Chapter 220 Brother Bao is autistic, I am transformed!


Meng Xiaobao screamed again, as if the knife had been smashed on the stone table.

Come on!

Just listen to the bang!

The long knife fell, and a corner of the table was actually cut off.

Xiao Yue saw that the fracture was neat.

This knife is really terrifying, it is as sharp as it is!

“How is it?” Meng Xiaobao gasped.

Hemp egg!

I didn’t expect it to be so hard!

My tiger’s mouth is still tingling and my arms are still shaking.

“Niu Pian, Brother Bao!” Xiao Yue slapped Meng Xiaobao on the shoulder, almost slapped him on the ground.

I don’t know why, seeing the scene just now, Xiao Yue felt that blood was burning all over her body!

His eyes glowed sharply, as if he was eager to destroy and vent.

“Brother Bao, I want to try too!” Xiao Yue licked her lips and dropped her big hand directly on the table.

Meng Xiaobao smiled faintly: “With your current Spirit Power level, it is still too early to cut the stone table. When you have 50% of the Cultivation Base for Brother Bao, you can cut the iron like mud…”

Before he finished speaking, he saw that the table looked like a piece of tofu, which was directly broken off by Xiao Yue.

Xiao Yue sighed and said to Meng Xiaobao, who had been frightened and dumbfounded a long time ago, “I broke it down too unevenly, far worse than Brother Bao.”

Damn it!

Meng Xiaobao was completely stunned.

He felt an unprecedented shock in his heart.

“Xiao Yueyue, are you okay?” Meng Xiaobao asked tentatively.

Xiao Yue spread out her hand and said, “It’s okay.”

Meng Xiaobao let out a cry, then took out a book from his storage bag, and said, “This is the God of War tactic. After I go back, I will cultivate it.”

Xiao Yue happily took it, and said, “Thank you Brother Bao, I will go back to Insight immediately and try to be as good as Brother Bao earlier.”

Hearing this, the corners of Meng Xiaobao’s mouth kept twitching, feeling that his whole body was not good.

He watched Xiao Yue leave, until the opponent completely disappeared from own field of vision, then looked at the stone table again.

“Damn, has this stone table been corroded inside for too long?”

Meng Xiaobao was very suspicious. He dropped the spirit sword, rolled up his sleeves, and sipped each of his palms.


Meng Xiaobao grabbed a corner of the stone table with his hand and began to exert his strength.

As a result…not moving at all.

“God of War tactic!”

Meng Xiaobao yelled, Spirit Power poured, and desperately worked hard.

The result remains the same.

He began to circle the stone table, exerting force from all angles, his hands were smoking, but he still didn’t get a piece.

Not even a trace was left.

Finally, Meng Xiaobao leaned on the stone table and slumped to the ground, panting for breath.

He stared at the sky blankly, and gradually closed himself.

Xiao Yue returned to Jianlu Island.

He now lives in the same yard with Mu Feifan.

Lots of rooms.

Youbai and Chunchun also live here.

The first time he saw the two women running into the small courtyard, Xiao Yue was shocked, thinking that Brother Fan Jin was hiding Jiao.

Later, Xiao Yue realized that the second woman was just a tool.

But it was also an existence he couldn’t afford.

“Xiao Yueyue is back.” Youbai was basking in the sun in the yard.

She was lying on the bench with her beautiful legs spread out randomly, and the picture was fragrant and seductive.

But Xiao Yue didn’t dare to look at it. He hurriedly shouted Sister Bai and wanted to go back to the room.

Suddenly, Youbai’s tone became cold: “Wait!”

In the next second, she flew to Xiao Yue’s side, with extreme aura.

“What…what’s wrong?” Xiao Yue was terrified, her teeth trembling.

You Bai stared at him tightly, his eyes sharp, as if he wanted to penetrate everything.

Xiao Yue felt that her own internal organs had been seen through, and she couldn’t keep away any little secrets from the other party.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

“From now on, call me sister-in-law~” You Bai suddenly turned a little bit and smiled mischievously.

Xiao Yue was dumbfounded.

He couldn’t believe it, how could the same person’s expression change so fast?

“But, I have a sister-in-law.” Xiao Yue replied tremblingly.

“Oh, it’s okay, you can call me like this when your Brother Fan is away.” You Bai said softly.

Xiao Yue was silent.

I can’t sorry the real sister-in-law.

After all, in the lobby that day, my sister nodded to herself!

Who is Dasao?

That is a woman who interprets the four words with no expression to the extreme.

Wannian Bingberg is not as cold as her.

Such an iceberg beauty nodded to herself!

For what?

It’s not because you trust me!

Therefore, I can’t betray her and call other women’s sister-in-laws.

“Or, you can call the second wife.” Youbai compromised and made another suggestion.

Xiao Yue:…

“Are you yelling?” You Bai stretched out her little white hand and shook it on Xiao Yue’s face.

I have to say that this hand is very beautiful, showing baby white, it seems to be able to squeeze out water all at once, tender and soft.

However, Xiao Yue has no time to appreciate it.

Because in the next second, long nails appeared on the top of the hand, very sharp, with a biting cold light.

Beauty and danger are intertwined, and they gather into an impactful picture, which is very exciting.

Xiao Yue had no doubt that this slender jade hand The next moment could poke five blood holes in him.


Suddenly, he felt his heart beat suddenly.

Under the strong beating of the heart, the blood in the whole body also boiled.

“I…I feel like I’m going to transform!” Xiao Yue’s reason was slowly disappearing.

In the next second, Xiao Yue’s body changed drastically.

One of his hands turned into terrible wolf claws.

The hair also grew longer and fell to the ground.

Sharp fangs are also growing in the mouth.

Violent energy ran through the body, turning into an angry howl, roaring from Xiao Yue’s mouth!


One after another, dark gas surrounded Xiao Yue like a dragon.

At this moment, Xiao Yue stared fiercely.

The look in his eyes didn’t look like a human at all, it was just a wolf.

You Bai’s beautiful eyes opened wide, unbelievable: “Screaming Moon Demon Wolf?”

Xiao Yue roared, and the terrifying sound wave condensed into substance, blasting towards You Bai in a spiral shape.

“Even if there is suppression from the blood of the monster race, you are just a first-level little Demonic Beasts!”

Youbai sneered and waved his hand to break the sound.

Xiao Yue was even more irritable.

He culled, and a pair of wolf claws smashed the void, and the momentum was inexhaustible.

Youbai gently raised his hand.

The terrifying power sprayed out and directly knocked Xiao Yue into the air.

Bang bang bang!

Xiao Yue smashed several big trees in the yard, and was shocked by the aftermath of blood stains on her body.

You Bai was a little worried.

After all, Xiao Yue is Mu Feifan’s brother, and You Bai has controlled his strength to the lowest level, but still accidentally injured the opponent.

Suddenly, an amazing scene happened.

I saw the blood marks on Xiao Yue’s body recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the wound disappeared in a blink of an eye.

“Only first-level, so the ability to recover.” Youbai exclaimed.

That being the case, then I’m not welcome.

Next, the white glow in Young Bai’s hand shone, as if holding a small sun, and a violent air current was set off around her, swaying all her long hair.

At this moment, You Bai can be more brilliant than the human goddess!

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