The Adventures of Magical Princess Makina

56 Wife Insurance Physician Being Threatened To Rape In Her Lodging Room

Around the time Machina drowns in Dominic and Slutty Days to get info on The Library Underneath The School.

Square School even that day, with daytime lectures over and after-school hours visiting.

In the school yard (ground), people who work in sports, train in combat, and in the school building, people who are passionate about the activities of the Department of Literature and Literature, as well as self-study, spend their after-school lives.

In the meantime, a blow of the master (Tet) 's wooden sword struck his disciple (Sieg) just off the school building.


I don't think he's using the same wooden sword, a hard beating as if he'd been slapped with a metal stick.

Sieg chewed his back teeth with his face in his face, but by putting his strength into his ankle, he let him take Tet's swing directly from the front.

"... oh? You didn't get blown up this time. Isn't that amazing, Sieg?"

Sieg's after-school training apprenticed to Tet. Chemie, the sister-in-law who was observing such two, mainly Siege's movements, gave praise to her brother-in-law for her clear growth. It wasn't a word to tear it up, it was a genuine impression.

"You've grown, Sieg. If you were able to defend yourself without breaking down, the next step would be to fight back immediately."

"Ugh, yeah......!

Initially Tet was reluctant to teach Sieg swordsmanship, but he was beginning to think it wasn't bad to see others getting stronger with his own teaching.

And Zeke himself, both of whom admitted to himself that he was the weakest in the chivalry family, was delighted to be surprised that he had been able to grow so much in this short period of time, thinking he was a weak person who remained a jerk.

"But what do we do? It's time to take a break..."

"No, I'm still looking good, Mr. Tet...! Before I forget what it feels like right now, I'll ask for another bottle!

He is also full of strength and motivation. It seems like it's not the same as when we first bumped into each other at the corner of the school hallway until we looked at each other.

Before Zeke, who was evolving from a weak 'student' to a 'knight', he responded by reassembling his wooden sword as well, to his upliftment.

"It's a good idea for the two boys to be youthful. Don't forget to work with Atashi."

Redhead Chemie watched Tet and Sieg with sparkling ruby-colored eyes, but the male winner leaked her dissatisfaction with being alienated from the world just for boys.

"Also, of course, Sister Chemie. You're observing my movements, pointing out bad things, and you're not forgetting anything."

"Maybe it's time to make some serious arrangements with Chemie and Sieg. You should not only have experience with me, but also with different opponents."

"I will - and if that's the case, my arms will beep...! Until now, if you play a game, you lose in seconds. But if it's Sieg now, it's gonna be a little better."

"Oh, please be gentle..."

Chemie pulls the wooden dagger out of her sheath, turns around her shoulder and approaches Sieg. I wonder how happy my brother-in-law is to grow up. Prior to Tet's incorporation, Sieg was only doing a handful to keep him from getting hurt, but now he was hoping he could bump into each other as a single swordsman.

- But.

Pebbles hit Sieg's head thinking about how far he could cross to a real Chemie opponent at the moment and how to fight him.


Not a lot of damage. But he was sensitive to pain in the back of his head because he was a head slapped thoughtfully with a wooden sword when he had previously played in class with Keith, a defective student in the Knights Department.

Most maliciously, Keith himself is the one who has thrown the pebble.

"Oh, hit me!

"Keith has a gift for throwing."

"Look at him! Do something for the weak Sieg's sake! Waste of effort."

Keith and his surroundings are pointing and mocking him from a little further away. No matter how much Sieg has become stronger than before, Sieg is still the bottom line of Hieralky among them. It doesn't change that you're the object of contempt.

"He et al......!

"Yes, that's fine, Sister Chemie. I don't mind those people. Let's continue our training."

Chemie was still trying to storm the tip of the wooden sword she had pulled out against Keith and the others, but Sieg himself, being ridiculed, was calm. I don't have time to think about it, I want to use my time more effectively than that.

