Hokage Tower - Roof.

Daichi along with several other kids with the Leaf headband were having their identification photo taken. Each student when their name was called would step forward and have their picture taken.

Since Daichi and Lee knew each other they stood together to the side. "See I told you Lee. I knew you would pass if you gave it your all." Daichi told Lee.

"Yes. Thank you for believing in me. It still feels so surreal to hold this headband."

Daichi noticed several students looking at him. He ignored them since he knew most of them were going to fail at the real Genin test. As he looked through the crowd his eyes soon found a long haired kid with the iconic white eyes of the Hyuga clan.

'So that's Neji Hyuga. Looks just like in my memories. I can sense his arrogance from here.' Daichi dismissed him immediately and looked around. Aside from Neji and Tenten he didn't find anyone else interesting.

As Daichi's name was called he stepped forward in front of the camera. He could hear several students murmuring his name and could hear their conversation.

Neji Hyuga looked at the brown haired kid who walked up when the name was called.

'So that's him. Daichi Hekima. The one Daikoku sensei calls a prodigy. Looks like he took early graduation. I wonder how strong he is. He doesn't look like he's from any clan. And he's associated with Lee. So he can't be that strong.'

Tenten also looked at the underclassmen who graduated with them. 'I wonder who's team he's going to be in?'

Several students had different thoughts as they saw Daichi fill out the ninja registration form and leave without even acknowledging them. There were several who had frowns on their faces that someone a year younger than them was graduating with them.

Hokage office.

Hiruzen went through each and every report the academy instructors prepared on the graduating students. He read their strength, their weakness and the field they would most likely be proficient in.

'It seems this year only has a few good prospects. And based on the report Tsunade sent me, Daichi is the best among them by a wide margin. I need to pick a team that balances as well as suits him the best. But that's one problem. I need to select a capable Jonin for his team…'

Hiruzen's mind went through several candidates. 'Guy said he wouldn't mind having Daichi on his team. And since Lee and Daichi are good friends they'll get along splendidly. But that leaves a problem. The Rookie of the year. Neji Hyuga. Guy will no doubt be a tremendous help to the boy and help in improving his Taijutsu strength. But if I put Lee, Daichi and Neji together the team will be completely unbalanced. Hmm…'

Hiruzen read through Tsunade's report and noted Daichi's skills and areas of training he focused on. 'Daichi had mastered the second step of all 5 natures. It's truly unprecedented. Putting him under Guy won't help him much in terms of Ninjutsu. I remembered the kid telling me he's interested in that field. And based on the training he's been doing the last few years he's following that path… Hmm… It seems Kakashi will be a much better suited teacher to the boy. He'll be able to protect them if any problem arises and being a prodigy himself, he'll be able to keep up with the boy.'

Hiruzen decided on Kakashi Hatake as Daichi's Jonin instructor and now looked through the class roster to find two students to put on the team. After some time he made his choice.

'Daichi will need capable teammates. If this team is going to be efficient then I can't put just anyone as his teammates.' The Hokage looked through the students that graduated and found two acceptable candidates. 'These two should do. His Taijutsu skills are good. Only behind Neji Hyuga. And under Kakashi he should grow nicely… And the girl is excellent in stealth and weapons. A long range fighter and infiltrator. After Neji Hyuga and Tenten these two are the best in class. They'll do… I just hope these three can pass Kakashi's test.'

He stamped his seal of approval on the candidates and all the teams and sent them to the academy. Once his work was done he stood from his chair and looked out the window. 'Let's see if your team will be the first to pass his test. Surprise me Daichi. I'm curious to see your strength.'


29th March - Academy.

Rock Lee was in his class early. He could see that his classmates were buzzing with excitement. He was also anxious about his team.

'I just hope I'm in a team with Guy sensei and Daichi.'

After a few minutes Daikoku sensei entered the room. He looked at his students with pride.

"As of today you are all ninjas. You've gone through difficult ordeals to get to this point. But things will only get more difficult from here on out. Right now you're all Genin. All Genin are grouped into a 3 member team. And each team will have a Jonin leader. Your teams were selected after careful review of your skills and to create a balanced team. These are final and there will be no change."

Once he was done with his speech Daikoku started calling the teams.

"Team 01 is….

… Team 07. Mari Michiyaki, Seto Tomoya and Daichi Hekima under Kakashi Hatake."

"Team 08-"

"Wow, hold on, teach. Who's Daichi Hekima?"

"Yeah. We heard his name being called at the ninja registration site too. But we've never seen him before."

Daikoku paused and then replied to their questions. "Daichi Hekima is someone who's taken the graduation exam a year early. He's a year below you but don't let that fool you. He's a prodigy and the best. You're lucky to have him on your team. Now moving on… team 08…. Team 09 Rock Lee, Tenten and Neji Hyuga under the Jonin Might Guy."

Neji's eyes narrowed as he heard his name being called. 'So I'm on his team huh.'

The Jonins started coming in and calling their teams one by one. Before long only two people were left in the classroom. Mari Michiyaki and Seto Tomoya.

"Where the hell is our Jonin and that other kid?" Yelled Seto to an almost empty classroom.


