Hearing the name, Tsunade's eyes slightly narrowed but other than that there was no change in her expression.

She remembered the conversation she had with the man several months ago.

Tsunade had told him that she would only meet the boy and only after assessing him would she even consider taking him under her. She made sure to emphasize that she was only doing this as a favor to her old sensei.

Kensei agreed and said that he would keep her identity secret. He wanted to surprise the kid.

'So this is the boy huh. It seems Kensei really didn't tell him about me. Well… I'm not going to spoil the fun…'

Tsunade looked at the child who was finishing his plate. 'At first he came off as rude but he surprisingly has a respectful personality. Still… I need to see if he's as good as sensei makes him out to be.'

Tsunade took another swig from her bottle. "Kensei huh. You're his grandson?"

Daichi looked up at that. "You know him?"

"We've met." The medic Sannin didn't elaborate any further and continued her drinking.

Daichi had a thoughtful face. 'Hmm… In hindsight I should have guessed that. Kensei is from the third Hokage's generation. And he was strong and formidable enough to have a nickname. So it stands to reason that she knows him.'

Daichi looked at the woman who was currently more concentrated on her alcohol than anything else. 'Is it possible…' A thought appeared in Daichi's mind but he dismissed it, thinking it was absurd.

Daichi looked out the nearby window and saw that it was getting late. 'I better head back. And I don't want to overstay my welcome.'

Daichi got ready to leave. "It's getting really dark out. I should get back home. Again, it was an honor to meet you Lady Tsunade. Miss Shizune…"

Daichi nodded to the two of them. Tsunade didn't even bother looking at him and just gave a small wave of her hand indicating her dismissal while Shizune was more courteous.

"Good night Daichi. Get home safe."

Daichi left the restaurant after paying the bill for the table.

"So that's the child Kensei and Lord Jiraiya were talking about huh." Shizune spoke after Daichi left.

"It seems so." Tsunade looked at the exit and then turned to her apprentice. "Did you notice?"

Shizune's face turned serious. "Yes. His footsteps. It didn't make any sounds. And his presence… It was similar to those who conceal their chakras. I wouldn't have even noticed him if he hadn't spoken."

Shizune was there during the meeting with Kensei. She was surprised that the Hokage was making her teacher take on another student.

Tsunade nodded with her student. She knew a capable ninja when she saw one. From just this one interaction she knew Daichi was more than he seemed.

A smirk slowly formed in her face. 'Looks like this trip will be more interesting than I thought.'


Daichi walked through the illuminated streets of the capital. The lights coming from the fancy lanterns gave off a festive atmosphere.

'My 'observe' didn't show anything on Tsunade but I was able to get some information on her apprentice. Based on her stats I'd say Shizune is currently in the middle of the Jonin spectrum. A student of a Sannin and a talented medic ninja that very few can match.'

Daichi thought about the entire interaction and there were many things he was now unsure about.

He walked home with several thoughts running through his mind. 'It's just a coincidence that she and Jiraiya are here. Isn't it…?'

Daichi couldn't get rid of the feeling that he was missing something. He soon reached his home and greeted his grandfather who was enjoying the calm atmosphere in the small backyard.

"How was your second day at the capital?" Kensei asked him.

"Very interesting. More than I thought actually…" Daichi replied.

"Oh?" Kensei raised an eyebrow at that.

Daichi decided to tell his grandfather about Tsunade's visit. He wanted to know if the presence of two Sannin here was just a coincidence or not.

"I met Lady Tsunade and her apprentice." Daichi looked at Kensei for a reaction but he didn't get one.

Kensei kept an impassive face but he knew that a non answer was also an answer. Looking at the boy's expression he sighed. Kensei decided to tell the boy about his soon to be teacher.

Daichi saw Kensei let out a small breath and his eyes widened. 'No way. Is it possible that she's the one who's going to train me?' Daichi didn't want to jump to any conclusions and decided to hear it from Kensei's mouth.

"I think you've dragged the suspense on for too long. Will you tell me who's coming to train me?" Daichi asked him.

"I wanted to keep this a surprise but… As you may have already guessed, it's the woman you've met. Tsunade Senju. The most proficient medic ninja in the world."

Daichi's eyes widened. "But I thought she wasn't interested in taking any students and she's not currently an active ninja." 'Did I change something or am I wrong?'

"What you've said is true. And normally she wouldn't have agreed to take another student under her wing but this was a special order from Hiruzen. She's doing this as a favor to him. I also told her that she would be doing me a favor as well by teaching you." Kensei replied.

Daichi was surprised. 'I understand Kensei… But the Hokage ordered her to as well? So that's why she's here. And the fact that Jiraiya is here as well…'

Gears started turning in Daichi's head faster and he deduced several things. 'Kensei must have told the Hokage about my training plans and since he knows my talents the Hokage must have decided to send me to the best medic out there. He must have made contact with Tsunade through Jiraiya. That also means Jiraiya knows about me and is at least aware of my talents… '

Daichi crossed his arms and thought about the whole thing. 'When I saw her in the restaurant, for a split second I thought that maybe she was the one Kensei had arranged to teach me… But I dismissed that thought immediately. Currently she's someone who doesn't like responsibilities and hates the position of Hokage. Someone who's haunted by the memories of her loved ones and stuck in the past. I thought for sure that she would never agree to being a mentor for anyone… So I concluded that her being here now was just a coincidence. Looks like I was wrong. Did she change or is there something else going on?'

