The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 22 The First Hundred Year Plan

Compared to other races, the promotion of the mechanical race is already quite easy. Most races need specific situations and special conditions to advance. This time, some people were able to advance to LV2 because of this forced war of gods, which not only inspired their will.

At the same time, the energy emitted by the demigod Sada at the time of death has a strengthening effect on the entire race of the God Realm, and all creatures have different degrees of improvement. This is why they successfully advanced to LV2 through other conditions. You can imagine how difficult these conditions are. The death of a ninth-level demigod can only allow some of the subjects to advance. And these subjects account for about 900,000 in Luo Luo's God Realm.

Promotion is not just talk, it is an all-round improvement. When reaching LV2, the average attribute value of all races is basically around ten points. This is also doubled compared to the previous attributes. This has led to a huge increase in the labor force in the entire society, improved scientific and technological research and development capabilities, and new technologies have blossomed in multiple places. It can be said that it is also all-round for the improvement of the God Realm.

At this moment, as the people who manage the God's Domain, the Imperial Parliament and the ministers and deputy ministers of various departments have a heavy task. They need to re-evaluate and register the various races in the God's Domain, and register every specific change of each person. Only in this way can the entire God's Domain be managed in a refined manner. Prevent some maladapters who have psychological changes due to their enhanced abilities from causing harm to others and society.

The level is managed by the Ministry of Government Affairs, while the prevention of harm is managed by the Ministry of Security.

The further improvement of productivity has also prompted the Ministry of Finance to print more money to match it, which has to talk about the economic system in the God's Domain. The God's Domain is a small society and is not connected to the outside world. Rollo just brings in things from the outside, but does not take things out of the God's Domain. This creates a problem. There are more and more things, and Rollo's still relatively scarce subjects cannot consume all these items.

In this way, the value of currency will be higher than the value of the items. This is not good for the economic development of the entire God's Domain.

The Minister and Deputy Minister of Finance have no way to deal with this. The current depreciation rate of goods is a bit fast, so they are also very anxious. When they received Luo Luo's summons this time, they also raised such a problem.

"My God, because the production of goods and resources has increased, the production speed of currency cannot keep up with the depreciation rate of goods in the God's Domain. We can't consume those excess materials, this..."

"So, the problem you mentioned is very constructive. I will notify the logistics department to start speeding up the storage speed of the God's Domain warehouse to store all the excess materials, so that there will not be so many items circulating outside, and we can control them to a suitable amount."

Luo Luo did not tell them that this was prepared for his big plan later. This production capacity is not even enough for his consumption in one hour. So we have to continue to store and produce, and we must not stop. Luo Luo did not need to tell them about this, but in order to prevent them from being too nervous, he still leaked some news, so that they don't worry about Luo Luo's support and there will be no problems.

Now Luo Luo feels that everything is good, but time is too tight. Although his scientific research divine power had been upgraded due to the accident during the demigod test, the speed of analyzing various items was still slow, which made him anxious. After all, the time of divine power analysis was based on the time of the Earth Source Continent, not the time of the God's Domain. Luo Luo had no choice but to wait. In addition to the items that had been analyzed, he still had many things waiting in line.

"Okay, now that this problem has been solved, if you don't have any other problems, go and get busy. There are still many things to do in the God's Domain."

All departments began to operate quickly.

The education department specially formulated a construction plan for schools at all levels, especially focusing on the textbooks of each grade, and stipulated that students must pray to the God of Science and Technology before class every morning and afternoon before they can start a day's study.

The Ministry of Government Affairs immediately learned this method and promoted it throughout the God's Domain, requiring all factories to strictly implement this system. Of course, the difference from the school system is that the Ministry of Government Affairs recommends praying before lunch and dinner for this system used in society.

The doctrine of the God of Science and Technology became the content that teachers in schools asked students to write as punishment when they made mistakes. If employees are late in the factory, they will be punished to write doctrines, which makes the status of the God of Technology in the hearts of all races rise sharply. Although they knew that they were the subjects of the God of Technology before, because there were no clear doctrines and related religious rituals, the concept of divine power of these subjects was relatively backward.

This is also to blame Luo Luo. He relied too much on the mechanical race before. After all, they can provide fixed faith values ​​and strong combat power, so that the training of other subjects is relatively backward. If only compared with the faith level of other subjects, he is far lower than the demigods of the same period as him.

This time, the establishment of relevant corresponding systems is to change such a situation. The decentralization of divine power affects all the lives in the divine domain, and also provides them with a more comprehensive faith support. This is good news for the subjects who are active in thought and rich in emotion. It is a blessing for creatures to have such a peach garden in troubled times.