Tet caught a glimpse of one scale as a 'strong man' in such a Zeke attitude, but it doesn't seem to be funny to the Keiths and the others that it was ignored. The mocking voice quickly conceived an unpleasant anger.

"Oi! You're not shitting on Sieg's cunt!

"You can't do anything without your sister and the transfer student!

"That's right! Miscellaneous fish, stay on track!

No matter how provoked or cursed he was, Zeke never tried to deal with him. That's what they're used to saying in the first place. It doesn't even get scratched now.

But even if he was good, his family-minded sister-in-law didn't either. If you're a sensible Erica, yet, Chemie has a passionate personality. Easy to get hot for better or worse.

And dyed his face in angry red so close to his burning hair color that he couldn't stand it, he turned to Keith and the others.

"I'm gonna bust you......!

"Hey, Sister Chemie!

"Wait, Sieg. I'll stop Chemie. And Keith and the others will discuss (...). You have to do another basic training I taught you. Zeke's right, I don't need to spend your time with these people."

That said, Tet also headed toward Keith and the others so Chemie wouldn't get into a fight.

Training alone is not very fruitful, but getting one Chemie to Keith can be a further source of trouble for both myself and going beyond.

As Tet told me, I had no choice but to concentrate on the basic bareback.

"I gotta be strong like you too, Tet...!

I really admire an adventurer named Tet. Even though I just transferred in and don't know anything about the details, I know only the very strong and smart things (Sieg).

I'm sure he'll be a famous adventurer in the future, or he'll be held as a knight in some country. Longing to be a cool guy like him (Tet) myself, he said he was turning his back on the school building and swinging barely toward the sun that was sinking -.

"Ala, you're doing your best, Mr. Jee."

"My mother-in-law... not Dr. Smilena"

A quiet voice is thrown from behind, stopping bareback and looking back.

There was the figure of his stepmother Smilena, who opened the window of the infirmary on the ground floor of the school building and rode only her upper body outside. The place Sieg and the others were training today coincidentally was right around the infirmary. I guess I saw the training coming from indoors.

"Training is good, but you study well, too, huh? You can't take a red dot."

"Wow, I know..."

As a teacher, as a mother-in-law, I give you the most honest words.

Sieg nods at such advice, but can't look him in the eye and speak from the front.

Because Smilena's breast augmentation, which rides her upper body out of the window, is so heavily placed on the window frame that even a damp ♥ phonetic sound is likely to be heard.

A deep valley that can be seen from clothes with a well-opened chest, dressed in white as an insurer. White skin. And little porcupines.

Most importantly, I had my hands sexually treated while sucking on these big tits the other day.

I remembered the infirmary that day, that superb feeling, I remembered the forbidden affair, and I also had trouble looking straight at Smilena.

"... Jeez."

Smilena has stretched out her arms to Sieg, who is off her face with such embarrassment.

And when I was embraced and drawn to the head of silver hair, my gaze forcefully matched and I pressed soft adult lips against the lips of my righteous breath without saying whether or not.

"Huh......!? Mother-in-law...!

"N ♥ CHU ♥ ZEE YOU... ♥"

Enthusiastic deep kiss. A lukewarm, sweet saliva-laden tongue intrudes and intertwines within the siege of alarm.

Suddenly, Zeke resisted knowing what to do if someone saw him. But the woman in her first love hugged her and kissed her, and smelled the soft lip feeling and aromatic smell, and soon she lost her strength from her whole body, and it remained.

"Hey, wait...! Mmm-hmm..."


I don't have experience kissing other girls. But even to such a siege, I could understand that kissing Smilena was' heterogeneous'.

Puffy lips touch gently, but his tongue is stretched out thick as he makes a slutty noise of "cum ♥ num ♥," wrapped around him as if not letting his (Sieg) tongue escape, overlapping and exchanging saliva.

Love as a mother and inferiority as one woman. I felt both maternal and heterosexual love, and I thought kissing a woman who was not a family would not allow me to taste so much excitement, eroticism and kindness.

