The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 31: Attack on the Hell Plane

One month in the Hell Plane.

At this time, Simmons' territory has become a large construction site, with new factories being built every moment, constantly converting various materials into robot bodies and various industrial society items.

Simmons also moved into a new castle, which was a pure steel castle built by the mechanical family and was much more majestic than before.

He felt like he was dreaming.

Before, he was a ruined baron whose life was in jeopardy, but now he has such a strong fighting power, which no one expected. All the credit comes from him.

Of course, it is mainly because he is very sensible and gave all the treasures he brought out from his family when he fled to Rollo.

So Rollo finally decided to make him the representative of the Hell Plane, and first built a hundred fully automatic robot factories in his territory.

The robots produced here are weakened versions, which weaken the defense and push all attributes to attack, so as to make Simmons more dependent on the mechanical family.

These new war robots are not even as good as Rollo's earliest industrial robots in terms of defense, but they are much stronger in terms of attack power, and each robot is equipped with a self-destruct system, which was not available in the mechanical race before Rollo.

Race name: Industrial robot (weakened version)

Level: LV1

Constitution: 5

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Spirit: 1

Talent: 1. Mechanical life: Four values ​​are constant, and can only be evolved through high-level metal or technology.

2. Faith loss: Because it is too weak, it does not meet the standard of mechanical life and cannot generate faith value.

Skills: 1. Accuracy: Loaded with shooting module, improving shooting accuracy. (Passive)

2. Self-destruction: After losing combat ability, it can self-destruct when the enemy approaches.

Introduction: This is a race with little potential, which is very different from the mechanical race.

Rollo also has a deep purpose for doing so much. Strong attack power will let Simmons taste the taste of victory.

However, the fragile body makes this type of robot consume faster. This forced Simmons to produce more robots to replenish the army and maintain combat effectiveness, and he had to keep digging for resources in the territory.

With all his energy tied to this, he had no other time to do things. Although Rollo was not afraid of him doing things, if he came every once in a while. It was too troublesome, and the emperor was far away. Once these three months were over and they returned to the Earth Source Continent, his connection with the Hell Plane would be completely cut off.

At that time, Simmons wanted to do something extraordinary, and Rollo could not directly manage it, which would give him an unrealistic fantasy. It would be better to drain his energy every day and let him focus all his thoughts on the dream of expanding the territory.

Although the plant resources in the Hell Plane are relatively scarce, the underground minerals are definitely enviable to Rollo.

It can be said that this is a layer of soil attached to the top of the mine, and various scarce resources have a large amount of mineral deposits below. Rollo also understood why it is difficult to plant a tree in the Hell Plane, because there is really no fertile land below to provide nutrients for the trees.

They are all stones and various metal ores, so those who can grow trees and flowers in hell are nobles, and only those with great wealth can be defeated like this.

At this time, Simmons's territory presented an industrialized and technological image. He also prepared the army and marched towards the enemy's territory with a full 100,000 robot warriors, vowing to avenge and restore the honor of the Simmons family, even if this honor was given by others.

When Simmons took the first step towards the grand cause of unifying the hell plane, Rollo also returned to Green Star and found the patriarch of the tree people. He had a more important thing for him to do.

"My God, what do you want?" That's right, as early as when Rollo was preparing to counterattack the hell plane, the tree people had already switched to Rollo's camp and believed in the god of technology. They saw Rollo's strength from the mechanical people.

And believing in gods is also their pursuit all the time.

After annihilating the corpse ghost army, the patriarch of the tree people had such a thought, while Rollo and his friends were recovering from their injuries.

The patriarch convened a general meeting and voted to unanimously pass the resolution to join the embrace of the God of Technology.

From then on, there was a new race of tree people in the Rolo God's Domain, but he did not move all the tree people into the God's Domain. They still had more important tasks to do.

"In the past month, the robot troops I sent out have eliminated all the Hell Clan soldiers on the Green Star (Simons had not been defeated at that time). Now there is an important task for you to complete."

"Send people to all places on this planet where there are signs of life gathering, mainly the last strongholds of humans and elves, and persuade them to go to my God's Domain and pledge allegiance to me."

"I will do my best to complete the task of my God." This is the first task that Rolo gave to the tree people. The patriarch decided that he must do this beautifully in order to have a place in such a large God's Domain.

"I believe you can do it. We will leave here in one month. The next time we want to come back will be a year later, so I hope you can complete this matter within a month. After that, all of you will follow me and don't have to stay in this place anymore."

There is a reason for Rollo to say this. The Gate of Hell also has existence limits. Although various energy stones are used to maintain its size, it is calculated that this space crack can only exist for about five months.

In other words, if the Green Star alien world opens again next time, then this space rift will no longer exist. After all life on the Green Star is moved to the divine domain, the Green Star will have no value.