"Did she really agree to train me in medical ninjutsu?" Daichi asked with anticipation.

Kensei slightly winced. "Well, technically all she said was that she would give you a shot. So there is a great chance she could reject you."

"I see." Daichi nodded. 'That makes more sense. Based on what I understand from the series, she still has some respect for her former sensei and is probably meeting me out of obligation. She has a strong temperament and this is the best deal Kensei could make with her.'

Kensei got up from his chair. "We're going to meet her tomorrow. At that moment she'll decide if she wants to be your teacher or not…"

Daichi nodded. "I'll be ready for whatever she throws at me."

Kensei looked at the confident child and his worries lessened. 'Whatever tests she puts him through, I'm sure he will get past them.'


It was morning and Kensei and Daichi were in front of an apartment. Kensei knocked on the door and waited for a few seconds.

The door opened and Shizune appeared. "Good morning Kensei. Hello Daichi." She greeted the two and led them inside.

As Daichi stepped inside a voice spoke, addressing him.

"So you're the kid sensei talked about huh… You don't look like much."

Daichi looked in the direction the voice came from and saw that it was Jiraiya. He was sitting on the balcony at the other end near the open window. Daichi looked at the other sannin sitting in the corner of the room and the small pig near her.

"He's just a little brat. What exactly did you expect?" Tsunade gave her thoughts.

"Daichi, that's Lord Jiraiya and you've already met Lady Tsunade." Kensei gave a simple introduction.

Jiraiya looked affronted with that introduction. "Hey that's not how you introduce someone as great as me." He jumped and landed in the middle of the room, right in front of Daichi.

A smoke suddenly appeared covering his entire body. When it cleared, it showed that Jiraiya had summoned a human sized toad and was standing atop its head in a strange pose.

"Listen well young one, wherever I go men gaze at me with admiration and respect and women all over the world fall for my charms. I am none other than the holy sage of Mt. Myoboku. Jiraiya." The man stood on one leg with his hands extended and shook his head in an exaggerated fashion.

Daichi looked at the man with wide eyes and his mouth was slightly open. He was excited to meet the legendary warrior and it showed on his face. 'Oh wow. This is really happening.'

Jiraiya looked at Daichi for a reaction and saw the awe and admiration in Daichi's eyes. He thought he had impressed the kid. 'Yes. Be at awe in my presence… Hahaha…'

Tsunade looked at her teammate and then towards Daichi and couldn't help but let out a tired sigh. 'Don't tell me that kid fell for that. I thought he was smart.'

Daichi immediately bowed and introduced himself. "It is an honor to meet you, Lord Jiraiya. My name is Daichi Hekima."

Jiraiya laughed merrily. "Proper respect from the young ones is rare these days. I'll let you have some signed copies of my books."

"Please don't." Kensei interrupted him and gave Jiraiya the stink eye. He was one of the few that resisted the temptations of the book 'Make out tactics.'

"You don't look surprised to see us. So your grandfather told you why I'm here?!" Tsunade got up and asked Daichi.

Daichi nodded his head. "I mentioned our meeting and he told me that you would be my teacher."

"That remains to be seen, little boy."

Jiraiya stepped back and dismissed his summon. Tsunade looked at Daichi and came to a decision. 'Sensei knows what I've been through. So what would prompt him to suddenly make this decision? I have to find out.'

"Raise your hands and gather some chakra in your palms. Keep the chakra flow steady until I tell you otherwise. And stop suppressing your chakra." Tsunade said to the boy.

Daichi obeyed without asking any questions. He had been using the 'Chakra Suppression' skill and had been steadily leveling it up. 'Since it's come to this I won't hold back. I need to make sure she will take me as a student.'

Daichi raised his hands with his palms facing upwards. He concentrated his chakra on his palms and stopped the suppression skill. Everyone in the room felt the large chakra flowing through the boy.

The adults in the room were shocked when they sensed his chakra volume but they kept a neutral face.

Shizune was shocked as she looked at the kid. 'This child. His chakra reserves, it feels even larger than mine. And to suppress it to such a degree… His control is no doubt beyond average.'

Kensei looked at his grandson beside him and even though he expected it he was still surprised. 'His growth rate is incredible.'

Jiraiya had a lifetime of practice in maintaining a poker face. He had heard about the boy's capabilities but seeing it felt entirely different. 'This kid isn't from any clan and he isn't holding a tailed beast. So for him to produce this much chakra at his age… Only Jonin level ninjas and above have this much reserves. Looks like sensei wasn't kidding about this kid's strength.'

Tsunade kept a calm face but was now intrigued about the child's capabilities. 'Time to see what you're made of.'

Daichi's test to become a medic ninja under Tsunade had begun.


Author's Note:

In case it isn't obvious from the last chapter, I'm not good at writing romance scene.

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

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