- And after a long and short kiss, Smilena let go of Sieg.

"Huh...! Ha, ha...! What's wrong, mother-in-law..."

Verochu with his mother-in-law, who can't let him even forget to breathe - Sieg turns his face bright red and breathes rough.

Staring lovingly at such a zeek, and for some reason more than a zeek (...) dyeing his face red and disturbing his breath, Smilena stroked the silver hair of righteous breath only once more.

"Huh ♥ Ha ♥ Well, I'm not doing anything about you, Jee... Ugh ♥ I just want to tell you that I love you, Jee, Erica and Chemie... ♥"

"Yes, even now...... I and my sister-in-law know very well that my mother-in-law cares about my family... That... Everyone loves their mother-in-law. … of course, so do I."

"Ha ha... ♥"

Sieg conveyed his affection with honesty, but could not even say "I love you". I was frankly embarrassed to convey that word to my body as an adolescent boy, because I felt that using that word instead of "I love it" to Smilena today would kind of turn it into a different meaning.

But Smilena hears words of gratitude, affection for her mother-in-law, who doesn't hear much from Siege, and raises her voice as if she even sexually peaked.

I was thrilled to recognize Smilena's voice and face like that again, and I thought I'd become sexually excited myself any more, so I walked away from the spot saying, "Well, I'm going back to training..." As it is, I am likely to go to the infirmary. It makes me want to head over to Smilena and 'go on'.

But before the toothpick stopped working, I managed to put my reason into full operation and put up with it.

"Jee, you... ♥"

But Zeke's actions turned out to be both correct and incorrect.

Because I didn't have to see it. My mother-in-law's - because I never recognized the shocking fact that Smilena, who puts her chest on the window frame, is being cummed behind it by her teacher Dominic.

But at the same time, if Sieg had been drunk with Smilena's colorful incense and had moved on to the infirmary, he could have stopped it. I could have saved this situation - my mother-in-law.

"Ah ♥ Ahem ♥ Stop ♥ No more, Dominic Sensei...... eh ♥"

Dominic sticks his face inside his white coat and short skirt and crawls his tongue into the secrets of his wife's insurance doctor in a crouched state.

She cheated on her purple sexy underwear (panties) and enjoyed the beautiful secret shellfish for a midwife who had two daughters, Erica and Chemie, with more obscene tongues than Smilena and Sieg kissed earlier.

"Kukukuku...... Just kissing my stepson is so damp...... Whore."

"Ah ♥ ku ♥ uuuuuuu ♥"

Dominic's thick, long tongue drew the secret shellfish, and he was caressed with his tongue throughout his kiss with Zeke's vagina. Did that tongue overflow with horny juice, or did that happen with a kiss with my stepson - I can't say enough that I was the latter, and above all, Smilena was feeling hard and bitter.

"hey dude ♥ like this ♥ i knew no eh ♥ ahh ♥ cum...... ♥"

Smilena desperately suppresses her voice to avoid being noticed by Sieg and other students outside. From the edge of its mouth, however, the voice of pleasure leaks, leaving its upper body in the window frame and trembling its ankles in such a position that it protrudes its muzzled lower body backwards.

Even in the meantime, Dominic licked his birth-experienced manko around so much that she was betting with saliva that she broke her tongue into the back of his wife's vagina, stroking and rubbing her soft big buttocks and thighs with both hands, stirring up her own groin.

The limbs of a mature, insatiable wife who has long had sexual intercourse with her husband and has not acted in earnest with Zeke, react sensitively to such Dominic's intense blame.

"Ahhhhhhh...! ♥"

And I get the best of it with a skillful tongue. With a man's tongue that hides and threatens his affair with righteous breath.

Smilena is only allowed to 'endure' in a situation of regret, pity, but also incapable of defying. She has no choice but to follow Dominic's instructions without complaining either.

