The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 144: Luo Luo's Changes

After Luo You left, Luo Luo was finally able to stay alone for a while.

Without being disturbed, he could carefully look at the changes in himself.

Since becoming a true god, Luo Luo no longer paid attention to his own changes.

It may also be that the changes were too fast, so he simply did not adapt.

The God Realm is developing all the time, not to mention the countless achievements.

Not to mention the various plans that Luo Luo had proposed before.

And the amazing thing is that these plans have been completed and have made achievements in the outside world.

Deity: Luo Luo

Clergy: God of Science and Technology

Divine Power: Scientific Research (Scientific Research Task 1: Supernatural Potions; Scientific Research Task 2: Human Body Transformation Technology of the Light Clan; Scientific Research Task 3: Energy Recycling Technology; Scientific Research Task 4: Anti-gravity System; Scientific Research Task 5: Empty; Scientific Research Task 6: Empty; Scientific Research Task 7: Empty; Scientific Research Task 8: Empty) (After being promoted to the Lord God level, the speed of scientific research becomes faster and the scientific research task bar doubles.)

Divine Art: None (Prohibited)

Divine Power: 1002 (Lord God Level)

Faith Value: 1200000000 (most of it was consumed when promoted to Lord God)

Divine Domain: 855.62 million square kilometers, (40% of the Divine Domain Continent, 60% of the Stars)

Faith Races: . (Uncountable)

The expansion of the Divine Domain mainly depends on the rewards of the Will of the Universe after the True God Test.

Such a long time has long been consumed, but it doesn't matter, now Luo Luo has the Lord God level reward again.

I don't know whether the Will of the Universe saw that Luo Luo passed the level too easily, or realized what Luo Luo really needed.

However, there is only one reward for passing the Lord God Test, which is the expansion bonus of the God Realm.

At the same time, because of the upgrade to the main upgrade stage, a large number of new features have appeared in the feature store, which is really eye-catching.

Luo Luo touched his shrunken wallet and was helpless. This is the disadvantage caused by the too fast promotion.

Especially the consumption of the final transition from the peak true god stage to the main god stage is not something that ordinary people can afford. No wonder those true gods have endured for hundreds or even thousands of years to complete the Lord God Test.

In the past, Luo Luo always thought that it was the subjects in the God Realm who were restricted, but he didn't expect that the real restriction was the foundation of the gods - the faith value.

If it weren't for the mechanical race giving Luo Luo an uninterrupted supply, he could also extract a considerable income from the virtual network.

It is estimated that it would be difficult for him to complete such a large level jump.

The MI universal robot made in the mechanical disaster cannot provide Luo Luo with faith value.

Because of the previous war, the production of other mechanical races stagnated, which made the growth rate of faith value in Luoluo's domain approach 0, that is, there was no positive growth, but the overall faith value was still rising rapidly.

After all, other life forms are also gradually improving their faith level.

Of course, this is just a bonus for Luoluo. Now that the war is over, the focus of work has shifted to the production of normal mechanical races. Luoluo is very cautious about the production of new robots. He hopes to have a new mechanical race that can provide a large amount of faith value.

After all, with the MI robot Zhu Yu in front, if it is just to get faith value and randomly generate it, it will not only harm the domain, but also waste resources.

And the Zerg is about to be faced, which is also a big enemy.

The production of MI robots cannot be stopped. Then it can only suppress the production of other types of mechanical races, and the progress will be far behind. Instead of being in a hurry later, it is better to plan it at the beginning. Moreover, if you want to quickly reach the realm mentioned by the God of Death, that is, half-step God Lord or even promoted to God Lord level, the faith value consumed will double. With the current supply of Rollo, it is far inferior.

So it is better to make a mechanical group that specifically provides faith value.

Thinking of this, the baby suddenly slapped his head.

Is this method feasible?

Do it right away. There are more than a thousand mechanical drawings developed in the God's Domain.

But most of them are mechanical families that are not very useful, or will face elimination in the cosmic war, so there is no large-scale production.

There are even some mechanical families that collapse during operation or after running for a period of time because of their imperfect design.

These are not meaningless. All failures are for future success. They can be used as materials and experimental data to provide scientists with sudden inspiration.

This is the meaning of their existence. Moreover, some successful mechanical family models before were also continuously researched and upgraded from failures, so Rollo did not underestimate their contribution to the God's Domain. They are equally great.

And now what Rollo has to do is to compare these large numbers of mechanical families, whether successful or failed, horizontally, to determine the way to increase faith value or how to use the minimum cost to create a new type of robot that specifically provides faith.

Of course, such research is very difficult. The mechanical race has the characteristic of constant faith value, which means that only mechanical races of corresponding levels can provide corresponding faith values.

But things are in the hands of man, and Luo Luo found that these things are not without loopholes.

The level is determined by the material of the mechanical race itself.

Just like the MI basic robot, the level of the control chip can be increased to force the robot to enter the ranks of advanced life forms, so that the level suppression in the battle will be minimized.

Luo Luo also realized something from this aspect.

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