The leader of the tree people tribe happily accepted the order and divided the tribesmen into several teams to go to different gathering places.

This task is not difficult for the tree people. Several other gathering places also know what happened recently. They also understand that if they keep resisting, they will be captured by the hell clan sooner or later. Now that there is a new savior, no one will give up. Such an opportunity.

Following the troops are one million industrial robots sent by Rollo to the Green Star. They are carrying various equipment and are about to start a month-long resource development operation to carry out various conventional or unknown resources on the Green Star. Destructive mining.

These industrial robots are led by a T1 commander robot, so that Rollo can only connect to the T1 robot and let it command a million industrial robots, so that it will not take up too much of his mental power.

In fact, he could do this in the hell plane, but in order to better control the battlefield situation, he still connected all the main battle units mentally.

This can also reduce the rejection of them by other worlds. Industrial robots don't have to worry about this. They just dig things and don't have to engage in combat actions with other enemies. There is no problem with being slow.

The plane of hell, the former Duke Simons Castle.

The current owner here is Viscount Liang Feifeng.

A headless horseman entered the hall anxiously and said: "Lord, many iron men have appeared on the southern battlefield. These creatures are covered in iron armor and use strange weapons. They suddenly gathered on the southern front today. They should be plotting against our territory. ”

"The Southern Front battlefield, that's not the territory of that boy Simmons, why? He was invaded, and it also affected my territory. I thought something was wrong with this boy before, and the border defense force was quietly replaced by him. He thought I was I don’t know, if I don’t have something to do, I’ll kill him first.”

"Lord, what we are most worried about now are these new enemies. We have never seen such creatures before. We don't know their attributes, their skills, or even their attack methods. This makes us too worried. Passive!"

"Don't worry, they're just some tin men. So what if they wear powerful armor? I have an army of headless knights and an army of lichs, but I'm afraid that some tin cans won't do it."

Race name: Headless Horseman

Level: LV4

Physique: 18

Strength: 30

Agility: 39

Spirit: 10

Talents: 1. Undead Seed: exuding death energy, affecting surrounding enemies.

2. Cavalry: The headless knight and the seated skeleton horse are a whole. The strength is the sum of the two, and the same is true for the agility (the talent disappears when the mount dies).

Skills: 1. Cavalry Charge: The cavalry unit launches a fierce charge forward, causing double damage to the first target it encounters. (Requires 200 meters of acceleration space)

2. Death Spear: The Headless Horseman holds a spear made of the power of death. Each attack will cause death attribute damage. (Attack special effects)

Introduction: The intermediate unit in the hell plane is the mainstay of most undead legions.

Race name: Lich

Level: LV4

Constitution: 17

Strength: 8

Agility: 10

Spirit: 25

Talents: 1. Undead Seed: exuding death energy, affecting surrounding enemies.

2. Death attribute affinity: When using undead magic, all aspects are increased by 50%.

Skills: 1. Wave of Death: Sends a wave of death attributes to a fan-shaped area, causing 150% of magic damage. (cooling for 6 hours)

2. Armor of the Dead: Putting death attribute armor on the target can improve the target's abilities by 100% in all directions, but a fresh corpse is required. (lasts 5 minutes, cools down 24 hours)

Introduction: A spell-based unit among the undead race, it is very comprehensive in both offense and defense, and is the mainstay of the undead army.

Liang Feifeng is not a lord of hell in the traditional sense. He was able to defeat Simmons' father because of a chance encounter he had received before, an incomplete grimoire of the undead.

Although the hell plane and the undead plane both belong to the dark attribute plane, they are not the same, and their energy is also very different.

In other words, it is a bit difficult to use undead magic in hell, let alone summon an army of undead.

Liang Feifeng had been wandering in the hell plane for a long time before he took refuge with Viscount Simmons. He already had great power, but what he lacked was a land where he could develop with peace of mind.

Before he got the magic book, he had already chosen a place to become Hellboy, but after getting the magic book, he changed his goal.

The types of soldiers in hell are all similar, and everyone is the same, so how to win depends on the number.

And now he has an opportunity in front of him. He can use the stone from the mountain to attack jade. It might not be a bad idea to use other races' troops to fight for him in the hell plane.

In fact, this is not his true thought, it is just the temptation of the Book of the Undead to him. If the attribute of the hell plane is 'killing', then the attribute of the undead plane is 'death'.

Although the two have the same origin, they both want to annex each other, so the plane of the undead threw a batch of magic books into hell to tempt those who picked them up to become their pawns.

This is how Liang Feifeng was selected, and under the guidance of the magic book, he found the name of a node in the hell plane that could communicate with the undead plane. In this way, he could not only use undead magic, but also summon Undead type of troops.

At this point it is very clear that this node is in Duke Simons Castle.

