The Luo family is a well-known family of true gods, so every year on the awakening day, the awakening ceremony of the children in the surrounding area is organized by the Luo family. This year, Luo Luo's uncle, Luo Zhiyong, a sixth-level true god, came.

"Don't be nervous, Xiao Luo, hold the awakening stone tightly and feel it well, it will be fine soon."

"Okay, uncle." Luo Luo grabbed the awakening stone on the table and began to comprehend it. The awakening stone is a magical item that helps humans who have not opened up the divine domain to better perceive their own divine domain and make the connection between the two easier.

Luo Luo felt his palms begin to heat up, and a faint line connected him to a small piece of land. At the same time, the technology core also bloomed brightly in his mind.

God: Luo Luo

Number: 700008427086

Priesthood: God of Technology

Divine Power: Scientific Research

Ability 1: Everything can be scientifically researched, and all objects, energy and skills can be studied.

Ability 2: Everything can be integrated, and all results after the research is completed can be integrated at will.

Ability 3: Limit divine arts. Divine arts cannot be used in your divine domain. Your religious race cannot learn divine arts.

Ability 4: Limit racial characteristics. All races in your divine domain will lose their magic characteristics and cannot promote divine messengers.

Ability 5: Limit alien energy. Other energy items and skills except technological power cannot be used in the divine domain.

Divine arts: None (prohibited)

Divine power: 0 (1 strand of divine power: reserve god; 1 drop of divine power: demigod; 100 drops of divine power: true god)

Faith value: 0 (10,000 faith value = 1 strand of divine power, 100 strands = 1 drop,)

Divine domain: 150 square kilometers (40% mountains, 20% plains, 30% hills, 10% lakes)

Faith race: mechanical race (only)

Luo Luo was stunned when he looked at his interface. It was full of game style.

"Is this the trick of the technology core?"

But this is not the main point. The main point is that his priesthood is the god of technology. It was the first time he heard of such a priesthood on Earth Origin Star. You should know that Earth Origin Star is a medieval style, and it is in the stage of faith as a whole. According to what he learned, the powerful priesthoods of other people are elemental priesthoods, such as the God of Fire, the God of Water, the God of Darkness, the God of Light, etc. The weaker ones are the priesthoods of a single race, such as the God of Goblins, the God of Gnolls, and the God of Dwarves. There are also some functional priesthoods, such as the God of Harvest, the God of Forging, etc.

Having said so much, I just want to tell you that this is a fantasy world. I have never heard of the category of science on the Earth Origin Continent. In other words, Luo Luo may be the only scientific god.

He could think that the technology core would bring him great help, but he didn't expect the surprise to be so big.

To be honest, the God of Technology is really strong!

After reading the divine power of scientific research, Luo Luo realized that his future path is very broad. Abilities 1 and 2 complement each other, which can ensure that his divine domain and faith race are very comprehensive and powerful, even if abilities 3, 4 and 5 are all restrictions. But this is only a disadvantage in the early stage, and it may become his help in the later stage.

If he launches a war of gods with the enemy, when the enemy's subordinates invade his divine domain and find that they cannot use any magic and energy attacks of faith, and the hostile gods cannot use divine arts to control the battlefield, the enemy will know what despair is.

And the surprises are not over yet. If the scientific research theocracy is water, then his religious race, the mechanical race, is fish.

The scientific research theocracy itself is already very powerful. Coupled with the characteristics of the mechanical race, it is really perfect.

Religious race: Mechanical race (only)

Category: Silicon-based life

Level: LV1

Constitution: 10

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Spirit: 1

Talent: 1. Mechanical life: Four values ​​are constant, and can only be evolved through high-level metal or technology.

2. Constant faith: Faith value is related to level (LV1 10; LV2 20; LV3 40; LV4 80; LV5 160; LV6 320 and so on. Because faith is constant, it is impossible to give birth to a god messenger)

3. Constant skills: Skills are constant during manufacturing, and materials can only be changed or upgraded with other technologies. They cannot be obtained through learning or being given by gods.