"... I'll be waiting for you tonight in the guest room... Come with a sketchy look..."

"Huh... ♥ is, yes... eh"

Thus, without anyone knowing what was going on in the infirmary, the school went past the usual (...) after-school.

Square School is an all-door system, with students living together away from their parents.

But most of the faculty coaching such students do not live in the school. With the exception of some teachers and staff, many commute from their residence in the Wang capital, Londomerne, to the school.

But someone is always stationed in the 'quarters' to keep an eye on whether the students at night are unfaithful or violating the rules, or to protect the students from outside threats.

"I wonder who" - but in fact Dominic, a chivalry teacher, was in charge of the dormitory almost daily. The other teachers favored the former knight and educationally enthusiastic Dominic, who would be relieved if he could keep an eye on him at night, and the true meaning of the fact that if a single Dominic would serve as a troublesome in-house job, he would not have to work until night.

But it was disapproved of by the students. Dominic, the ghost teacher, is always in school. He can't get out of downtown Wangdu late at night or head to a heterosexual room of concern.

- But only tonight. It's something no other teacher or student would know, but it didn't exist, such as Dominic's eyes on surveillance.


"- Ah ♥ Ahem ♥ first born ♥ Dominic teacher eh ♥ dick ♥ dick cum not good ♥"

"F, haha......! Is that what you are, Makina...! Doskebe perverted porn kid......!

A hot, humid tropical night in the middle of summer.

Dominic falls asleep naked on a thin futon laid on the floor in the middle of an inn that was turning into a dirty single room for a single man.

On Dominic's "top" of such a lean back, a naked beautiful girl was transferred - Makina was devouring her carnal appetite on the ride as she rocked her breastfeeding (big pie) and peach butt (prickets) violently blunted ♥ munchkin ♥ ♥ bulk ♥ ♥ ♥ into a slut flutter mask with plenty of the strength of a sports teacher.

"Huh ♥ nhi ♥ ahhh ♥ ahhh ♥ ooh ♥ deep ♥ deep ♥ womb ♥ kon ♥"

"You seem to like being poked in the mouth of the womb a lot......! Then I'll poke you more! Ohhhh......!

That said Dominic mumbles Makina's tits with one hand ♥ and grabs her and rubs her, and with the other hand connects Makina's little hand to her lover, pushing her hips up hard to the top.

The 16-year-old, waving her hips as she tightened her teacher's decamara to her roots with a raw shark, turns to the ceiling and puts her opium face to blame for pushing up her horny body even harder.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

Shake your long blonde hair, get naked and sweaty with each other, and drain the manjuice from your underage manko like a waterfall. While violently glowing horny prints unseen by others, pleasure by the teacher dick is transmitted to the princess manko and amplified with horny prints, resulting in intense currents burning through the brain, which are output as opium face and cloudy mixed whispers.

Having had uniform sex in the after-school classroom, bruma mating in the infirmary during class, and completely captivated by Dominic's giving pleasure, Makina had completely collapsed her normal, pure expression and stripped her of her sexuality as a single female.


Such a sight jumped into her sight as soon as Smilena, dressed in a long, thick white coat, entered the dorm room. It was also natural to lose words.

"Hmm? Finally here, Smilena. It's late, you usnoro! Like I was told, you must have come in a porn costume?

"Huh... Making, you suck......"

Smilena was intimidated by Dashi for her actions with Yiqi Sieg and had no choice but to come to this inn.

If it was just me, I still would. Makina, who had just transferred in, also gave Dominic poisoned teeth, a clear expression of contempt and anger.

In fact, for the purpose of "obtaining information about the underground of the school," Makina and Dominic have only an interest/physical relationship.

But as Smilena, unaware of such circumstances, Makina also looked like a pathetic victim of Dominic's fornication.

"How long are you mottled? Let's see under that white coat."

"... okay... Either way, don't shout out loud..."