Compared with the subjects of other gods, most of the subjects of gods live a precarious life and are hungry. Although some gods will give their subjects various resources, most of these will be taken away by the main war races, that is, the main forces in the God's Domain. The gods do not care about the future of those disadvantaged races. They are not very concerned about the planning of the God's Domain. Occasionally, there are a few open-minded gods, but because they do not have the opportunity of Rollo and do not have special subjects like the mechanical race to give them rich foundations, they are just like a flash in the pan, coming and going in a hurry. After all, if limited resources are given to everyone, it means that everyone will not be able to eat enough. The main force has no power, and the wars launched against foreign countries have been repeatedly defeated, forming a vicious circle.

This is why all other gods cannot achieve what Rollo has.

After establishing a complete theocratic political system. The God's Domain began to get on the right track, which is more standardized and planned than before.

Speaking of plans, this reminds Rollo of a policy plan that was once very popular in the Blue Star era.

After a week of adaptation in the God's Domain, Luo Luo held another general meeting.

Compared with the last time, Luo Luo was already familiar with the situation this time and immediately started the meeting discussion.

This meeting was entirely centered around the first 100-year plan of the God's Domain.

What does it mean? It is to formulate a 100-year plan for the development of the God's Domain. This requires the ministers and members of the various departments to look at the long-term, which is conducive to the development of the God's Domain.

Why is it 100 years? Because 100 years in the God's Domain is only 3 years and 5 months in the Earth Source Continent. On the Earth Source Continent, there are 15 months a year, 30 days a month, and the God's Domain inherits this time relationship, so at a time flow rate of 1:30. Every three years and five months on the Earth Source Continent, 100 years have passed in the God's Domain, which is why the plan is formulated as a cycle of 100 years.

Not only that, Luo Luo also counted the lifespan of his subjects. Normally, the maximum lifespan of all of Luo Luo's subjects is about 200 years. When he accepted these subjects, he did not change this rule. Therefore, the ruling policy of 100 years is just for the leaders to implement.

Not only the Centennial Plan, but also the Divine Parliament and the Imperial Parliament, including all departments, are led by a leadership team that is elected every 100 years. Their term change is calculated based on 100 years. This can ensure the consistency of policies and prevent future generations from having no chance of advancement.

Of course, there is a special case here, which is the Oracle Bureau. Because it is directly managed by the Mechanical Clan, if nothing unexpected happens, the Oracle Bureau will always be managed by the Mechanical Clan Chief Tie Yi.

As for the issues related to the Centennial Plan, Luo Luo also prepared some, and at the same time, he had issued corresponding instructions to them before establishing theocracy. Everyone was prepared for today. So there are still many things to be discussed in this meeting. Not only the relevant content of the first Centennial Plan, but also the discussion and formulation of solutions to various problems in the Divine Domain.

The participants were all subjects above the level of Luo Luo's fanatics, and he was very relaxed when facing these people.

"Then let me start with a brick and a jade. The first issue I thought of is the racial issue."

The people who attended the meeting felt that this was unexpected, but reasonable. After all, as Luo Luo's most capable assistant in the Divine Domain. They could also feel some of Luo Luo's thoughts. For example, regarding the racial issue, Rollo had issued oracles many times before, urging all races to integrate, tolerate and understand each other.

Moreover, the important reason that directly led to Rollo's establishment of theocracy came from the Moonlight Tavern incident that had just happened. At that time, a fierce conflict broke out between the dwarves and the elves. And such conflicts are still common in the previous divine domain, including now.

Rollo's first topic directly pointed to the racial issue, which is also easy to understand in everyone's eyes, but not easy to deal with. After all, there are huge differences in culture and habits between different races, and it can even be said that some habits are completely opposite.

This issue is mainly discussed and decided by the Divine Council. After all, the Divine Council is composed of representatives of various races. It is also reasonable for them to be responsible for this issue, and others will make some supplements or suggestions.

Rollo looked at the positions of the members and the speaker of the Divine Council. The speaker of the first Divine Council was taken over by Tie Yi, the patriarch of the mechanical tribe. After all, he was the earliest subject to follow Rollo. Rollo was also very confident in him.

Tieyi is not only the speaker of the Divine Council, but also the director of the Oracle Bureau. He holds two important positions, which shows how much Rollo values ​​him.

"I have no objection to the decision of my God."

Rollo has been waiting for a long time. He should have thought that given the characteristics of the mechanical race, how could they give suggestions?

Sanders, the representative of the Norn people, saw the awkward atmosphere and took the initiative to say: "Racial integration is mainly about understanding each other, and if you want to understand each other, the most important thing is education and publicity."

"Oh, go on." Hearing Sanders' words, Rollo became interested.

Sanders was also very excited to get Rollo's affirmation. He continued: "I found a good thing suitable for propaganda tasks. The TV equipment developed by the Science and Technology Laboratory based on the information given by my God meets the needs of propaganda very well. As long as the recorded images are played, they can be seen by everyone."

"Anything else?" Rollo didn't expect there was another talent.