Introduction: This is a race with infinite potential.

Luo Luo was so happy in his heart, but he seemed a little crazy to the outside world.

This scared Luo Zhiyong. He was afraid that Xiao Luo would have some problems during the awakening ceremony.

"Xiao Luo, Xiao Luo."

"Ah, what's wrong with uncle?" Uncle's shout pulled Luo Luo out of his inner imagination.

"How is your awakening? Why are you always in a daze? What happened?"

"No, no, uncle, I'm fine."

Seeing that Luo Luo had returned to his original state, Luo Zhiyong did not ask any more questions.

He just asked him to register the information, which was to better cultivate his offspring. And they can also select talents from the civilians who are preparing gods every year to cultivate and expand the family.

Luo Luo reported his priesthood and divine power truthfully. But he did not write down the last three abilities in the scientific research divine power. First, this is a restricted ability in the divine power, which can be said to be negative. Second, this is also digging a pit for the enemy. If you can pit as many as you can, just in case there is a brainless one.

Although the family will keep their information confidential. But you still have to have a trump card, just be prepared.

Besides, the things exposed have already stunned the uncle, and saying more words is a bit too much.

Walking out of the awakening room, Luo Luo was very emotional. It was a sunny and good day.

He waited for his brothers and sisters to come out and go home together.

The first one to come out was Luo Xin, who was behind him. His mouth was almost crooked with laughter, and he could no longer hide his pride.

Luo Xin also saw his cousin and ran over immediately.

"Brother, guess what priesthood I awakened?"

"The God of the Demonic Tiger?" You should know that Luo Xin's father Lin Ran is the God of the Tiger, and his mother Luo Xinlan is the God of the Demon Clan. The probability of children inheriting their parents will be higher.

"No, no, guess higher!"

"Could it be an elemental one."

"Yes, guess more specifically."

It turned out to be an elemental one. The growth potential of this kind of priesthood is generally higher than that of the racial one.

"That's the God of Dark Night."

"Ah, how did you guess it?"

"Tsk, you want to stump me with such a small question. Aunt's priesthood is the God of Demons, which is also a member of the dark energy. If you awaken the elemental system, you are most likely the God of Dark Night."

At this time, Luo Lin and Luo Cai also walked out together and just heard what their cousin said.

"Congratulations, little brother, our Luo family will have another general in the future."

"That's right, don't you look at who I am." Luo Xin responded arrogantly.

"Sister, don't praise him. He just awakened the God of Dark Night and his tail is up to the sky."

"I guess you are envious and jealous. You just think that I awakened better than you."

"Humph, I'm jealous of you. Listen carefully, your sister awakened the Dragon Man Ancestral God."

Although the Dragon Man Ancestral God is a racial priesthood. But it can't resist its high quality. The initial level of dragon people is above LV3, and their growth potential is also very high. They can be said to be the top among the racial priesthoods. (The religious race of racial priesthoods is often the corresponding race)

"And the eldest sister awakened the life priesthood. Uncle said that she has the appearance of an ancestor god. This is one of the most powerful priesthoods. Did you see what the eldest sister said? I think you are just a little bit proud of your achievements."

"What? Life priesthood!"

Luo Luo and Luo Xin were really shocked. You know, the life system, space system, and death system are all separate priesthoods from other systems. As long as everyone who awakens this kind of priesthood grows up, their future achievements cannot be low.

"It's just the God of Restoration, it's no big deal."

Yes, the most powerful god of life, god of death, god of space, etc., these purer priesthoods are only available to the geniuses of each era, and they are the only gods. If he does not fall, future generations will not be able to awaken this kind of priesthood.

Of course, Luo Luo's technology priesthood may also be added in the future.

"Go home quickly and tell your parents the good news so they can be happy too."

"Yes, yes, yes, go home quickly." Luo Xin turned around and forgot about Luo Cai's ridicule.

After the two of them made such a fuss, everyone forgot to ask Luo Luo about his awakened priesthood and rushed home to report the good news.

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