The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 306: Harming others and not benefiting yourself

Top civilizations have the pride of top civilizations.

Not everyone is as willing to integrate into other civilizations as Tai'an civilization.

It has taken hundreds of generations of efforts and countless lives to develop to its current status.

It is not something that can be solved by a leader's casual words.

No matter how strong the leader is, he cannot fight against the entire civilization.

If the leader insists on his own way and does something that is completely contrary to civilization, then they may be driven out of office.

Such things often happen in places ruled by great empires in the outside world, not to mention in the cantilever universe.

"Oh, by the way, how is the investigation going?" The God of War suddenly asked Luo Luo, and Luo Luo knew what he was talking about.

"I haven't found it yet."

"In the Northeast Cosmic Alliance, the Skynet plan I set up is progressing slowly."

"A large number of equipment has been destroyed."

"Even if we invited the God of Death to help, the coverage rate has not been improved much."

"And the enemy already knows that the virtual network was set up by my Earth Source Continent, and they are targeting it everywhere and on guard at all times."

"It's a bit difficult to find these rats."

The rats that Luo Luo mentioned are the information sent by the leader of Tai'an civilization.

According to the information sent by Xiucheng.

The Mountain Civilization and the Kongjia Civilization did not come to the Earth Source Continent on a whim, but planned for a long time.

And the implication is that they are organized.

This information is very important.

The most difficult thing when facing the enemy is confusion.

After fighting for such a long time, in the end, we don't know who our enemy is. Isn't this a mess?

And we must cut the grass at the root.

From the arrangement of the Mountain Civilization and the Kongjia Civilization, the enemy's energy is obviously greater than Luo Luo's previous imagination.

If we don't find them and eliminate them all at this time.

Then he will have to be worried every night when he goes to sleep, beware of enemy attacks.

"If we haven't found them, then we haven't found them. Let's solve the problem at hand first. As long as our Earth Source Continent keeps developing, they can't do anything to us."

"That's the only way."

Luo Luo spread his hands.

And although the news sent back by Na Xiucheng of Tai'an civilization is very convincing.

But whether there is such an organization in fact is still unclear?

"Although I am more inclined to believe that it is true, there is no conclusive evidence after all."

"I still have some doubts."

"Of course, whether it is true or not, I will investigate it. The implementation of the Skynet plan is urgent."

Just like the secret surveillance of the Southeast Universe.

After the perfection of the Skynet plan, the Earth Source Continent has a clear understanding of every move in the entire field.

This provides convenience in dealing with many things.

"Oh, right!"

Just as the two were about to hang up the video call, the God of War suddenly thought of something and turned to Rollo and said, "The Kunkagon civilization formed a joint fleet with our Earth Source Continent to destroy the Tchar civilization. Was there any abnormality in the middle?"

"Abnormal situation?" Rollo's eyes lit up: "Really, they are completely heading for the secret of Lawrence in the Tchar civilization, that is, the device that can process and hide the heart of the universe."

"Oh! In this case, I'm afraid the Kunkagon civilization also has some ambitions."

It was said before that if the gods civilization wants to be in the outside universe, it is to lead the entire cantilever universe to upgrade the universe level.

But this is only one of the methods.

There is another more direct method, which is to find the heart of the universe of the cantilever universe and integrate it into its own civilization.

At that time, they will be able to be pushed out by the cantilever universe into the positive universe as an independent individual.

The purpose of both is similar, both can upgrade civilization to the positive universe, but the treatment of the two is very different.

If only the heart of the universe is integrated

Then he is only a medium, bringing civilization to the positive universe, without any upgrading effect.

But if the entire universe is upgraded, then the Earth Source Continent can get the luck bestowed by the cantilever.

And become the leader of the entire cantilever universe, which is better and worse is clear at a glance.

But correspondingly, to get more, you have to pay more.

The difficulty of using the second method is far greater than the latter.

Not only must you conquer all civilizations in the cantilever universe, but you must also pay huge resources and efforts to lead the universe to upgrade.

You must know that the universe upgrade is not just talk. After all the resources are prepared, you have to fight a world war. This is a test from the positive universe.

Only after passing the test can you complete the upgrade war.

So the civilization of the general cantilever universe will not choose this method, but Luo Luo will not.

He wants to enter the positive universe in the best state, but don't forget that the major empires outside have fought to their death, and any resources are precious.

A civilization that rises from the cantilever universe using the heart of the universe is not a big piece of fat meat.

In their eyes, that was the moment of harvest.

The two promotion methods also reflected in the subsequent status.

Using the former, you must go through a hard battle to snatch the cosmic star, and you will also be rejected by the cantilever universe. Your own status is not good, and you can only be someone's younger brother after you come out.

Even become a slave.

But if we look at the overall upgrade method, then the state after coming out will be perfect and even strengthened.

Seeing a catastrophe is imminent.

Enhancing the foundation of civilization is the top priority.

At this time, it is indeed not a good time to engage in a racial war.

He also didn’t know why the mountain civilization formed a joint fleet to attack the Earth Origin Continent.

Although it is true that the Earth Source Continent's unification of the cantilevered universe will have a greater impact on their interests, this does not mean that it is not a good thing.

Even if they are not unified by the Earth Origin Continent, after another era, they will be wiped out with the coming of the cosmic cataclysm.

There is no living space in the cantilevered universe.

It’s not that Luo Luo underestimated them, but judging from the foundation and practices of top civilizations such as the Mountain Civilization, it is extremely difficult to lead civilizations to upgrade, so there is only one way left. These top civilizations only want to snatch the heart of the universe.

It is really a selfish idea to complete self-improvement.

There are more than tens of millions of civilizations in the cantilever universe, but they only want to enter the positive universe and be others' dogs.

It's better to learn from Tai'an civilization.

Accept the offer of Earth Origin Civilization generously.

At least Earth Origin Continent regards them as individuals.

All civilizations coexist harmoniously under the Geo-Continent.

Although the Earth Source Continent has absorbed a large amount of resources from other civilizations, it is not something that can only be eaten without spitting out.

Support for other civilizations is also being carried out in an orderly manner.

Whether it is trade, technology, etc., it will be helpful.

This is one of the reasons why many civilizations are willing to join the Earth Origin family.

No civilization wants to join the alliance of selfish people.

It just so happens that Rollo is not selfish and is very generous.

This is just a normal exchange of resources.

Resources that are useless to the Earth Origin Continent may be very valuable resources to other civilizations.

This has been mentioned before.

Instead of letting these things get buried under the passage of time, let them serve their original purpose.

These things are of no use to the Earth Source Continent.

Therefore, Rollo didn't feel too bad when he rewarded his subordinate civilizations, and besides, they were not good people either.

The subordinates who provide support must also release some resources to Diyuan Continent.

Unlike other civilizations.

The materials that can be used are relatively simple. For example, a cultivation civilization can only use cultivation materials.

Most magical civilizations can only use magic materials. Even a mixed civilization of magic and wizards like Kunkagon Civilization can only use part of the materials. In this way, other types of materials do not correspond to the cultivation system. It's a bit redundant for civilization.

But the Diyuan Continent is different. After the Diyuan Continent went through Luo Luo’s reforms.

Almost most resources can be used. As long as you have no use for them, Diyuan Continent will use them.

Resources similar to cultivation civilization can be used to make talismans and seals.

Start the talisman production line to produce large-scale talisman equipment troops, and even distribute some to subordinate civilizations.

Even wizard elements can use them for other modifications or upgrades.

For Diyuan Continent, it is now very tolerant. All civilization systems are gathered here, making the Diyuan Continent’s culture wonderful and meaningful.

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