The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 302: The Kingdom of Thousand Mansions and the Goddess of Wisdom’s Plan

And when the God of War and the God of Blood were in crisis.

A place far away from the cantilever universe 10 star fields away.

An ignorant girl was walking in an orchard.

She has long blue hair, wears a plain skirt, and walks on the soft soil with her bare feet, giving people a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

But a sudden urgent footsteps broke the peaceful atmosphere.

The girl had no expression on her face, turned around, and said to the subordinate who made the noise: "Is there anything urgent?"

"Sir! We have accomplished our goal."

"Ah, very good."

Although the girl had no more expressions, there was a hint of smile in her eyes.

"My many years of planning can finally be completed."

"In that case, let's go and receive the fruits of our victory."

"Yes, sir."

As the girl moved around, the strange people and ghosts she met around her followed her.

This beautiful girl is the goddess of wisdom who came out of the Earth Source Continent.

She had been planning here for a long time and finally got rid of the fruit of joy.

This is a top power called the Country of Thousand Mansion.

Although it is named after a country, it is a veritable representative of a force.

There are countless schools here that specialize in recruiting and cultivating talents from all over the universe.

It can be said here.

Whoever has the highest level of education will be the leader of the country of thousands of mansions.

The goddess of wisdom traveled through the heavens for a long time, and only when she saw the country of thousands of mansions did she decide that this was the place where she would make her fortune.

After countless epochs of hard work, I finally achieved my goal today.

Several of her disciples were not just among the best in the Thousand Houses Competition, but they were all in the top ten of the competition. Yes, they were all in the top ten.

In front of billions of intelligent and talented life forms in the universe, the goddess of wisdom relied on her own efforts to break the history of the country of thousands of mansions and became the first school to educate the top ten at the same time.

As a result, the wisdom school became famous.

People from different places are being received every day, and a large number of talents are trying their best to use various means to study under the goddess of wisdom.

And today is the general election held once in the 100th century in the Land of Thousand Houses.

After fierce competition, the goddess of wisdom lived up to expectations and became the top leader of this force.

Because the system of the Kingdom of Thousands of Governments is very strange.

It does not have a leadership system like ordinary forces, nor does it adopt a parliamentary system or a unitary system like other empires. Instead, it uses a unique Qianfu Competition to compare whose education is more advanced, whose educational concepts are better, and whose educational results are more outstanding.

Who can become the leader of the country of thousands of mansions, and this reincarnation changes every 100 epochs.

And the group of creatures that followed were all her students.

The base camp of the country of thousands of mansions.

Representatives of many forces are here waiting for the arrival of the goddess of wisdom.

Although the Kingdom of Thousand Houses is a loose federation, for each successor, this is a very good resume and is respected by others.

Because the entire country is composed of countless colleges, and the students taught by these hundreds of millions of colleges every year are countless. It can be said that the country of thousands of mansions is the safest place in the entire universe, and it is also the most respectable place. No one dares to act wild here.

There are really too many of their disciples and descendants, spread across all major empires in the universe.

Almost all members of the royal family of the empire have received a complete education in the Land of Thousand Houses.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Thousand Mansion has a very strange tradition, that is, it does not prohibit the spread of ideas and the spread of the cultivation system. In other words, if you are a prince of a magical civilization, but unexpectedly fall in love with the cultivation system, then in This phenomenon is allowed in the land of thousands of mansions.

But within his own empire, such behavior is obviously treason.

There is a big difference between the two.

But as long as you return to your hometown after studying in the Land of Thousand Houses, this difference will not explode, because many civilizations also know the rules of the Country of Thousand Houses.

This is the fundamental policy of civilization.

There are many talented people who have learned other promotion routes and then returned to their hometowns to undergo major transformations. There are magic civilizations that have transformed into cultivation civilizations, and there are many cultivation civilizations that have transformed into wizard civilizations.

The results are generally good.

Of course, rebellion and death in this process are inevitable.

On the other side is the transmission of ideas. All colleges in the Land of Thousand Buddhas have their own ideas, some are more decent, some are more neutral, and some are more evil.

Being able to stand tall in the world as a top civilization stems from the idea that a country with thousands of mansions, an ocean that embraces hundreds of rivers, and tolerance means greatness.

No matter what kind of thought or system, he can accept it.

No matter how evil or how decent they are, they can coexist. This is the country of thousands of mansions.

Once she takes the position of leader of the Kingdom of Thousand Mansion, it means that the goddess of wisdom will be able to control the direction of the entire empire within a certain period of time.

This is very important whether it is for your own school of thought or for your personal development.

And this succession is even more important than the previous one.

Because the cosmic cataclysm is coming soon, that is to say, whoever takes the position of leader at this time will lead the country until the cataclysm or even after the cataclysm. This is an important node.

It can be seen from this that the goddess of wisdom was able to win this election because of the great efforts and price she paid.

She walked slowly, and representatives of other forces around her paid attention to her.

Some people were elated, some were crestfallen, but most were expressionless.

For them, it doesn't matter who becomes the leader of the country of thousands of mansions. As long as they can lead the country to move forward steadily and survive this cosmic catastrophe, whoever is the best leader is the best leader.

When he reached the end of the crowd, a loud voice penetrated Liao Yu.

This is the national treasure of the country of thousands of Buddhas - Wanqi. The reason why it is called 'Wanqi' is because it is comprehensively constructed by absorbing all cultivation routes. Through it, it can spread its voice to every corner of the country.

And it goes directly into the minds of the people of the country.

No matter what language you speak, no matter what kind of cultivation system you study, you can understand what Wanqi says.

At the same time, when a new leader takes the throne, all weapons will chirp to show legitimacy.

【now! The goddess of wisdom, the leader of the wisdom school, has ascended to the throne of the country of Qianfu. She is the newest leader of our country of thousands of houses. She will rule for 99 epochs! 】

[According to statistics from the National Assembly, there were 6.86 million votes in favor! 2.1 million votes against! The number of abstainers is 400,000 votes! With the approval of the country's parliament, this appointment was officially established. 】

[The reign period starts from now on! 】

In fact, Qianfu is just a general concept. There are not only more than ten million sects and schools. The number of sects in China is more than eight times that, reaching nearly 100 million.

But only the first 10 million are eligible to vote.

And if anyone is careful, they will find that the number of votes in the National Assembly of the Country of Thousand Houses has not reached the legal 10 million votes. That is because many of the schools were lost during this period.

Not all institutions have permanent inheritance rights and voting rights.

Some schools may not send anyone to participate in the competition, which will cause this phenomenon.

Some of them have also been removed from the list.

It is very difficult to advance to a lower school. It does not mean that if there is a vacancy in the front, one will be filled in the back.

This needs to be considered comprehensively.

It does not necessarily mean that those ranked first will be able to enter the country's parliament, and it does not necessarily mean that those ranked 10,000 will have no chance.

The first 10 million are all comprehensive rankings.

After 10 million, there are single rankings. The ranking scheme for institutions after 10 million is sorted according to their educational achievements. However, the strength of a school has various other aspects besides educational achievements.

Although these small items are not necessarily more important than educational achievements, they are still indispensable criteria for judging, such as the impact of students on the universe.

Although a powerful life form affects the universe all the time.

But this is passive.

This indicator is mainly a subjective matter.

If you can make the universe better, then the value of this indicator will become larger.

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