"Not only that, the Ministry of Education has previously formulated a daily prayer ceremony to our God and the doctrines written into the textbooks, which are all very good propaganda channels. My subordinates are thinking whether we can also put racial integration into the textbooks and require students in each school to learn related content. Although it has a compulsory meaning, it is also the most beneficial way for the entire God's Domain."

"Racial integration starts from childhood, and in addition to the influence of family factors, we can also put children of all races in the same school and let them study together. This way, contact from an early age can also reduce resistance. After all, children's minds are simpler and they don't think as much as adults every day."

"Very good! Look at Sanders. This is a serious and responsible attitude. His ideas are very suitable for promoting our racial integration plan. It can be said to be a very constructive suggestion."

"You should learn more from Sanders."

Getting praise from Rollo made people feel very excited. There is nothing more gratifying than being recognized by someone you respect.

And others were also full of envy, and they wanted to accept Rollo's praise instead of Sanders.

Queen Elsa, the head of the elves, then said, "If we can find a way out for the races that have just merged into the God's Domain, they can also be well integrated into this big family. I apologize for the previous monopoly of fruit by the elves, and we are willing to give some of the benefits to several new races."

Elsa's words are quite sophisticated. She is retreating by advancing. Although she has divided some of the benefits, she gives them to the races that have just joined the God's Domain. Their productivity is definitely not very high for the time being, and the impact on the fruit wine industry of the elves will be relatively small, leaving them enough time to find another way to get rich.

Although Luo Luo heard the implication of Elsa's words, he still thought it was a good start. It is also a practical and effective policy. So he also encouraged Elsa a few words.

Then the question is to find a way out for various races. It is easy to say but difficult to do. The cat people have a talent for cooking, and their restaurants have taken root in some places. The fox people take the idol route and win with their appearance. The rabbit people are ingenious and started with the textile industry.

Those races that can only do hard labor are definitely dissatisfied with this, such as the tiger, lion and leopard tribe, which was the main fighting race before. The previous treatment was far better than the above races, and the attention they received was also irreplaceable by other creatures. After coming to the Luoluo Divine Realm, they can only do hard labor, which must have planted dissatisfaction in their hearts.

In fact, as the entire Divine Realm is transforming towards mechanization, the social survival ability of coolies is also constantly being exploited. The situation of labor demand in all walks of life will not change, but most people hope to obtain faster, more convenient and more productive labor - that is, to use mechanical equipment to produce and use mechanical equipment to move items.

As the least technical type of work, labor is also facing the risk of being eliminated, and this trend is becoming more and more obvious, so those races that only sell hard labor are so anxious. They urgently need an industry to gain a foothold.

The Eagle People don't need to worry. After all, they are the only flying race in the God's Domain, which gives them a great advantage. Although the psychic technology in the God's Domain has lit up helicopters, fighters and even drones and other air combat equipment, the Eagle People are still better in terms of flexibility. This is the reconnaissance unit that Rollo has temporarily prepared, even if there are more powerful drones to use later.

But Rollo still plans to let the Eagle People lead these flying units. In this way, when encountering an emergency, it is easier to make corresponding judgments.

The Tiger People, relying on their powerful melee ability and developed muscles, are preparing to build a gym or martial arts hall in the God's Domain to help the races in the God's Domain strengthen their bodies and train them to learn the advanced martial arts of the Tiger People to enhance their own strength.

After losing their magic power, the Lion People also lag behind the Tiger People in physical strength. So their way out is not easy to find. But some Lion People are still engaged in miscellaneous businesses such as department stores, transportation, bathing, etc.

The speed of the Leopard People is the best among all creatures, which is beyond doubt, so some Leopard People were selected into the security department by the tribe. The main purpose is to hunt down and search for creatures that usually commit illegal and blasphemous acts.

The most critical thing now is the jackals. Their racial characteristics are not suitable for the current comfortable life in the God's Domain. And their uglier appearance compared to other races makes it difficult for them to integrate into the normal life in the God's Domain.

Luo Luo did not come up with any good ideas, and finally Tieyi decided to incorporate the jackal race into the War Department. As a supplement to combat robots, let the jackals have more training on the relevant tactics and strategic requirements of urban combat, especially street fighting. Robots are relatively weak in this regard. After all, they are still only LV1 and LV2 level robots. They are not so flexible in some narrow spaces. Such weaknesses have not erupted before. However, considering future needs, special combat methods for special targets must still be prepared.

Even beyond the gnolls, Tieyi also suggested that the War Department recruit subjects of various races. They might be needed at some point. Moreover, when discussing various strategies, perhaps a certain race has special abilities to bring us unexpected strategic plans, which may even affect the outcome of the entire battle. This is what Tieyi considered. After reporting to Rollo, Rollo also agreed.

"So the arrangements for the newly joined orc races will be temporarily based on this standard, and any problems that arise later will be solved separately."

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