Chapter 232 The Messenger of Justice, the Chicken and the Rabbit in the Same Cage

After the transaction was completed, Mu Feihua took over the cheats.

Old man Shen smiled and said, “You will practice cooking here in the future.”

Mu Feifan was taken aback for a moment: “Teacher Shen, this seems to be your special kitchen.”

“It’s yours in the future.” The old man Shen said with a smile: “If there is nothing wrong, I will leave first, and I will see you tomorrow.”

“Teacher Shen goodbye.” Mu Feifan was overjoyed. He didn’t expect that Old Man Shen was so generous that he even let out the special kitchen.

As everyone knows, as soon as Old Man Shen walked out of the room and closed the door, he showed a lingering expression.

“This big guy hides too deeply. From my perspective, he is only a Foundation Building middle stage. Even Nascent Soul cultivator can’t see his real Realm…”

“My friend is like a tiger, I hope he can be satisfied with my approach.”

“Shen Qing, this girl, really did a good job for your fourth grandfather.”

But after all, Shen Qing grew up when he watched, and he couldn’t complain.

Thinking of this, the old man Shen only felt very aggrieved, took out the hip flask, and took a big sip of wine.

Dispel your sorrows by drinking!

At this moment, only Mu Feifan was left in the room.

He was holding the cheat book, and a reminder immediately appeared in his mind.

Acquired a copy of Shen Jia Huadao.

System rewards (optional):

One: One hundred copies of Shen Jia Huadao.

Two: Ten Thousand Beasts burst into one book.

“Ten Thousand Beasts burst?” Mu Feifan was puzzled, but he was not in a hurry to exchange it.

The choice of Martial Skill, of course, is to uphold the principle of learning the best.

However, Mu Feifan knows nothing about cooking, and his knife skills have no foundation.

So, first pick simple cooking skills to get started, and then study more powerful ones when you become more skilled.

So, Mu Feifan opened the Shen Jia Huadao and began to learn.

If the old man Shen knew Mu Fandian’s thoughts, he would vomit blood in depression.

When did my Shen family’s ancestor’s flower knife technique become a simple cooking technique?

That is a powerful cooking skill that is famous in his hometown empire.

Ordinary people who want to learn are not qualified yet!

If it weren’t for your status as a big brother, I really can’t bear to take it out.

Mu Feifan read the book very quickly, and browsed it after a while.

He is a master of gun skills.

The so-called one method is connected and Wanfa is connected.

The use of weapons is similar, but marksmanship is the most difficult.

Mu Feifan has mastered even the most difficult marksmanship. Looking at this kind of knife skills, it is just as simple as doctoral students doing exercises for elementary school students!

In a short moment, Shen’s Huadao has practiced it countless times in his heart.

In the next second, Mu Feifan picked up the chopper on the chopping board, and his whole temperament changed drastically, as if he had become a generation of chefs.

Immediately afterwards, he picked up a cucumber from the shelf of ingredients.

The purpose of choosing cucumber first is not because it sells well in front of the girls’ dormitory, but because it is easier to cut.

“Shen Jia Huadao!”

Mu Feifan slapped the knife quickly.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of the knife-cutting board is like rhythmic drum beats, like playing music, setting off an auditory feast.

Pieces of cucumber slices thin as cicada wings are born, and each slice is uniform in thickness, as if it were cut by a precise machine.

“It’s not difficult.” Mu Feifei said to himself.

I used to see less cheats!

No wonder the ancients often said that people should read more books, read more newspapers, eat less snacks and sleep more.

The ancients do not deceive me!

Next, Mu Feihua directly exchanged the cheats for Ten Thousand Beasts Burst Slash!

The name of this combat technique sounds extremely domineering.

It is hard to imagine that it is just a simple cooking technique.

Mu Feifan opened the cheats and slowly immersed himself in the world of swordsmanship.

Several hours passed.

Before you know it, it’s already evening.

Mu Feifan closed the book with unfinished talent.

The reason why I have watched it for so long is mainly because the above describes how to face different Demonic Beasts.

The cutting methods are different from the bottom to the swimming fish and the top to the birds.

If you want to completely master the Beast Burst Slash, you must know the body structure of each Demonic Beasts.

The angle from which the knife is used and what force is used to ensure that the fiber of the meat is not damaged, and the freshness of the meat is preserved to a great extent.

After reading it, Mu Feifan closed his eyes and reminisced.

He didn’t open his eyes again until he felt that there was nothing wrong with him, his eyes exuding eager light.

Mu Feifan glanced around the room and found that the freezer was full of cut meat ingredients, and there was no Demonic Beasts.

“Why don’t you find Mentor Shen to buy some Demonic Beasts to practice knife skills.” Mu Feihua thought to himself.

At this time, he realized that he had not exchanged contact information with Old Man Shen.

Moreover, it is getting late.

Mu Feifei feels a little regretful: “I can only talk about it tomorrow.”

When Mu Feifei returned to the courtyard on Jianlu Island, he happened to see the little turkey standing next to the rabbit cage and feeding the rabbit.


“Isn’t this the ready-made Demonic Beasts?”

Mu Feifan’s eyes lit up, took out the kitchen knife, and walked towards the rabbit cage step by step.

And the long-eared rabbit was chewing the grass and food that the little turkey had passed in, and didn’t even realize the danger was coming.

At this time, the little turkey noticed the cold glow of the back of the blade, and was frightened to spread its wings.

“Xiao Jiji, get out of the way, I want to practice swordsmanship!” Mu Feifan said.

The little turkey was shocked and cried a few times.

Is this big villain finally going to deal with Little Bunny?

The chicken messenger of justice will never allow it!

“Cock shit?” Mu Feifei’s mouth twitched, when did Xiao Jiji have such a strong taste?

But watching the little turkey’s face protecting the cub, Mu Feihua put down the butcher knife in his hand.

“Xiao Jiji, do you know, what is the chicken and rabbit cage problem?” he asked with a smile.

The little turkey looked blank.

Mu Feifan coughed slightly and said solemnly: “There are chickens and rabbits in the same cage today, with 35 heads on the top and 94 feet on the bottom. How many chickens and rabbits are there?”

The little turkey was at a loss for the second time.

“Since I don’t know, when will you come up with the answer, and when will you come out again.” Mu Feifan opened the rabbit cage naturally and threw the little turkey in.


Mu Feifan blinked: “Don’t you think I am helping you?”

The little turkey looked at the long-eared rabbit next to his own, and his cheeks flushed.

It quietly lifted its chicken wings, and after hesitating several times, it finally landed on the long-eared rabbit.

It’s furry, so comfortable…

The little turkey was intoxicated.

“Haha, it’s really a difficult question.” Mu Feifei laughed and walked to the room.

Life is really boring and monotonous. If you don’t have some fun, it will suffocate people.

The next day, Mu Feifei came to the Ling Kitchen early.

He walked into the exclusive kitchen and found that Old Man Shen was already standing next to the cutting board, staring at the cucumber slices.

“Is this what you cut?” Old man Shen asked.

Mu Feifan nodded.

“Yes, you have reached this level in one day, and your swordsmanship has improved tremendously.” The old man Shen smiled.

Mu Feifan asked: “Teacher Shen, I want to buy some Demonic Beasts to practice knife skills.”

Old man Shen was stunned: “You just learned to cut cucumbers, now you want to dissect Demonic Beasts?”

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