While showing disgust at the high-pressure Dominic attitude, Smilena, who still can't resist, usually had her front of clothes open enough to see her chest, but only today, she grabbed her white coat with both arms to hide her body.

When you slowly open your arms like that and show the 'sole' you wanted to wrap in white -.

"Ooh......! Haha......! That wife insurance doctor Smilena...! That's a spectacular view!

Under his white coat, Smilena wore only underwear. But that bright red bra has a slit in the nipple area, with pink nipples and milk rings rounded out. As with the bra, the red underwear was T-back, and the man meat licked around in the infirmary after school, as well as sketchy underwear with rounded buttocks from behind.

I wear red glasses that I don't normally wear. Only a long white coat could be said to be a garment in such a state was also an exciting ingredient for Dominic.

"You're just a perverted bitch seducing my stepson to your married girlfriend......! Yeah, ask him out about me in that outfit, too. Then I'll fuck you right up......!


I came dressed like a crazy woman, as I was instructed beforehand, and I was even given a nasty order. I really wanted to escape right now. I wanted to unravel everything and make it easier.

But as a mother who protects the children of Sieg and Erica and Chemie. And now exactly as a teacher protecting students (makinas) who are being pierced and gasping with Dominic's dick.

Bite your back teeth tight and then force yourself to make the look of a slut. With a giggly smile, still to the fullest, with the look of a male favourite slut.

"... hey Dominic Sensei... ♥ My Doskebe Wife Body tastes better than such a young kid oh ♥ oops and ass are good for your liking ♥ you're flirting with me ♥"

If my husband or kids see me like this, I'm sure I won't live. Still, to protect the family.

Smilena opens her crotch and shakes her own hand “ Bubble ” the breast that has stirred up the inferiority of the man in the school, mesmerizing Dominic.

"Good, you want my dick so bad, you sketchy bitch......! Damn, what a slut while you're a teacher and a wife! I have to educate a stupid woman like you!

To the sex-inviting chin fragrance appeal, Dominic's interest shifts from Makina to Smilena.

intoxicated by the pleasure of mating on the horseback, pulling stiffness (dick) from the student manko of Makina, who was at its peak, he rises and heads to Smilena.

"Ahem ♥ Teacher ♥ Don't Pull Out ♥ MORE ♥"

"Ha, I'll offend you later, too, so just wait a minute, Makina. Let's start with Koch......!

"Hih... Wait, please Dominic live...! Me, I knew it......!

It was Smilena who was supposed to be ready, but I look at the grotesque male genitals all over Makina's horny juice that I just offended, and look stiff far from that of my husband or Sieg, screaming a small scream and falling back.

But I did not allow him to escape, pushing down on the spot a weak insurer with thick arms, ankles and flexible flesh trained as a former knight as a chivalry teacher.

Not on a bed or futon, but on a hard floor in a straight room. In such a place where Dominic scatters clothes, dishes, groceries, garbage and dust.

"No, don't... Huh! Help me, dammit...! Jee...!

A sad voice asking for help does not reach my husband or my stepson.

Instead, Dominic's ears in front of him arrive clarity, which results in his desire to conquer, stimulating his addiction.

"Leave the guy out with such a sketchy outfit and a porn body, and don't fuck with me now, whore wife......!

"Ahhh...! ♥"

And - to Smilena's wife Manko, who forced her crotch open on the floor and hasn't even caressed much, Dominic oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! and pushed forward.

"Higu...... no, ahhhhhh! Ugh... Ngu...!

"Ha, ha! Unlike Makina, you're in good shape again......!

Dominic pampered his hips solitary, shaking like a wave of giant asses with cheap, two-daughter birth experience with its vibrations.

Smilena leaks her voice to match that fierce piston, but it was not a pleasantly intoxicating opium voice, which could be called a tear-mixed whimper.

Makina, a minor who is only a student, seems to feel good about all that yoga. I was just wondering if Dominic's technique was proficient, but it was actually abusive sex with no love or skill.

