The Adventurous Gamer Ninja - Daichi Hekima

Chapter 143: Back to the Leaf Village

Leaf Village - Hokage Office:

Hiruzen was looking over the information Tsunade sent regarding Daichi.

'So he wants to take the Genin exams huh. Hmm… This is certainly unexpected. I thought he would wait another year and graduate with his class but it seems I'm wrong… With his skills and knowledge, he's certainly qualified.'

Hiruzen let out a sigh and leaned back in his chair. 'There isn't any point in denying him the chance… But this complicates my plans. Since Daichi has a good relationship with Naruto and Sasuke, I was hoping he would be the third member of the team but there goes that plan… I suppose I'll have to modify my plans a bit. I also need to see if there is anyone in the current graduation class that's compatible with Daichi's skill sets. And I need to pick a suitable instructor. But who?...'

Hiruzen pondered on this question for a while. 'I need to assign a Jonin capable of handling his growth. And one that can effectively teach him.'

At that moment the image of a figure popped up in his head. 'Hmm… Yes. He might be a good choice… I'll also need to contact Iruka. I'll have to let him know of the situation.'

Fire Capital.

Daichi and Kensei were at the Slug Sannin's apartment. Tsunade had a serious expression as she looked at her student. "What's the sudden interest in this case Daichi?"

"I want to know the true cause of his illness. Aren't you curious? I know I am. Is it a new type of disease or if he was poisoned or is it something else… I have to know. If even you, the best medic in the world, couldn't figure it out, then it must be something significant." Daichi replied.

"Tsunade, what can you tell us about Jin's condition?" Kensei asked the blonde woman.

The woman let out a sigh and answered. "Jin has an unknown disease that attacks his lungs, heart and body muscles and weakens them. The reason I say unknown is because I've done a thorough checkup on his body and I couldn't find anything that points to a problem. I took blood samples, biopsied tissues from his lungs, heart and even took some bone marrow. I've tested them against every disease I could think of and nothing. Even the blood work is normal. It's as if his body decided to give up one day and started attacking himself."

"Could it be some kind of autoimmune disease?" Daichi asked.

"No. The tests came back negative. And none of the treatments worked on him."

Daichi was quiet as he listened. "What about poisons?"

Tsunade shook her head. "I've done a toxicology test. Everything came back negative. I couldn't find any foreign content within his body. I've analyzed his body right down to the cellular level… I couldn't find anything wrong. Like I said earlier. It's as if his body is attacking itself without any cause."

"But that should be impossible."

"Yes. I agree."

At that, Kensei narrowed his eyes. "Do you have a theory?"

Tsunade was quiet for a few seconds and then replied. "This is only just my theory and I don't have any proof, but I believe he was poisoned."

Kensei was shocked when he heard that. "What? But you just said he wasn't."

"I said I couldn't find anything. But that doesn't mean it isn't there."

"What makes you think it's poison?"

"Because I've never seen something like this before. And a disease like this at his age. There must have been a trigger that set it off. It's the only thing that makes the most sense." Tsunade replied drink a some sake.

"So someone did this to him?"

Daichi could hear the anger bubbling through Kensei's voice.

"It's a possibility. But there is also another. It could have been some kind of environmental factor. Certain lands have rare poisonous soils, plants and small streams that can be very harmful. He could have been affected in his travels…"

"But you don't believe that's the case, do you?" Kensei asked the woman.

"No. If it were that easy I'd have found the answer long ago… My theory is that he was infected with a custom poison designed specifically for him." Tsunade replied, looking at her bottle.

Daichi was impressed. 'Even with practically no information she came to the conclusion that he was poisoned. She truly is a genius.'

"And you didn't say anything to Jin about this because…" Kensei wanted to know why she would keep something like this from his friend.

At this Tsunade looked annoyed. "Like I told you, this is only a theory. I don't have any solid proof. It could also be a new disease like Daichi said…"

"How did you come up with the pills that prolonged his life?" Daichi asked the question.

"It took some time, effort and lots of money and resources. Luckily, Jin had the cash and I knew where to find the needed resources… Would you like to take a guess where, Daichi?"

It only took him a second to get the answer. "Land of medicine."

"That's right. I've conducted several tests and I noticed his body reacting to a combination of herbs found there. Not enough to stop whatever is happening to him. But enough to slow it down."

Daichi and Kensei were both quiet as they now had a better understanding of the situation. After some more time with Daichi asking his teacher some questions they decided to leave and visit Jin.

