Chapter 240 Starting from the Baby, the God of the Immortal Island Song

The little turkey is about to collapse.

You guys are too bullying.

“Haha!” Seeing the little turkey’s head drooping, even Fang Qingxian couldn’t help laughing.

Mu Feifan said: “Don’t be depressed, my wife has to start with the baby.”

The little turkey gave him an angry look.

Did I grab it from the doll?

I especially this is grabbed from the placenta.

Fang Qing said leisurely: “Brother Mu, if there is nothing wrong, I will leave first.”

“Wait, Yan Sect Leader is not here, the yard renovation is left to you.”

Fang Qingxian:? ? ?

Mu Feifan: “Make a chicken farm.”

Fang Qingxian looked shocked: “Brother Mu, you really want to switch to raising chickens. Isn’t it fragrant to cultivate immortals?”

Unexpectedly, the little turkey cried in excitement.

It’s good to raise chickens.

What’s so good about Xiuxian?

Who is beautiful?

One day passed.

Because Mu Feifei had been in the Spirit Kitchen for a while, Xiao Yue was bored to go to the God of War Academy for cultivation.

At night, Xiao Yue pushed open the door of the small courtyard from outside, and immediately retreated out of fright.

He glanced at the outside environment blankly.

“I didn’t go wrong, this should be Brother Fan’s yard. Why has it changed so much?” Xiao Yue was a little confused.

“Come in, I’m here.” Mu Feifan’s voice came from the courtyard.

Xiao Yue was overjoyed, opened the door, and said, “Brother Fan, you are finally willing to come back from the kitchen, but why has our yard become like this?”

At this moment, a large shed was built in the courtyard, which was covered with thick straw.

The most surprising thing is that more than three hundred eggs were placed in the shed.

“Raise chickens.” Mu Feifei said casually.

Xiao Yue was stunned: “I thought these eggs were for eating.”

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh!” The little turkey sprang out from the side, anxiously pecking Xiao Yue.

Mu Feifan said: “Don’t talk nonsense, these are the wives selected for Xiao Jiji.”

Xiao Yue was speechless.

With so many wives, is it busy with a chicken?

Especially, when Xiao Yue saw the little turkey sitting next to each egg and wanted to speed up hatching, she was even more surprised.

When do roosters like to hatch eggs?

“Xiao Yueyue, can you sing?” Mu Feifan asked abruptly.

Speaking of this, Xiao Yue said modestly: “I like singing, dancing, rap and basketball, but why do you ask this?”

Mu Feifan handed over an amplifying note and said solemnly: “Prenatal education! Listen to music for them.”

Damn it!

Xiao Yue: “These chickens and heads are so fashionable.”

Hong Yu: “It’s too wild, I want to make one too.”

The little turkey was extremely excited, and felt like a chicken king sitting on three thousand harem beauties.

It feels that it has reached the pinnacle of chicken life!

Mu Feifan said: “These little yellow chickens, the females are all left, and the males are given away.”

“How do you see their gender?” Xiao Yue asked.

Mu Feifan:…

This is indeed a problem.

“Wow!” Little Turkey volunteered to stand up.

It decided to try the law.

Mu Feifan was overjoyed: “Okay, it’s Xiao Jiji, I have a high level of mental consciousness, and I will leave this work to you.”

The little turkey rubbed its wings, eager to try.

The three immediately left and went back to sleep.

But I heard that that night, the whole chicken shed was filled with cock crows.

The little turkey stayed up all night.

The next day, Mu Feifei found a weak-looking little turkey outside the chicken shed.

I don’t know what method it uses to actually divide all the little yellow chickens into gender.

At this moment, the hens have been raised in captivity.

Mu Feifan said: “A good one, you deserve to be the chicken god of Jianlu Island!”

The little turkey gave him a white look.

This chicken god sounds nice, but it’s a bit wasteful.

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