Yet how could Makina have been so happy or even served with some medication - and if she hadn't kept thinking about what had nothing to do with Dominic in front of her, she was about to break her heart.

"Oi, how long have you been hiding your face...! Kiss me, me and...!

"Stop...! Stop! That's all...!

He had crossed his arms in front of his face, guarding him from showing Dominic his painfully distorted face, and from being deprived of his lips, but his thin arm was also forced to open by Dominic.

For Smilena, whether she allowed her body or someone else's stick to penetrate her vagina, she still wasn't going to allow just a kiss. I can kiss as many deep as I want with my husband, Sieg, and daughters. But only with a despicable man like Dominic - and there was a line in Smilena.

Still, Dominic forcefully closes his face, the smell of ageing and man-smelling sweat approaches, and a looming, poorly eyed face with a slender beard -.

"Ugh ♥ Chiuu ♥ Chiuu ♥ Leroy ♥ Leroy ooh ♥ Muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ♥ I miss being out of company only, Dr. Dominic ♥"

- Dominic's lips, who were thought to make contact with Smilena's lips, exchanged enthusiastic deep kisses with those of the student Makina.

"What...!? Ma, makina......!

"Huh, cum, k, kuhaha......! You can't put up with my dick so much, you bitch makina......!

As Dominic, it would take the form of not being able to kiss Smilena, but it didn't seem bad to offend Smilena in her normal position while kissing Makina, a beautiful girl transfer student. You can taste the vaginal flesh and lips of both females at the same time. I thought it was a 'bargain' rather than kissing off with just one woman.

"Uhmu ♥ Reiro ♥ Dominic first born ♥ Hurry up ♥ Hurry up and my manko will be panting again. Come on ♥"

While stroking Dominic's head, the 16-year-old horny princess lovingly tangles her tongue as if she were a lover or wife. At the same time, he presses comparable breasts against Smilena, nailing Dominic's gaze.

"Here's how great my adult technique is, but bear with me for a little while......! Female dogs."

"Leroro ♥" muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Then again, he brings his tongue into contact with Dominic's tongue as if it were an esthetic kemono.

Dominic exchanged thick kisses over and over with beautiful students with young, huge tits, and at the same time rubbing each of the two big pies with one hand as he chooses the vagina of his wife insurance doctor with a meat stick that combines porn and kindness, feeling the pleasure and omnipotence of ascending to heaven.

"Ha, come on, we're leaving, it's time...!

"Hih...! Oh, please! Please, extravaginally (soto), ah! ♥"

Smilena's plea is not allowed to run out to the end by a poke of an intense meat stick like Dominic grabbing her breast augmentation and pushing even her uterus up.

She is having sex with Smilena, one of the best boobs in school. With those boobs and big asses shaking nasty and frigid fat in hand and rubbing, there won't be a man who can calmly contraceptive or anything like that.

"Ah, ahh ♥ stop, ngoo, wish...! Inside, just uhh...!

"Shut up! Let me out, I'll ejaculate and make you pregnant! We're gonna have another baby, Smilena. Ahhh...!

"Nah, nah, nah...!

And Dominic's waist accelerates - the moment his voice, like a male kemono, and the scream, like a girl to be raped, echoed the inn.

BULL ♥ BULL RULL ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ♥ ♥

Such a fierce ejaculation sound was heard indoors as' clarity '.

"Ku, uhh......!?


And the hot thick semen was (...) punched in Smilena's belly.

"Oh... ♥ Don't you think, Dominic Sensei? ♥ Teacher's child promised to pour it all into my vagina (naka) but no ♥"

It was Machina like no other that stopped vaginal ejaculation into Smilena. At the moment Dominic ejaculated, he turned his arms from behind him to his abdomen, forcing his hips forcefully around Mizo. That's how someone else's stick was pulled out of Smilena's vagina, and the semen that had lost its way was fired over her belly.

"Oh, you promised me that...?

