Chapter 276

“That’s okay.” Mu Feifei could only agree.

After all, the wife had made the imperial decree.

Suddenly, Mu Feiyan glanced at the back row, only to find that Li Meng was staring at them dumbfounded.

“Hello, Mengmei.” Mu Feifei smiled faintly.

Li Meng was taken aback. He didn’t expect that the other party would take the initiative to say hello, and hurriedly said, “Hello, brother-in-law.”

Mu Feifan: “It’s okay, you watch the movie, and tell me the details after watching it.”

Li Meng was dumbfounded.

Watching a woolen movie, she just watched the two people in the front row perform love actions.

“Okay, okay!” For some reason, Li Meng agreed with a ghost.

The plot, just guess it.

But then, Li Meng raised his head and watched the movie carefully.

In one class time, the movie ends.

As the lights came on, everyone complained one after another.

“This movie is too short.”

“Yes, it’s so short, how do you write a 2,000-character impression?”

“Edit, from ancient times to the present, up and down five thousand years, from the big bang to the collapse of the universe, just edit it!”

“You can really pull the calf.”

At this time, Li Xiuzhu said: “After watching this movie, what do you think? If you say it well, your impressions can be reduced to a thousand words!”


Is there such an operation?

Mu Feifan’s eyes lit up.

You know, for him, writing something is too strenuous, it is difficult to pop a word.

Originally, I admired the idea of ​​going to Otherworld to find Brother Bao for help tomorrow.

After all, Meng Xiaobao has the highest water ratio in the God of War Academy.

A mere two thousand words should not be a problem.

But Li Xiuzhu’s words brought Mu Fei’an’s mind to life again.

If you only write a thousand words, it will be even easier.

I can make it out by myself!

Thinking of this, Mu Feifan began to quickly recall the plot of the movie.

After A Zhen and A Qiang were together, she never expected that A Qiang turned out to be the hidden boss of the alliance.

And Aqiang did not expect that Azhen is the princess of Otherworld.

Knowing that A Zhen’s country was broken and killed, A Qiang became an angry confidante.

Together they returned to Otherworld to help Azhen defeat the enemy and rebuild the country.

The plot is really simple.

Mu Feihua thinks slowly.

At this time, Bai Lesheng raised his hand: “Mr. Li, I have an idea.”

At this moment, he didn’t know who borrowed a set of clothes, which looked like a dog.

It is better than clothing without covering the body.

Li Xiuzhu said: “You answer.”

“I think it is the power of love!” Bai Lesheng said impassionedly: “Love allows them to grow up with each other and finally win. Therefore, we must all hurry up to fall in love. Single dogs can’t do anything.”

Li Xiuzhu’s eyes twitched slightly.

I feel that your words are full of malice towards me.

Are single dogs unworthy of success?

“Sit down.” Li Xiuzhu said grimly.

Bai Lesheng asked excitedly: “Teacher Li, do I have to reduce my impressions by a thousand words?”

“What is your answer? It’s irrelevant. Add a thousand words and pay three thousand tomorrow.” Li Xiuzhu said sharply.

Originally, Li Xiuzhu didn’t bother to care about him, but he didn’t expect that this kid would still be obsessed with the reduction of a thousand words.

Must be fined!

Bai Lesheng was dumbfounded.

Damn it!

The answer is wrong, but you need to add words?

What’s the reason?

“Hahaha!” Seeing Bai Lesheng’s miserable look, everyone laughed.

Feng Li patted Bai Lesheng with his hand behind him: “Lao Bai, tell you to do what you can, and I have to write a thousand more words. Look at me, I never take the initiative to answer questions.”

Bai Lesheng glared at him fiercely: “You are a pig. You only know how to eat, but you don’t know how to use your brain.”

Li Xiuzhu glanced at Feng Li and said, “Feng Li, you can answer!”

Feng Li:…

“Ahaha, I asked you to laugh at me, it’s not that I didn’t report it, the time has not come.” Bai Lesheng smiled heartlessly, even the posterior molars could be seen.

Feng Li scratched his head, his brain thinking hard.

However, his brain is blank!

Feng Li glanced at Li Xiuzhu in confusion.

“Don’t look at me, you have to add words if you can’t answer it.” Li Xiuzhu is in a bad mood now.

In the end, Feng Li could only helplessly say: “I think you can’t fall in love if you want to be successful, but you must be at ease in your career!”

“What a mess of your answer…” Bai Lesheng was about to sarcastically say a few more words.

Unexpectedly, Li Xiuzhu said: “It makes sense. Career is the first. You can write a thousand words less in your opinion.”

Feng Li’s words won my heart.

What’s the use of falling in love?

Single dogs can rule the world!

Bai Lesheng’s squinted eyes opened, staring roundly: “Is this okay?”

At this time, Li Xiuzhu’s eyes flew across the students.

The students bowed their heads as far as they could.

For fear of being named by the teacher!

They understand.

The wrong answer is more serious.

Might as well pretend to be dead on the table.

“Ms. Li, I have an idea.” At this moment, a voice came from the back row.

Everyone was startled, there are really warriors!

When they looked back, their expressions were so wonderful.

It turned out that the person who took the initiative to answer was Mu Feifan.

“My God, brother-in-law is out!”

“But I don’t think he can. After all, we can’t guess what Teacher Li thinks.”

“Brother-in-law is not in our class. No matter what he said is right or wrong, he doesn’t have to write about his thoughts.”

Li Xiuzhu said: “Student Mu, although you are not in our class, you can’t let you answer for nothing.”

Mu Feifan seemed to have expected something.

Just listen to Li Xiuzhu smiling and saying: “If you answer wrongly, then the extra thousand words of punishment will be added to the impression of Xia classmate.”

Sure enough, a free answer is impossible.

It’s impossible in this life.

There is a price to pay for the wrong answer.

The people couldn’t help taking a breath.

“Brother-in-law is too impulsive!”

“If the answer is wrong, Sister Xia will be unlucky with it.”

“Sister Xia is also unlucky. People are sitting on a stool, and disaster comes from the sky.”

They looked at Xia Yuchan one after another.

Unexpectedly, in this situation, Xia Yuchan still maintained a calm expression, as if he didn’t take Mu Feifei’s answer right or wrong seriously.

This mentality is too detached.

“Sister Xia is mighty, and her mentality is old and stable.”

“A husband and wife are of the same mind, is it profitable to cut money?”

“Quickly shut up, I didn’t think about that. I’m sour again when you said that.”

“I’m sour too.”

Where do they know what the truth is.

At this moment, Mu Feifan was a little speechless.

“I wrote the pen anyway, so what is there to be afraid of my wife?”

The reason why he took the initiative to answer is to fight for himself!

Xia Yuchan whispered: “Come on, boy.”

The corners of Mu Feifan’s mouth twitched.

Listen, listen, you are still teasing me at this time, obviously not taking right or wrong answers in mind.

It seems that I will definitely be allowed to write at night, which is a real deal.

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