"Daichi! Be careful not to bite off more than you can chew." Tsunade said to her student as he was about to leave.

Daichi nodded in understanding and left the place with his grandfather. They soon reached Jin's home.

"Stay here. I'll talk to him. Whatever happens don't say anything to him. As far as he's concerned, you're just here to examine him."

Daichi nodded and sat in the guest room while his grandfather went to talk to his friend in private. After about 15 minutes Daichi saw Kensei coming towards him. At that moment the quest acceptance notification appeared.

"Come on."

Kensei led Daichi to another room where the man was waiting.

"Your grandfather said this is going to be a routine check up. Is that all or is there something more?" Jin asked Daichi.

"It's a routine checkup to see if there are any unexpected changes in your vitals."

Jin nodded and lay down in his bed. Daichi got near him. He raised his palms over the man's chest and instantly they glowed green. Daichi began scanning the man's body starting with his chest.

After several minutes of scanning Daichi came to a conclusion. 'Lady Tsunade was right. I can sense no foreign particles or anomalies in his body. Whatever it is it either left his system or it's completely hidden. This will be a lot more complicated than I thought. I need to know everything about the time he was infected.' The green medical chakra died down and he took a step back.

Daichi began asking Jin about his travels, the foods he eats and family history. As Jin answered each question Daichi couldn't reach a solid conclusion. Deciding to finish his questioning regarding the man's health, Daichi started asking about his business.

Jin replied with a small smile. "I started from scratch and now have business operations in three nations. I have a few friends like your grandpa who help me look after them."

"I'm sure Kai and Leo won't be too pleased with the workload after you leave them in charge of the branch here." Kensei said with a smile trying to lighten the situation.

"Haha. True… It's a shame though. If I hadn't caught this disease I could have set up another branch in the Land of Rice Paddies." Jin said to Kensei. Neither of them Daichi's reaction to those words.

The moment Daichi heard Land of Rice Paddies, he stilled. Only one thought went through his mind. 'Don't tell me, Orochimaru is involved.'

Daichi began subtly asking questions regarding this new information. He wanted to keep what he learned a secret even from his grandfather so as to avoid answering any unnecessary questions.

After a short while Daichi left the place. After using his medical skills and observe, Daichi had a far greater understanding of Jin's condition. And the new information gave him a rough idea as to how to heal him.

"Did you get everything you wanted?" Kensei asked his grandson.

"Mmhm. I believe so."

For the next month Daichi spent every day analyzing the results of the blood taken from Jin and the herbs he's currently taking. 'The fact that Tsunade was able to find the combination of the herbs to slow the poison down without knowing what it is, is incredible.'

He also did some research and found that Jin had bought some lands in the Land of Paddies. But he had to let them go due to his illness. During an extensive blood test and with the help of his medical skills, Daichi was able to find something that Tsunade missed.

'The drug hasn't left his system. It's invisible and can't be detected by chakra or any normal methods. That's why Tsunade couldn't stop this illness. The only way I can find out exactly what it is, is to make it appear in his bloodstream. And the only way that's possible is if the invisible poison reacts with a specific compound. If I had to guess, it will most probably be a custom made chemical. The poison is something that blends into the bloodstream making it virtually impossible to trace… I need to find the compound… And I have a feeling Orochimaru is the answer to my questions.'


Days turned to weeks and soon March arrived. It was early morning and Daichi and company were at the gates of the Fire capital.

"Thank you for training me sensei." Daichi bowed to Tsunade as he spoke the words. He had great appreciation for the woman who taught him everything about the medical field.

"Good luck Daichi. Make sure to pass. It'd be a shame if my student were to fail the exam." The Sannin replied with a smirk.

"Yes. Of course. I won't let you down."

"Goodbye Daichi. Take care of yourself."

"You too, Shizune senpai."

Kensei nodded to the both of them and then they took off. Tsunade watched Daichi's figure vanish in the distance.

"Are you worried about him, my Lady?"

Tsunade just smiled. "No. Whatever the obstacle, he can overcome them. He'll be fine."

Daichi and Kensei spent half a day on the road before they saw the giant walls of the village. A smile formed on his face as he looked at the place. "You know, I kinda missed this place."

Kensei smiled at that sentiment. "It is home afterall."

Confirming their identities at the village gates both of them made their way to Kensei's Home. Upon entering the place Daichi felt happy. He looked at the garden that was unattended for two years.

"Need some trimming and some pest control but I'm sure it's nothing we can't manage." Kensei said with a smile.

Daichi nodded and both of them went inside.


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre (No space)

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