"I did. Oh ♥"

Dominic kept spitting Nuance words like "I'll educate you for the rest of your life" or "shark you down" over and over again making Makina a bitch or a slut student. Maybe he said in it, "All my semen pours into your naka".

Honestly I wanted to vaginally ejaculate and impregnate Smilena and Makina, but if Makina was so much of a 'favorite' her dick and zamen, I tried to live up to that expectation, and now I decided to push Makina down again and start seeding mating in the back.


Though Dominic threatened him with sex, Smilena, who could only avoid kissing and conceiving him, could only stare at Makina, who was offended by Dominic from the back and rocked her tits, drooling her tongue and giving her a slutty look, along with her complicated thoughts.

"Phew... Have you been serious too long..."

Dominic enjoyed the limbs of Makina and Smilena and did all he could with his carnal desires. I was thirsty so I pinched my break once and was walking down the hallway of the late night school trying to get a drink in the water as well.

I'm going to 'resume' it as soon as I get back. After this, tomorrow and the day after, those two will commit a crime. What position, what play, what outfit (cos) to make me fuck. That's all I was thinking about and making my groin hot again.

"Not only Smilena, but all those twins... kukukukuku..."

I'm not just going to be satisfied with the transfer students and the insurance doctors. Chemie, who teaches herself the knighthood boobs, Aerica, who is a magician but beautiful, and the rest of the students, "Good Woman" will eat up the house.

- When I was secretly burning such ambitions.

"May I have a word, Dr. Dominic?"


He suddenly calls me from behind late this night, and I'm surprised by it. Turning toward him, there was the long-hearted 'Wiles' there, an old lecturer who wasn't supposed to be staying today - a magic teacher and head of the school.

"Teacher Wiles...... Oh, I'm surprised. But it shouldn't be a direct stay today...?

"No, there's something I need to tell Dr. Dominic in a hurry."

"To me...?

That being said, Teacher Wiles handed him a single red letter.

Looking at the contents of that 'circular', Dominic will open his eyes to despair.

"I guess the educationally enthusiastic Dominic teacher's work has also reached The King. Even in the battlefield with the Magic Country, we want you to show your skill."

"Become, what...!?

Content that Dominic wants to be brought into a zone where the Kingdom of Britannica and the Magic Nation are at war as platoon captains. In short, it is a 'Battlefield Gathering Warrant'. The place is in the front line and a war zone. It's a zone where many war victims are out.

"No, I am, the...!

"You've had five wizards blown up in battle with the Magic Nation before, haven't you?

"That's because of my men, or I'm just the captain of the supply unit and I was just watching...!

"Anyway, the king's orders are absolute. We're picking you up, and we've got everything you need on site."


I noticed that it was night, but outside the window I saw a carriage waiting in the school yard to 'pick up' Dominic.

"I'll keep Dr. Dominic's personal belongings in the quarters. Rest assured."

"Please stay put, Principal Wiles! Tell me a little bit about me...!

Good luck, Dr. Dominic.

And Wiles, the old lecturer, waved his wand with his withered branch-like arms, magically opened the window and tornado wrapped Dominic's flexing body, blowing Dominic with the gust and pushing him into the carriage.

Dominic's scream is the carriage door is batang! and was shut out at the same time as it closed, and the carriage ran outside the school as it was......

"... Hmm. I have to find a substitute instructor for Dr. Dominic's transfer."

'... Anyone good Wiles, for example, instead. Place the right knight.'

Someone reacted to Wiles' solitary remarks. The voice was in the dark - no, it was coming from Wiles' "nostalgia".

'More than that, the remnants of Grandel (...)...... Keep an eye on him, Wiles. And bring him before me. "

"Of course. As I said, my 'king'..."

And in the nostalgia of Wiles, silence returned to the hallway of the school night when the magic of the 'Crystal for Remote Communications', which had fallen in his clothes, expired.

And when a little wind blew, Wiles disappeared without a trace from the spot.

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