Daichi was patiently waiting on a seat in the hallway. Daikoku sensei had come to him earlier and told him about the team. Daichi was surprised to hear that he'll be under Kakashi.

'I never expected to be part of team 07. And under Kakashi too. This will be interesting. He'll definitely give us the bell test… I need to make plans to work with my team. He'll only pass if we show teamwork and I have no intention of failing this Genin exam.'

As Daichi sat there thinking about how to proceed in the real Genin test later, he saw several Jonin pick up their students. Daichi let out a sigh already knowing where this was going. 'He's late.'

Daichi sat in the hallway for a few more minutes before he decided to go meet his teammates. 'I need to make sure they will work with me. It would be the only way to get the bell. Well… unless I get serious anyway.'

He opened the class door and was met with two curious stares.

Seeing he had their attention, Daichi was about to introduce himself. "Hi I'm - "

"We know who you are. The kid that took an early graduation exam… Listen. You might be the best in your class but that doesn't mean anything to me. Just don't slow us down." Seto Tomoya said with an arrogant smirk.

Daichi kept quiet as he listened. 'Great. An arrogant jackass.'

He immediately used 'Observe' on the kid who spoke to him. The boy was wearing a white shirt with black pants and open toed shoes. He had the leaf headband tied in his forehead. He had black eyes and had an arrogant smirk as he looked at Daichi.

[LV.26] [Seto Tomoya]

Age: 12

HP: 2822 CP: 2150

[Seto Tomoya is a newly graduated student from the academy. He joined the academy to move away from the family merchant business. He is slightly more talented at the ninja arts than most of his classmates and is in the top 3 of the class. He is proficient in Taijutsu and prefers close combat. He has a crush on his teammate Mari Michiyaki. His dream is to become a famous ninja.

STR - 67

AGI - 60

INT - 37

The physical stats may be subjected to change if chakra or technique is applied. ]

'Great… His stats are so far beneath me it's not even funny. And he had the gall to say I'm the one who's going to slow him down.'

Daichi then turned his attention to the girl in the room. She had long black hair tied in a ponytail and was wearing a violet dress..

[LV.22] [Mari Michiyaki]

Age: 12

HP: 2462 CP: 1950

[Mari Michiyaki is a newly graduated student from the academy. Due to growing up with several brothers and sisters she is headstrong and competitive. Although she is talented she wants to prove herself on the battlefield. She does not like the fact that she has to work together with her junior. She is proficient in shurikenjutsu, traps and weapons. Her goal is to become the best ninja and follow in her father's footsteps.

STR - 58

AGI - 50

INT - 45

The physical stats may be subjected to change if chakra or technique is applied.]

'Her stats are even worse. And she doesn't wanna work with me either… I got a bad feeling about this. Kakashi will test us on teamwork and I'm not sure they're going to listen to me.'

At that moment Daichi sensed someone's presence outside the room. He quickly turned around and faced the closed door of the room.

The next second the door slowly opened and a man with most of his face covered and silver spiky hair slowly walked into the room. He looked at the three kids in the room for several seconds and let out a sigh ruffling his hair.

"My first impression of you. You're all boring."

Daichi crossed his arms and looked at the man while the other two narrowed their eyes.

"Are you our Jonin sensei?" Seto asked the man.

"I'm Kakashi Hatake if that's what you're wondering. Now whether I'm your Jonin sensei or not…." Kakashi chuckled for a few seconds and then replied. "That remains to be seen."

"Wait. What the hell does that mean?"

"All will be explained shortly. Now meet me on the roof." With those words Kakashi vanished from their view.

'I could stay here and go with them, but something tells me that won't solve my problems.' Daichi didn't waste another second and used body flicker and followed behind Kakashi and reached the roof in seconds.

"You're a fast one aren't you?"

"Yeah. It's been a while. Didn't think you'd be my sensei of all people." Daichi replied, looking at the man.

Kakashi tilted his head and looked at the boy. The expression his single visible eye portrayed was one of confusion. "Have we met before?"

Daichi was silent as he heard that question. He looked at the man for a few more seconds and then replied.

"Either you really don't remember me, in which case you have a very poor memory which is not a good trait for a ninja especially a Jonin or you're just trolling me. So which is it? Poor memory or are you just messing with me?"

Kakashi looked at the kid for a short while without any change in emotions and then reached into his bag. He then took out the book Make out Tactics and started reading, ignoring Daichi entirely.

Daichi had a few veins pop up above his head and he took a few deep breaths to calm down. 'This guy is getting on my nerves. Alright Daichi. Calm down. No point in getting worked up. You know how he is. Just keep cool and everything will be fine.'

Daichi decided to stay quiet and sat on a nearby bench and the two waited for the others.

A couple minutes later they were joined by the other two graduates. Kakashi looked at the three students in front of him. 'I can already tell that this team is doomed to fail. But who knows. Maybe they can surprise me.'


Author's Note:

If you like my story and want to read ahead, then check out my P.a.T.R.E.0.N page. I've uploaded up to 30 additional chapters there.

Patre on.com/MonkWithAPen (No space)

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