Chapter 206: The school tyrant is here, who made it?

Suddenly, Fang Siyuan felt that Mu Fanping’s gaze was not right.

Why do the other people’s eyes shine when they look at you?

Does he have that habit?

Thinking of this, Fang Siyuan leaned back subconsciously.

At this time, the co-pilot’s door was opened.

Under Fang Siyuan’s shocked gaze, Mu Feihua sat in unceremoniously.

“what are you doing?”

Fang Siyuan screamed, then opened the door and ran away.

Mu Feifan said: “I want to go to a place, you send me off.”

I see!

Fang Siyuan breathed a sigh of relief.

But he changed his mind, the other party considers himself a driver?


“Hurry up, I’m in a hurry.” Mu Feifei was a little anxious.

Fang Siyuan let out a cry, started the car uncontrollably, and drove forward.


what happened?

Shouldn’t I refuse firmly at this time?

Why did you set off inexplicably?

Could it be that Dad’s words have already affected me subtly?

However, not being able to provoke Extraordinary, does not mean listening to him.

At this moment, Fang Siyuan was extremely depressed.

“Where do you want to go?” Fang Siyuan said weakly.

Worthy of being the son of the city lord.

The role of the driver is so fast.

“Yaowen High School.” Mu Feifan said.


Suddenly, Fang Siyuan slammed the brakes, generating huge inertia.

“You murdered!” Fortunately, Mu Feihua fastened his seat belt, otherwise his face would have to hit the windshield.

Fang Siyuan smiled apologetically: “Where did you just say to go?”

“Yaowen High School.” Mu Feifei looked at each other sympathetically.

What a nice child, it’s a pity that his ears are not easy to use at a young age.

Fang Siyuan frowned and said, “Don’t go!”

You know, because of the last Tongtian Tower incident, he and Zhao Zilang from Yaowen High School are already in the same situation.

Now let Fang Siyuan go to Zhao Zilang’s site, how could he be willing?

“Are you going?” Mu Fandian’s face instantly sank, and asked coldly.

“I’ll go.” Fang Siyuan nodded very depressed, like a well-behaved child.

I have to say that the warning from the old father is effective.

Damn, isn’t it just Zhao Zilang? What are you afraid of?

do my best!

Along the way, Fang Siyuan drove fast and soon came to Yaowen High School.

Unexpectedly, the uncle who opened the door was very enthusiastic, and even opened the electric retractable door.

Fang Siyuan immediately lifted his spirits and looked at Mu Feifan triumphantly: “Did you see it? This is Ben Shao’s arrangement. You can drive in anywhere!”

In fact, the car was branded as the City Lord’s Mansion.

People thought that if the leader came to inspect, could they not let them go?

As a result, Mu Feifei was on the phone, and he didn’t hear Fang Siyuan’s pretending words at all.

“Hey, is it Langweixian, I have already arrived at your school, what, let me come to the entrance of the teaching building?”

Afterwards, Mu Feifan and Siyuan winked, “Go to the front of the teaching building.”

Fang Siyuan was very dissatisfied: “Who is that kid, so pretending that he can die if he walks a few more steps.”

“The customer is God.” Mu Feifan said casually.

Fang Siyuan’s eyes twitched slightly, but he didn’t say anything, and slowly moved inward.

At this moment, it happens to be between classes.

The campus is full of students.

However, when they saw a luxury car passing by, they hurriedly avoided and voluntarily gave way.

“Wow, look at that car so handsome!”

“Is it the school leader’s car?”

“Look, the guy who drives the car looks good!”

When Fang Siyuan heard the discussion nearby, he felt a little airy, and the gold-wire glasses on the bridge of his nose became brighter.

Suddenly, a girl yelled: “The guy in the co-pilot is so handsome. He looks like a big family boy. Although the driver is good, he looks like a small attendant.”

When Fang Siyuan heard this, his face almost hit the steering wheel.

Depend on!

What is the look in that woman’s eyes?

In terms of background, who can compare to me in Binjiang City?

Are all the people driving these days?

When Fang Siyuan complained about the girl’s eyes, the students nearby also nodded and said yes.

“Yes, how can the big boss drive his own car?”

“Moreover, the driver’s looks and temperament are not as good as the handsome co-pilot.”

“After a while they will stop and see if they can get to the handsome guy’s WeChat.”

At this time, Zhao Zilang’s head was bursting, his clothes were full of holes, and he was still holding a toothpick in his mouth.

He used himself to interpret what is non-mainstream.

I don’t know why, Mu Feifei always feels that the other party is very familiar.

“Yes!” Zhao Zilang is also looking at each other.

Mu Feifei handed over a small porcelain bottle and said, “The ten middle-grade Gathering Pills you bought are all in it. Please check it.”

Zhao Zilang took it, fell directly into his hand, and took a closer look.

A strong Spiritual Qi spread.

The people around felt refreshed when they heard it.

Zhao Zilang’s eyes changed slightly, and he said, “Sure enough, it is a middle-grade spirit gathering pill. Are you refining these?”

His tone was extremely domineering, as if he was interrogating a prisoner.

Mu Feifan smiled faintly: “You are my guest, and Medicine Pill is right. There is no need to ask this kind of question.”

After speaking, he had to pull the car door.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Zilang suddenly stretched out a foot and pressed it against the car door.

“You can’t go if you don’t answer.” Zhao Zilang smiled evilly, looking at Mu Feihua as if he was looking at his own prey.

He winked at the little brother around him.

Suddenly, these little brothers stepped forward and blocked the car.

“what’s the situation?”

Fang Siyuan was playing on his cell phone boringly, and didn’t even look outside.

He suddenly felt the light dimmed and thought it was cloudy.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he raised his head, it was all people covered in black!

Zhao Zilang stared at Mu Feifan, and said, “Now, let’s talk about it.”

Mu Feifan said: “I refined it.”

“Hehehe.” Zhao Zilang smiled weirdly, still with a bit of gloom: “If you refine it, then you can’t leave, because I don’t believe you have this ability.”

“Neurotic.” Mu Feifei was speechless.

If you don’t answer, don’t let you go, if you answer you don’t believe it, it’s really so overwhelming.

“Unless you refine a middle-grade Spirit Gathering Pill on the spot, I will let you go!” Zhao Zilang said word by word.

“Why?” Although Mu Feifei didn’t want to cause trouble, it didn’t mean he was afraid of trouble.

Talking to you well is the most basic interpersonal etiquette.

But the flies have been buzzing savagely, he doesn’t mind slapped him to death!

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