Chapter 627 Need a watch to be a cannon fodder?

Mu Feifan and the others looked at each other and joined the army of eating melons.

They ran out of the inn.

At this moment, the outer barrier has been withdrawn.

But there were three more cultivator bodies on the ground.

The three cultivators should have been attacked by unknown Demonic Beasts.

The body was pierced by a blow.

The death is tragic.

Rao is that everyone has seen too much of this picture, and can’t help but be surprised at this moment.

Looking at the movements of these three people, it was obvious that they had already ran near the barrier.

But as soon as the barrier was opened, it isolated the inn from the outside world.

Everything outside can never come in.

It’s a pity for these three people!

Boss Xu walked nearby, looked carefully, and then sighed: “Hey, you shouldn’t be staying outside at night.”

Xu Xiaoxin said, “Father, these three are all residents of our inn.”

Boss Xu: “They are a team. Since they died at the entrance of the inn, we will be good people once and bury them all.”

While talking, Boss Xu’s hands were dishonest.

Just drop the storage bags of the three cultivators!

Many people saw this scene, but didn’t say anything.

After all, Boss Xu said he wanted to bury them, so he should get some funeral expenses.

Originally, Mu Feihua didn’t have any thoughts.

He was truly speechless until he saw Boss Xu burn the three of them to ashes.

Is this what you mean by burial?

It’s too casual.

Boss Xu said while blowing his ashes: “I wish you an early road to bliss in the past life!”

How do you look at this tone, it looks like a magic stick.

After sending off the three cultivators, Boss Xu turned around and said: “Everyone, I emphasize again, don’t stay outside at night. You have seen the degree of danger. All three Gold Core cultivators will be killed by one blow… …”

Mu Feifan frowned.

Can instantly kill Gold Core cultivator, the level of Demonic Beasts should not be low.

It’s a pity that I didn’t check their bodies just now, and I don’t know the magical powers of this Demonic Beasts.

Boss Xu is still taking education classes there.

On this side, the three brothers Liu Dayang have come up.

“Brother Pang, Brother Mu, are you ready?” Liu Dayang said.

Pang Guang and others have just witnessed a tragedy, and their hearts are ups and downs.

At this moment, they heard Liu Dayang talking, but they didn’t react.

Pang Guang trembled: “It’s too dangerous outside, I dare not go out.”

Liu Dayang didn’t care at all, as if he didn’t seem to be surprised, he said, “Brother Pang, there are too many things like this in Thunder Mountain. We have seen it many times. Don’t worry, Demonic Beasts are not that scary during the day.”

Pang Guang: “So, should I always pay attention to the time? Otherwise, the Thunder Mountain can’t distinguish between day and night.”

Mu Feifei smiled and said, “Master Da Da, you need a little genius phone watch.”

Pang Guang: “…Why can’t I understand a word of what you said?”

Mu Feifan: “It’s normal not to understand, let’s get ready to go.”

A hint of joy appeared on Liu Dayang’s face: “Brother Mu is still refreshed, I will lead the way, let’s go together.”

So, the three brothers were in front, and the six Mu Feihua followed behind.

A temporary team of nine people embarked on the journey.

Thunder Mountain is really vast.

The mountains are steep and the terrain is rugged.

There is not even an artificial mountain road.

Everyone flew at low altitude, and they didn’t dare to fly too high.

The high-altitude threat, in addition to some powerful monsters, is thunder and lightning.

If it gets struck by lightning, then stop cooking.

They came to a valley in the mountains.

There is a faint mist shrouded here, it looks like Bufan, there seems to be a great opportunity.

Liu Dayang and others descended, pointing to the bottom and said: “The last time we went into this valley, we found Chiyanghua, and there were five guardian beasts nearby.”

Mu Feifei looked towards the valley, and his spirit was released secretly.

As a result, when I encountered the fog, I couldn’t get in, and I couldn’t help but feel a little surprised.

“Really a dangerous place.” He commented.

Liu Dayang smiled bitterly: “This mist isolates the spirits, and we have to go down ourselves.”

Mu Feifan thought for a while and said, “You can go down, you must continue to lead the way.”

Liu Dayang: “That’s natural.”

Pang Guang was a little faint, and said, “Brother Mu, this fog is so big, what should I do in case of danger?”

Liu Dayang was speechless.

This group really has no opinion.

Look for Mu Feifan for everything.

Mu Feifan: “Since Brother Dayang said that there are five guardian beasts, then there is not much danger.”

Liu Dayang said with a smile: “That’s natural. With the nine of us, we can almost do two to one.”

Pang Guang and others looked weird.

Are you afraid you don’t know that the sum of the four of us is less than one?

The three brothers Liu Dayang began to enter the valley.

Mu Feifan and others followed.

As it deepened, the fog grew thicker and thicker.

The visibility is getting lower and lower.

Chen Zhihui said: “Madan, this place is too terrible, you can’t even see clearly.”

Liu Dayang: “I ask for wealth and danger, and a few brothers bear with me.”

I don’t know how long he has been walking, Liu Dayang in front of him stopped.

“Here!” His tone became serious.

I saw a blooming flower in front, faintly shining light, like a small sun.

“Red Sun Flower!” Pang Guang’s eyes lit up.

If he looks so much like a sun, he would be really blind if he couldn’t recognize it.

Liu Dayang smiled and said, “Next, I beg everyone!”

Pang Guang: “We have to rely on Brother Dayang, we just fight soy sauce.”

Suddenly, his expression changed drastically.

Where is the shadow of the three brothers Liu Dayang ahead?

It disappeared without knowing it.

“Fuck! Where did they go?” Pang Guang was stunned.

At this moment, there were a few shadowy outlines near the red sun flower, gradually revealing their true colors.

It is the third-level Demonic Beasts.

He is four meters long, covered with golden scales, and his eyes are fierce.

Chen Zhihui exclaimed: “Fuck, guardian beast, this f*ck is pangolin Upgraded, isn’t it? So big!”

Li Jie looked terrified: “The number seems to be wrong, isn’t it five? I saw more than ten!”

He Xiaona’s voice trembled: “Liu Dayang, where are you?”

Pang Guang shouted: “Brother Dayang, come out, stop playing hide-and-seek, your information is wrong, and Daddy won’t pick up this job.”

However, even though they shouted for a long time, the three brothers Liu Dayang did not show up.

Mu Feifan was a little speechless: “Don’t shout, you still can’t see it now, you have been tricked by Liu Dayang, this is for them to be cannon fodder!”


Hearing this, Pang Guang and others were dumbfounded.

I feel that my innocent heart has been traumatized like never before!

Pang Guang called out: “Fuck, Rivers and Lakes are sinister, I’m so bad at meeting people!”

The corner of Chen Zhihui’s mouth twitched: “Master Da Da, this term is not used appropriately, you are not a woman.”

Pang Guang: “I was so fooled by three scumbags!”

Li Jie seemed to see something, and said with some peace of mind: “Don’t worry, as long as we don’t take the Chiyanghua idea, these guardian beasts will not attack us!”

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