Chapter 234 Increased Effect, Immortal’s Recipe

“Compared with the dishes of the secular world, the spirit kitchen world pays more attention to efficacy!”

“The level of the spirit chef is divided into inferior, medium, superior and special grade.”

“The dishes made by a super-level spirit chef have made Nascent Soul cultivator infinitely useful.”

When the old man Shen talked about Realm he was good at, he couldn’t help but talk.

He clapped his hands.

The next moment, dozens of disciples walked in slowly with huge dinner plates.

Fresh ingredients are placed on each plate, exuding a strong Spiritual Qi.

The entire kitchen was suddenly flooded in the ocean of Spiritual Qi.

These ingredients are very eye-catching, and many of them are undissected.

Mu Feifan even saw a half-human golden crab, which was bigger than the king crab he had seen before. Fortunately, he was tied up by the big five flowers.

Otherwise, the pair of giant claws like pliers can stab a person to death.

The old man Shen followed Mu Feifan’s gaze and couldn’t help but smile: “That’s the golden samurai crab. It was shipped from a long distance. Let’s deal with it first.”

Mu Feifan nodded.

I saw Old Man Shen took the kitchen knife and began to practice on the Golden Samurai Crab quickly.

The next picture is a bit unbearable to look at it directly, it is simply a large-scale corpse scene.

Mu Feifan sighed that the crab meat was delicious, but the scene was too cruel.

However, the old man Shen didn’t take it seriously: “Take care of it while you are alive, so that you can preserve the deliciousness of the crab meat to a great extent.”

But this shell is too hard.

Mu Feifan felt that Old Man Shen was not tearing apart crabs, but rather rocks.

He picked up the giant claw he had removed, and compared it curiously.

It’s really big!

Longer than your own arm!

“It’s not bad if it’s used for refining materials.” Mu Feihua thought to himself.

Do not forget your old line of business at all times.

At this time, the old man Shen had already peeled off the crab shells, revealing the yellow crab paste inside, which looked attractive in color.

“Our first dish is called Golden Samurai Crab Crustacean Soup. The crab is cold and cold. When cooking, you should choose Chiyang Cuijing Garlic as a supplement…”

Old man Shen said a lot of condiments in one breath.

Mu Feifei listened intently.

In the words of Old Man Shen, if you make a secular dish, the crab meat itself is very delicious, and you don’t need so many ingredients.

But the spirit kitchen world is different. The combination of ingredients with different attributes can produce completely different effects.

Spirit chefs must not only taste good, but also bring powerful effects to the eater!

While the old man Shen spoke, his hands kept moving.

At this moment, he directly used a huge crab shell to make a pot and boiled the crab paste inside, which contained the rest of the ingredients and the dug out crab meat.

Next, the old man Shen slowly controlled the spirit fire.

“The three skills of a spirit chef, ingredients and knife skills, the last step is to heat.

It can be said that the most critical step in determining the success of this dish is this flame! ”

Next, he talked a lot about the use of flames.

Mu Feifan remembered everything in his heart.

Soon, a strong scent came to the nose, which made people appetite.

The old man Shen brought the crab shell to Mu Feihua, and smiled faintly: “How about the taste?”

Mu Feifan looked at the crab shells that were bigger than ordinary pots, and was shocked, and took a bite of crab meat with his chopsticks.

The crab meat at the moment, snow-white and shiny, covered with orange crab paste, is simply mouth-watering.

Mu Feifan put it into his mouth.

The moment he touched the tip of his tongue, his whole person was like an electric current.

“It’s like a pearl popping, it tastes too good.” Mu Feihua commented.

Old man Shen smiled, feeling a little proud.

Mu Feifan took another sip of crab paste with a silver spoon.


Sure enough, the two taste better when combined!

The boundless scent spreads in Mu Feifan’s mouth and walks around his body.

“Huh?” Mu Feifan clenched his fists, seeming to notice an incredible change in his body.

Old man Shen seemed to know the result a long time ago, and said with a smile: “Do you feel that you have become stronger?”

Mu Feifan nodded.

“This is the effect of the crustacean soup, which can greatly increase the power of the Ascension cultivator in a short time!” Old man Shen said.

Gain buff?

Mu Feifan understands in seconds.

It turns out that this is the heaven-defying of the spiritual chef.

Combine the unrelated and unremarkable ingredients together to bring delicious enjoyment to the cultivator and at the same time increase your own state!

The old man Shen said: “This Golden Samurai Crab is a pure second-level Demonic Beasts. It is usually very fierce. Although it is bound by a demon rope, it is not handled well by the Foundation Building cultivator. Therefore, for the spiritual chef, Cultivation Base, It’s also very important.”

Mu Feifan nodded.

The old man Shen seemed to talk about Xing Tou, and continued: “Going out, exploring the secret realm, bringing a spirit chef, can greatly Ascension survival ability.

Eat such a few meals every day to maintain the gain state at any time, which is stronger than usual.

Even if you are in danger, you can greatly Ascension’s winning rate! ”

Mu Feifan ate a lot of crab meat while the other party was talking, feeling very satisfied.

Next, the old man Shen rehearsed the other nine dishes.

“Honey-glazed barbecued pork venison with giant horns, Eight Immortals flavored mapo tofu, Lingzhi Mushrooms drunk chicken rolls…”

I have to say that old man Shen’s cooking skills are amazing.

In a short time, all ten dishes were made.

Mu Feifei gained a lot of insights, which also subverted his understanding of traditional dishes.

“Okay, I will give you the Secret Code of 100,000 Ingredients.” Old man Shen thought about it for a long time, and finally took out a book.

After all, theory is also very important to a spiritual chef.

Looking at the thick book, Mu Feifan was slightly surprised.

Is it a Xinhua dictionary again?

Old man Shen tentatively asked: “Are you buying or…”

He hesitated, after all, when he first gave out the knife book, Mu Feifei said he wanted to buy it.

At that time, Old Man Shen still felt that Mu Feifan didn’t want to take advantage of their ordinary cultivators.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feihua was stunned for a while.

He wanted to buy it before because the cooking skills were considered combat skills and the system could be increased.

But what’s the point of buying a Xinhua dictionary now and going back to increase it?

However, there are precedents, it is a bit unreasonable not to buy now.

In desperation, Mu Feifan could only say: “Buy!”

White prostitution is impossible.

After the transaction was completed, Mu Fei Fei received the Secret Code of 100,000 Ingredients.

Unexpectedly, at the same time, a reminder appeared in Mu Fei’s mind.

System rewards (optional):

One: One hundred secret books of one hundred thousand ingredients.

Two: A recipe for immortals.

Mu Feifan:! ! !

How can this be so?

Can Xinhua Dictionary increase?

It’s just going against the sky!

His first reaction was to go to Shengdanyuan and buy another Xinhua dictionary about Spiritual herbs.

If he knew that it could be increased, then he was still working hard on what pill recipe!

Watching Mu Feifan silently, the old man Shen said: “You can practice here first. If you need any ingredients, just order the disciples.”

“Okay, thank you Mentor Shen.” Mu Feifan said.

“Then I will see you in one month, no, three months later.” Old man Shen thought for a while, felt that Mu Fei Fei could not master so many dishes in a short time, so he set the time a little longer.

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