The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 304 Goddess of Wisdom and Homecoming

No one had any objection.

That was it.

Everyone left and returned to the parliament planet, to their own schools, and began to arrange various matters.

Ten thousand years is neither long nor short.

The Thousand Houses Country has many ways to prolong life, so this is not a problem for life.

So the most important thing is to find those with outstanding talents.

And there is a very strict requirement for the competition.

That is, all those who participate in the competition must be born in the first year, that is, born this year, and can participate in the competition after ten thousand years. Those born during this period can participate, but all those born before this will be disqualified. It is so strict.

According to the regulations, since the goddess of wisdom initiated this special ceremony, it means that she will also send players to participate in the subsequent competitions. This is called fairness.

In the Wisdom Academy.

The deputy of the goddess of wisdom said to her with a worried face: "Goddess! We can obviously decide according to the previous distribution method, why do we agree to let them have the competition?"

The goddess of wisdom did not answer her question immediately, but smiled meaningfully.

"I know all you said. Since you agreed, there must be a reason. You will know it later."

However, just when the deputy wanted to ask, the goddess of wisdom suddenly changed her face, hurriedly waved away others, and walked into the inner hall.

Slowly sat there, closed her eyes, and used her heart to feel the feeling that made her heart tremble.

"This is..."


"What is this?"

When she carefully explored it, she felt that it was obviously the breath of the Earth Source Continent.

"Did something happen in the Geo-Continental Continent?"

But she thought about it again, could it be that the Earth Source Continent knew about the cosmic catastrophe?

This is very likely.

It is not only the goddess of wisdom who ventured into the universe, but also many gods.

Of course, not all of them are in the cantilever universe where the Earth Source Continent is located, but also in the god civilizations of other cantilever universes.

But no matter what, everyone is also ventured outside, and it is not surprising for the god civilization to get the news of the cosmic catastrophe.

I thought about the matter of the Thousand Mansions again.

This put the goddess of wisdom in a dilemma.

Forward or backward?

After laying out for a long time in the Kingdom of Thousand Houses, it was about to be harvested.

And the Earth Source Continent was his own maternal civilization.

For a god, what does the maternal civilization represent?

The Goddess of Wisdom certainly knew.

No matter how long they wandered outside, as long as the maternal civilization in the cantilever universe was destroyed, their power would also dissipate.

Not only in terms of interests, but also in terms of emotions.

Everyone has feelings for their own maternal civilization.

She made a decision silently in her heart.

When she came to her senses and wanted to continue to contact the mysterious signal, she found that it had disappeared.

"It's really amazing!"

The Goddess of Wisdom showed a relieved smile.

No matter what decision the civilization made, at least from this incident, it can be shown that the civilization is now living well, and it is stronger than the outside civilization.

At least the Kingdom of Thousand Houses cannot deliver messages to unknown places so quickly and accurately.

And the Goddess of Wisdom believes that the people recalled by the Earth Source Continent are not just herself, but should include all the gods in the positive universe.

But there is only one era left before the Cataclysm. How many people can be summoned back using this method?

"It seems that I still need your help."

None of the gods who can venture out are famous for nothing.

As long as they can gain a foothold in the universe outside and develop their own power, they are all outstanding in terms of intelligence, strength and other aspects.

The same is true for the Goddess of Wisdom.

Before she left the Cantilever Universe, she knew that her biggest trump card was not her wisdom and her strength, but her compatriots all over the universe.

Some of them are doing well, some are doing badly, but no matter what, as long as they are helped, they can get up, and the Thousand Mansions Kingdom is precisely because of the help of others.

The Goddess of Wisdom was able to become a member of the parliament in just a few hundred eras.

Only at this stage can she be qualified to participate in the competition for leaders.

It can be seen that the Goddess of Wisdom must have a unique way of contact in the universe.

And the objects of contact are those gods who have left the Cantilever Universe.

Compared with the uncertainty of the return plan.

The contact of the Goddess of Wisdom needs to be confirmed a lot, and the gods she knows will also know other gods.

In this way, a fission-type transmission is formed. Regardless of whether the magical means that appeared before have sent information to them or not, they can get the information of the Earth Source Continent recalling the gods through the line of the Goddess of Wisdom.

Luo Luo did not expect that with the operation of the Goddess of Wisdom, he actually called back a large number of gods for the Earth Source Continent without knowing it.

It is precisely because of the actions of the Goddess of Wisdom that the Earth Source Continent escaped a disaster.

Whether it is leading the cantilever universe to upgrade or planning the catastrophe, it requires the support of power and resources.

Then the next Thousand Mansions Country Competition is particularly important. The Goddess of Wisdom did not care about it before, and the amount of resources could not limit her control over the Thousand Mansions Country.

And as time goes by, her control will become stronger and stronger, and by that time, she will be the only voice in the country of thousands of mansions.

But now she needs to consider collecting more resources and bring them with her when she returns to the matrilineal civilization.

Whether it is for your own cosmic upgrade after the matrilineal civilization or to face a catastrophe, you can have a good foundation.

At the same time, it can also increase one's voice in the matrilineal civilization.

She already knew that there was a book in the Earth Origin Continent that recorded the status of the gods who were out and about.

She also knows what the gods will lose after leaving the cantilever universe. After all, this is what they have experienced before.

And if you go back again, your status will be different.

The Goddess of Wisdom, like the God of Thunder and Lightning, has no inherited family ties on the Earth Origin Continent, which means that if they go back, they will need to work hard again except for the matrilineal civilization, and these materials and power are her capital. .

Even if she starts from scratch, with these things, she can still occupy a place in the Earth Origin Continent.

As for why the Goddess of Wisdom knows that the Earth Source Continent has not yet led the entire Cantilever Universe to upgrade its civilization, it is because their current priesthood and divine power have not yet been unlocked.

If the Earth Source Continent comes to the positive universe, it also means that the entire cantilever universe has undergone a cosmic upgrade, and then all the gods who have left will be in the same space as their maternal civilization.

Then their divine power and priesthood will be awakened, although the level of authority is still inferior to that of the relevant gods on the Earth Origin Continent.

But at least they can use their previous abilities.

This means that their strength will soar.

"It seems that the previous plan was a bit conservative."

The goddess of wisdom smiled: "I originally planned to leave you something, but since this time is quite special, I won't be polite."

The Goddess of Wisdom was prepared to propose a large-scale redistribution of resources. According to her plan, during the redistribution, she would be able to get more than half of the other 90% of the resources.

This is much better than a step-by-step distribution.

The other half is only awarded to other schools by the goddess of wisdom. After all, the benefits cannot be taken by one person.

But it won't work now. Since the Earth Origin Continent is called, preparations must be made. She herself plans to rush back to the matrilineal civilization before the catastrophe and lead the matrilineal civilization to upgrade.

And survive this cosmic catastrophe safely.

The cosmic cataclysm is not an ordinary cosmic disaster, it involves all life forms of all civilizations, and the worst one is the cantilevered universe. No matter which kind of cosmic cataclysm occurs, it will unfold once it occurs.

Then everything in the cantilever universe will be wiped out immediately.

Those alien spaces, ruins, battlefields, etc. that are attached to the main universe will be gone.

A cosmic catastrophe is a crisis for all life forms in the universe, but since it is a crisis, there are dangers and opportunities.

What she wants to do is to lead the Earth Origin Continent to avoid danger while firmly grasping all the opportunities that arise in the cataclysm.

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