Everyone in the hall dispersed, and only Jiang Siming sat on the throne and flipped through the plan in front of him.

In his eyes, the combat power in the cantilever universe was not worth mentioning, but it must be said that their ideas were absolutely genius.

The most important task now was to accumulate enough strength.

You must know that he was an envoy of the Mad War Empire. Although his status was not so high, it was also the face of the empire. Once he went outside the cantilever universe, he would be immediately noticed by the supervisory agency of the Mad War Empire.

The big empires took the issue of rebirth and possession seriously. Yin found that people who used such technology or magic were serious crimes in the major empires.

Of course, the people in these empires were not good birds. They would openly sell the quota of rebirth or possession to those younger generations who had both background and talent.

The purpose was to enhance their own foundation.

Although using such techniques would damage one's own talent, a genius who could have a second life was much more important than an ordinary citizen.

Let's turn the picture back to Luo Luo.

As soon as the surrender agreement was signed after the war, Luo Luo immediately led his team back to the Diyuan Continent.

It would take 6 months to go back, but Luo Luo was not in a hurry at this time. After all, he came here to catch the other party off guard, and it would be much easier to return.

During this period, he began to discuss the details of the battle with everyone in the sect.

To make plans for the subsequent war, the command of this war was relatively rough, the ending was good, but the process was definitely not smooth.

In order to prevent such phenomena, Luo Luo had held battle retrospective learning tasks many times before.

And he analyzed various things that happened in the war and summarized the characteristics of everyone in the sect.

Having strength is not worth showing off, it is best to put these strengths in a position that suits him.

He wanted to deepen the role of Lin Ran and Luo You.

The two performed very perfectly in this war, not only disrupting the enemy's rear support route, but also making great contributions to opening up the advance defense line for the entire legion. It can be said that they were the rhythm of the early stage of the war.

The unsuccessful battle in the later stage had nothing to do with them.

"Let's talk about it. We have analyzed this battle many times. Everyone's good and bad points have been picked out in detail. So how can we prevent such incidents, or how can we ensure our victory in future battles?"

'Swoosh' Cai Mengmeng was the first to stand up. Although she had a bigger problem this time.

All the plans were perfect, but information was a problem. The lack of information sources made them make the wrong decision when making decisions. If there were no other people to help remedy it.

Then they would probably cut off their path to God here.

"Boss, we still have too few sources of information. Although we have obtained most of the information of the cantilever universe through the virtual network, there are still some civilizations that prohibit the spread of the virtual network. The information collected in these civilizations is very scarce, so that we will ignore or not pay enough attention to it when making this decision."

"So I request to send quantum ghosts to all civilizations that are not connected to the virtual network for information transmission."

It sounds good to say that it is information transmission, but it is actually intelligence personnel.

This operation consumes a lot of resources because the operation mode of the virtual network is very special.

A large number of life forms in an area using the virtual network is equivalent to an aggregated transfer station, so that they can transfer information in the virtual network without consuming any resources. However, if there are no virtual network users around, then additional virtual network transfer stations need to be built.

The consumption of the transfer station is very large, but Luo Luo knows that this is a necessary consumption, and he even hopes to spread the transfer station throughout the universe.

Of course, it is impossible for him now. It is very difficult to build a transfer station around the hostile civilization that is not connected to the virtual network in the cantilever universe. In addition to the consumption of resources, there is also the destruction of hostile civilizations. No one will place such a thing at their doorstep, let alone the enemy.

Let alone concealment, others are not stupid.

All civilizations are very familiar with the situation in the surrounding star fields, and even have very detailed star maps. Even items such as comets that pass by once every few hundred years will be recorded in detail.

Of course, the blood stasis civilization is a wonder. They are one of the few civilizations that violate this operation.

Moreover, most civilizations will regularly clean up meteorites, broken asteroids, cosmic garbage, etc. in the surrounding star fields, in order to provide their own legions with a good battlefield vision.

So the idea of ​​disguising it as other items is not feasible.

"You also know the difficulty of the problem. Since you have proposed it, I think you must have some ideas. I will solve the problem of resources, and then the problem of camouflage."

"Quantum shielding, this is the latest technology just developed in the God's Domain. It can use a special quantum coating on the surface of the giant structure to make it quantum invisible for a period of time. Without the corresponding quantum survey technology, it is impossible to find the target."

"Disadvantages?" Luo Luo knew that every new technology has a huge advantage, but they may also have very serious problems, or even hidden dangers.

"It's still a question of production efficiency. If we produce at full capacity at the level of God's Domain, we can only produce 100 sets of paint a year in reality, and this kind of paint is replaced every year and is a consumable."

"You mean you can only guarantee 100 units per year."

If that's all, your plan is impossible to achieve.

"Not really. With the development of science and technology or the improvement of technology in God's Domain, the quality will definitely improve and the production speed will also increase, but these are all unknowns. With the current technical level, 100 units per year is already a conservative amount."

"But 100 units is far from enough."

You know, apart from the northwest universe unified by the Zerg.

The other three directions require a large number of transfer stations. Even the southwest direction with the least planets and civilizations has tens of thousands of civilizations of all sizes. Not to mention the friendly or neutral civilizations, there are thousands of clearly hostile civilizations.

Not to mention the hundreds of thousands of civilizations in the northeast and the hundreds of thousands of civilizations in the east, west and south that have not yet been unified. Of course, these civilizations are large and small.

Let's not count the small civilizations, there are still tens of thousands of hostile civilizations. If we don't even count the intermediate civilizations, there are more than 1,300 hostile civilizations. Even if we only count the advanced and top civilizations, there are more than 240.

And this does not include the Zerg, which has a larger territory.

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