On October 23, the temperature was 14-20 degrees, overcast and light rain, and the southwest wind was breezy.

Like countless ordinary rest days before, Zhuo Yun woke up at about 4:20 because of the biological clock that had been cultivated. Open your eyes, go to the toilet, get dressed, wash. After freshening up, I went downstairs to the breakfast restaurant outside the community and asked for a bowl of porridge, two fried sticks and a basket of soup dumplings. After eating and drinking, I habitually returned to the rental house and sat down in front of the computer screen.

Press the boot button, and in a short time waiting for the system to start, Zhuo Yun habitually lit a cigarette, silently in a daze in a smoke.

It’s been two years!

It’s been two years since I graduated from college. If you think about it, I have achieved nothing in the past two years except for my age. The bold words he made to his classmates just after graduation now seem to be just a joke. After all, Phantom Capital is not something anyone can play. Maybe after a year of mixing, I will return to my hometown to get married and have children according to the agreement with my father.

With the sound of booting that heard the callouse of the ears, soon the statistics interface of the boot time of 360 Security Guard also jumped out. Zhuo Yun sighed, unhurriedly smoked the cigarette in his hand, and after extinguishing the cigarette butt in the transparent glass ashtray, he slowly opened the computer E disk and clicked on the game “Taiko Rishiden 5” that he was playing recently.

Exercise your character’s five-dimensional abilities, earn title cards, build cities in internal affairs, recruit ronin warriors… Three hours passed unconsciously, and Zhuo Yun also felt a little mentally exhausted, so he turned off the game.

Habitually switch to the software interface of Kugou Music, find your favorite classic radio station, click play, and Zhuo Yun leaned on the back of the chair and closed his eyes. Soon, the sweet singing voice of the immortal goddess Zhou Huimin came out of the stereo: This world may also make me love unbridled, a burst of erratic love for you, why is it difficult to love seriously and passionately…

After the song was over, Zhuo Yun habitually stood up again, ready to make himself a cup of goji tea.

Dozens of orange-red goji berries are wrapped in scalding hot water, tumbling in the cup, refreshing and steaming.

Zhuo Yun grabbed the plastic handle, picked up the glass, came to the window, and pushed open the window of the rental house. The sky outside was still gloomy, and there was still a light rain, wet and cold, and the turbid air in the room suddenly dissipated a lot.

The cold and fresh air outside suddenly cleared Zhuo Yun’s drowsy mind, and he was extremely relaxed, trying his best to relax his eyes.

At this moment, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and the distance was very close, which startled Zhuo Yun. He naturally raised his eyes to look at the sky, and coincidentally saw an extremely strange scene: a cool dragon-like black lightning slashed down from the sky!

Pale words are difficult to describe the spectacular mystery of this dragon-shaped lightning, Zhuo Yun is stunned, standing dumbfounded in front of the window like a wooden chicken.

The dragon-shaped black lightning lasted for three seconds before disappearing. Before Zhuo Yun could come to his senses, where the black lightning disappeared, a mysterious black ball the size of a baseball with an arc appeared strangely. As soon as it appeared, it kept quietly making a compass movement around the place, making more than a dozen turns.

Zhuo Yun woke up like a dream at this time, and hurriedly wanted to take the gorgeous note mobile phone on the computer desk to record this magical scene.

In a hurry, piping hot goji berry tea spilled out, and a few drops splashed on his right hand. Zhuo Yun couldn’t help but exhale in pain, and naturally threw out the glass in his hand. Before I could check the injury on my right hand, I suddenly felt that the room had become slimy, like falling into a large vat of honey, and there was a strong sense of paralysis mixed in it.

Zhuo Yun turned around with difficulty, God! The mysterious black ball floated into his rental house at some point.

It may be that Zhuo Yun’s action of turning around attracted it, and in an inexplicable qi traction, this mysterious black ball suddenly rushed to Zhuo Yun’s right arm position, and then completely integrated into it like a drop of water falling on a sponge and disappeared.

At the same time, Zhuo Yun’s feeling also became strange: it was as if his body had left the earth in an instant. What you see in your eyes is endless longitude and latitude lines, what you hear in your ears is the sound of nuisance electric waves, and there seem to be countless more passage openings in front of you, and your intuition tells Zhuo Yun that you can reach a strange world by walking into any one.

I don’t know how long it took, it seemed like a moment, and it seemed like a century, and Zhuo Yun’s five senses returned to normal. The stickiness and numbness in the room also disappeared.

Zhuo Yun quickly touched his face and pinched his thighs again. That real touch made him feel relieved. But soon, he noticed something more on his right arm: a mark like black lightning.

“Hey, did you really bump into a supernatural event?”

Gu couldn’t sigh that disaster fell from the sky, Zhuo Yun hurriedly ran to the bathroom to try to wash off this inexplicable extra mark. But no matter what method was used, even the surface of the skin was about to wear, but this black lightning-like mark was still firmly attached to the surface of Zhuo Yun’s skin, like a birthmark.

The fear of the unknown made Zhuo Yun a little flustered. He even thought of going to the hospital for medical treatment, but reason reminded him that this kind of situation was useless even if he went to the hospital, and he might be regarded as a madman.

Zhuo Yun decided to respond to all changes with no change. He lay back on the bed and quietly observed the changes in his body. However, as time goes by, I never feel anything abnormal in my body. It was almost 12 noon. My belly also began to rumble with hunger.

Zhuo Yun got up from the bed in a relaxed mood, first took a broom and a dustpan from the plastic trash can, cleaned the eye-catching glass shards and goji berries in the room, and then took a mop to mop the water stains on the ground. Then driven by the idea that he couldn’t be a starving ghost, he ran to the kitchen to wash rice and cook food.

After half an hour, three dishes and one soup were laid out on the computer desk: braised pork, stir-fried lettuce, pork blood tofu and tomato egg soup.

The delicate dishes and fragrant fragrance made Zhuo Yun’s fingers move, temporarily leaving the troubles of the black lightning mark behind and preparing to feast. However, just after eating two pieces of oily pork belly, Zhuo Yun remembered another very important enjoyment. So he immediately dragged the mouse, turned off Kugou Music, and turned on the watermelon playback software instead. After hurriedly browsing the recommended movies on the home page, Zhuo Yun finally chose the movie “Super Power Out of Control”.

This “Super Power Out of Control” has been watched by Zhuo Yun as early as a week ago, and the plot feels good, but some details are not understood, so I simply revisited it.

However, just after Zhuo Yun double-clicked the movie file, something incredible happened….

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