Chapter 190 Terrible Vision

After An Ning shut up, Mu Feifan held his breath and began to inscribe.

The moment he pointed out his finger, An Ning only felt that the world in his eyes had changed!

The technique of flowing clouds and flowing water deeply stimulated her mind.

An Ning has never seen a person who interprets refining tools so gracefully.

In my impression, the academy’s craftsmen are all crude old antiques.

When he arrived at Mu Feihua, he had become a great artist, showing his talents to the fullest.

Especially, the serious expression on the boy’s face is especially eye-catching and charming.

An Ning was really crazy this time.

He couldn’t bear to look away for even a second.

If you say, I was just obsessed with his appearance before.

Now he is attracted by his talents.

It really complies with the old saying.

It starts with the value of appearance, and is loyal to talent.

It didn’t take long for Mu Feihua to make his last stroke.

The entire magic circle was constructed, and the light suddenly rose.

It is like a circuit in series, which gradually lights up along the stroke of a stroke.

In the end, the entire pill furnace was shining!

It’s like a brand new look!

“What’s the matter?” An Ning asked in surprise.

She felt that the pill furnace at the moment was faintly different.

But it is not clear what is different.

“Break through.” Mu Feifan said lightly.

An Ning was a little dazed.

Mu Feihua stood up and said, “I painted the sixth-level spirit storage formation on it. I didn’t expect it to withstand it, and it was promoted to a fake treasure!”

“False treasure?” An Ning was shocked.

Oh My God!

This is too scary.

Just carved a formation, then evolved the spiritual tool pill furnace that I used all the year round?

However, Mu Feifei looked unpleasant.

If An Ning knew that Mu Feifan had used hundreds of fake treasures in his hands to practice the magic circle, he didn’t know what shocking expression he would show.

Next, Mu Feifei began to inject Wood Spirit Power into the Spirit Storage Array.

At the same time, he took out a top-grade Spirit Stones and slowly absorbed it.

“What are those Spirit Stones?” An Ning could feel the abundance of Spiritual Qi from a distance.

“Top-grade Spirit Stones.” Mu Feifan said.

An Ning: “Spirit Stones still have top grades? Why have I never seen them?”

Mu Feifan chuckled lightly and didn’t answer.

This thing, even if it’s in the league, is a rarity, let alone this Otherworld.

An Ning felt that she couldn’t see through each other more and more.

“The situation is special, I have to use it.” Mu Feihua replied very cautiously.

He is afraid of getting into trouble.

“He said that the situation is special. Does he pay so much attention to helping me pill refining?” An Ning felt her heart beating and she couldn’t stand it anymore.

In fact, Mu Feihua had a completely different idea.

The top-grade Spirit Stones are too hard to spend, and you don’t need to have any more white hair!

Finish the exercise early and go home early.

I have to say that the sixth-level spirit reserve array is capable of sucking.

Mu Feifan spent three high-grade Spirit Stones to recharge the formation.

Then he took another piece to supplement himself.

After everything was ready, Mu Feifan began to prepare for refining.


It’s another simple and rude pour Spiritual herbs!

Mu Feifan is already familiar with the road.

Seeing An Ning feel distressed for a while, these are all precious materials collected with great difficulty.

It’s too hasty to fall in this way!

But Mu Feifan didn’t care, and then began to purify it with Spirit Power.

The spirit storage array made a roar, and the stored Spirit Power spread into the pill furnace, and began to extract the essence of Spiritual herbs.

I don’t know how long it took.

Mu Fei’s Divine Sense swept through, and the situation inside the furnace was unobstructed.

There is still a bit of material not finished.

“It consumes too much Spirit Power, and the storage in the formation will be exhausted immediately.” Mu Feifan gritted his teeth and began to inject his own Spirit Power.

No way, other people’s Spirit Power is useless.

Purify Spiritual herbs and look for extraordinary brands.

Until the Spirit Power in the body was used up, the purification work finally ended successfully.

Mu Feifan took a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he engraved the sixth-level magic circle. He didn’t take a chance to engrave the simple low-level magic circle.

Sure enough, things were not sloppy at work.

Must be cautious!

Next, the liquid essence began to slowly condense into a pill shape.


An Ning exclaimed: “Look!”

Mu Feifan looked at the pill furnace.

In the furnace, a more brilliant Sacred’s brilliance rose up, as if it was a strange light that did not belong to this world.

That’s right, just like the rumored Xianhui!

Immediately afterwards, the rich Danxiang, like a flood bursting a bank, rushed out suddenly and spread in all directions.

At first it was the Danfang, followed by the Holy Pill Academy, and finally, even the entire academy smelled a refreshing fragrance.


“What the hell is this smell?”

“It smells better than the fine wine of immortal brewing!”

“It’s more fragrant than the body of the Nine Heavens fairy!”

“Wake up, you drank too much!”

In the academy, there are amazing conversations in each fairy island.

At this moment, in the pill room, the movement has not stopped.


In the pill furnace, it seems that it has become a Minor World, undergoing a huge transformation.

The whole pill furnace shook crazily.

With a hum, a powerful phantom burst out.

Go straight through the pill room and appear above the holy pill courtyard!

It turned out to be a handsome and unparalleled fairy phantom holding a Duster!


“Look at it!”

“It’s a fairy!”

There are disciples in Shengdanyuan shouting.

Nangongya was still in the courtyard at the moment. Seeing this scene, her dignified and dignified appearance was completely gone, and she was stupid.

“What terrible vision is that?” she muttered, feeling helpless.

Those disciples who passed the assessment today, Yu Xiaole, Huang Yuan, and others, look even more gloomy now.

Directly stupid.

I have never seen such a momentum.

The immortal is a hundred feet tall, inherits the world, smiles at the corners of his mouth, and immortal majesty!

In the academy, all fairy islands saw this scene.

Many disciples knelt directly on the ground and kept kowtow.

Although they are immortal cultivators, they have never seen a real immortal.

“The great immortal has appeared in front of people!”

“See you soon!”

“Bless me to pass the examination of the Excalibur Academy next year!”

“Bless me to get a good ranking in the next assessment of the whole hospital!”

“Fairy, don’t bless them, bless me to get out of the order!”

“Sister Ni…oh, great fairy, I am not scolding you, I am scolding others, and my wish is to hope that all of their wishes will come to nothing!”

This scene was staged in all fairy islands.

It looks very spectacular.

It’s kind of funny.

Cultivators still worship immortals?

These poor students seem to have been miserable by the exam-oriented education!

I wish I could pass the assessment as soon as possible!

At this time, pumice stones appeared in the air, breaking through the air from all directions.

The people standing above each have a long breath and contain great horror.

It is the mentor of each branch!

The goal they are moving forward is absolutely the Holy Pill Academy!

The other disciples thought it was a fairy descending to the earth, but these old monsters saw through the truth.

Where is there any fairy?

It is clearly a vision created by Peerless Medicine Pill!

The young scholar from the Tianji Academy was the first to land on the island, waving his arms and shouting enthusiastically: “Sister, my cousin is here for medicine!”

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