It was the type of monster that could release human blood.

Yet, not all the trees in this dungeon were treant. Asarki and Grim used all the skills can enhance Grim's speed.

"The exit is already blocked. The only way to survive in this place is to defeat the last monster."

Well, it was not that their only plan since they could make distance with the monsters and use the teleportation crystal to get back in their room.


Grim leaped into the mid-air and jumped the treant's root that rapidly attacking him. Even though the monsters had low agility, still, their attack was fast and dangerous. Why? Because their roots looked like a spear.


He tilted his body to the left side and the monsters' attack passed to him. Moreover, he knew dodging one attack wasn't enough to determine his victory. So he used again the root to jump higher.


He was now elevating through the mid-air while the aggressive monsters wanted to catch him.

"Grim, we are falling! Once those monsters catch us that is the end!" Asarki worriedly said, then closed her eyes as she didn't want to leave this game.

He was not looked tense about the situation. "Just hold to me tightly." He muttered, gathering some magical power in his grasp.

[Light orb!]


And all of a sudden, Grim released his magic skill as he used the tremendous force to keep them elevating through the mid-air.

It took a few more seconds. Before Asarki and Grim fell to the ground. He used his body to cover Asarki while they were rolling the ground.


Yumiro was the first one who regained his footing. So he assisted her to stand up and continue to run.

"Come on, Asarki, get up! The monsters will reach us!"

She took a glance at her back seeing the monsters were just twenty meters away from them. Luckily, she didn't receive any injuries or damages as she stood up and dashed towards the endpoint of the bloody treant forest.

At this point, they were certain that the monsters could not reach them they just need to cut all the sharp roots the possibly came at them.

"Speed up, Asarki, we must avoid all the roots. After this pace, I'm sure we can now rest and think concrete to plan to suggest in this expedition." Grim encouraged her since one wrong could affect their expedition and cause to change the outcome.

The place was too dark only the moonlight helped them to see some of the places. "Asarki, calm down, use your zexel so we could determine when the monsters would attack us."

She took a deep breath as she realized she was starting to be weight in this expedition. In her mind, if she was the tactician in this party she must do something this kind of problem.

She nodded her head along with a broad smile on her face which Yumiro was clueless about this woman thinking.

"Why are laughing, Asarki?" He said in a solemn tone, could not speed since Asarki's agility wasn't sufficient to catch up with him.

"Nothing, Grim, I'm just happy that you started to treat me as your party member." She smiled again at her, then activated her passive skill.

[Zexel on!]

Her eyes were gleaming, seeing all the things that consisted of mana. Grim was astonished by those words, realized he always showing bad behavior to this woman.

He scratched the back of his head and had an uneasy smile. "I apologize, also, I didn't expect that you are my long-time party member."

The minds' of the two adventurers were now cleared. Asarki could see all the attacks so she know when was the right time to speed and the right time when they needed to conserve their fatigue.

While Grim obeying all her commands by cutting the roots that keep appearing on the surface.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

His kariki knife and his body were bathed in the blood as the roots had the human blood. Aside from that, the place had the smell of iron hanging on their noses.

Asarki frowned her brows after noticing the endpoint 200 meters away from them. "Grim, let's continue this kind of strategy. I think the monsters would not chase us outside of this forest."

He nodded his head at her and asked her. "How much do you sure about this?"

"It's always 50:50, Grim, there's no 100% exist in this world."

He chuckled as he wasn't expecting that kind of answer from her. Well, she was quite right since no one ever to this world could know when you will get the one hundred percent unless you try.

It took 3 minutes after they saw the blue gleaming line. For Asarki, it was the range where the treant could not reach. And as soon as their feet touched the blue line, the treants were looked statue as they petrified in the place where they standing right now.

Asarki took a glance at her behind as she discovered the mana that existed inside the monsters' body suddenly vanished. Moreover, Grim did the same thing.

"Asarki, look at them, they can't attack us now-" He stopped as Asarki raised her hand and slowly walked towards the line.

It appeared that she wanted to do something. "Wait for a moment, Grim, some things bother me." She stepped inside again the blue line and then the treants moved again.

Seemingly, her conclusion was right that they could not back to the place. Or to be exact, the treants triggered when there was an adventurer closer. At this point, the only thing they could do was to continue the expedition and find some item that will help them in the guild selection.

Yumiro gently tugged Asarki's clothes and pointed his index finger in front of them. "Take a look at it, Asarki." He said in a deep as the new problem surely arose.

Her eyes were widened, "Oh my... Grim, what is this place?" She asked him with trembled tone.

He just raised her shoulders, "No clue..."

After the blue line, there was 100 meters bridge and under it was a dangerous lake as the flow down there was not ordinary. On top of that, there were sharp stones that could pierce when they fall. But the most catchy party was the black gate and looked like a mansion, they could not tell more about it as it was completely dark.

"What's our next plan, Asarki, it looks like that place was more dangerous than the first one-"


He stopped as the system gave them a new notification.

[You've successfully cleared the bloody forest! You will receive 150 experience!]

A new tab flashed in front of them.

[New quest arrived! Complete the Oracticle Mansion and kill the Vampire!]


•+3 free skill points

•+7 free attributes

• +500 experience

• +Vampire tooth

At this point, both of them had some clue what kind of monsters would appear as they passed this bridge. Yet, Asarki looked would not like to continue this expedition as she held the transparent crystal.

Grim walked towards him and explained something to her. "It's no use, Asarki, you can't teleport since the system already gave you a quest."

At first, Asarki won't like to believe him until her screen turned into red.




"Grim, what happened here? We can't now leave this place." She said in a deep tone.

He nonchalantly nodded his head at her. "I already said, we can't leave this place unless with completed the given quest."

Before the expedition, Grim was hoping that no special quest existed in this dungeon. Yet, it looked like those quests were chasing him.

"Calm down, Asarki, and you must be glad since if we complete this quest you will take your first achievement in this game." Grim wanted to handle the situation as soon as possible. Because he was the only one who experienced this kind of instance.

Hippie already received her achievement when she has an expedition with Grim inside the Barlane dungeon. Somehow Asarki felt jealous about it, however, she can't make a perilous decision like this.

What she could do? They already corned in the situation where the only choice was to complete the quest in order to leave the Oracticle dungeon.

Grim walked towards the bridge, inviting her to come with him. "Come on, Asarki, we must not waste any amount of time wondering in this place." He was waving his hands.

The only thing she could do was to deeply sigh and raise her shoulders. 'Hais... Why this man is always involved in dangerous situations.' She uttered to her mind as she walked closer to him.

"Take the bridge first, Asarki, so I can watch you if there's an unexpected scene that will happen." He said and narrowly looked at the bridge.. In his opinion, this dungeon won't be destroyed if they just walk here but the situation would surely change once the monsters attack them.

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