This is God's will. Liang Feifeng has been lurking beside Duke Simmons for a long time. He even did not hesitate to transform himself into a Lich clan just to outlast the old Duke. He had known for a long time that the Duke's son was useless and that he was too conservative but not aggressive enough.

After a deliberate irritation, Viscount Simmons successfully entered the trap he had set and died! Taking advantage of the situation, he launched an attack and became the current Viscount.

In fact, after the northern lord whom Simmons previously thought died like his father, the person who inherited the position was not the viscount's son he thought. He is still the Viscount himself, but he has transformed himself into a Lich clan, changed his appearance, and inherited the territory as his own son. Anyway, these undead soldiers have followed him to the dark side, so there will be no problem.

Name: Liang Feifeng

Occupation: Viscount of Hell (Lich King)

Level: LV4

Constitution: 20

Strength: 10

Agility: 10

Spirit: 45

Talents: 1. Undead Seed: exuding death energy, affecting surrounding enemies.

2. Death attribute affinity: When using undead magic, all aspects are increased by 100%.

3. Immortality Seed (pseudo): The creature uses evil rituals to transform itself into the Lich King and gain the power of immortality.

Skills: 1. Wave of Death: Sends a wave of death attributes to a fan-shaped area, causing 200% magic damage. (cooling for 5 hours)

2. Armor of the Dead: Putting death attribute armor on the target can improve the target's abilities by 100% in all directions, but a fresh corpse is required. (lasts 20 minutes, cools down 24 hours)

3. Death Sacrifice: You can sacrifice the surrounding undead races to restore vitality. (cool for 10 minutes)

4. Dark Sky: The Lich King releases a dark sky, transforming the area to death. The abilities of friendly forces are increased by 20%, and the attributes of enemy units are weakened by 20%. (lasts 12 hours, cools down for 7 days)

5. Inspire: As a lord-type creature, if he supervises battles on the front line, he can use this skill to increase the combat effectiveness of his own army by 10% in all aspects. (Cool down 24 hours, last 1 hour)

6. Territory management: The unique skills of lord-type creatures increase the efficiency by 100% in handling territorial government and military affairs and various conflicts. (passive)

Introduction: The heroic unit of the Lich race is very powerful on both offense and defense.

This time, Liang Feifeng had prepared enough strength to annihilate Baron Simmons in one fell swoop to eliminate future troubles, but some minor problems arose in the plane of the undead. He worked for half a year to solve it. When he turned around, he realized that Simmons had been killed.

(He was unaware that Simmons had defected to Rollo.)

"Call the army together and bring all our knight legions, lich legions, and skeleton legions, as well as the precious bone dragon I just got. I want to see who dares to come from We take food from our mouths.”

Race name: Bone Dragon (juvenile)

Level: LV5

Constitution: 30

Strength: 30

Agility: 28

Spirit: 21

Talents: 1. Undead race: Units made of dead dragon skeletons exude the aura of death and have a great impact on surrounding enemies.

2. Higher life: Physical recovery speed is doubled.

3. Bone Defense: Resist 88% damage from physical attacks and magical attacks.

Skills: 1. Breath of death: Bone Dragon transforms the dragon breath technique originally belonging to the dragon clan into the death breath of the death system, causing greater damage to the target location, and subsequent erosion damage, 100 points per second, duration 1 minute. (passive)

2. Flying unit: Even if only the skeleton is left, the Bone Dragon can still fly and suppress ground targets. (passive)

Introduction: One of the highest combat powers in the undead plane, but it is only made from a young dragon and has not reached the peak of its abilities.

This is the benefit that Viscount Liang Feifeng gained from being in the plane of the undead this time. A bone dragon made from the bones of a young dragon. Although its abilities have not reached the peak of the race, it is still one of the top combat powers here.

The number of robot legions hoarded on the northern battlefield continues to increase. The factories in Simmons' territory are producing war robots day and night, and new factories are being built every day.

He had to send more manpower to mine, and even some of the armed robots had to return to their old business.

Even with resource constraints, Simmons has no plans to slow down the production of armed robots.

Faced with this problem, he sent all his subordinates out to recruit the kobold race.

Kobolds are a weak race in the hell plane, with weak attack power. But they are very good at mining, and their mining level is no less than that of industrial robots.

Almost all regional lords dislike them. Their weak attack power means they are worthless.

And the kobolds are famous for their fertility. The food consumed by such a large group every day is enough to give the lords a headache.

And the mining technology that the kobolds are best at is useless in the Hell Plane. After all, the lords of the Hell Plane are all feudal systems, and they all live a self-sufficient life.

In their eyes, the army is a consumable and not worth investing.

Only those heroic creatures and high-level races are qualified to be equipped with sophisticated weapons and armor. These are the direct descendants of the Hell Lords =, so although there are a lot of mineral deposits in Hell, few people go to mine.

Even if the weapons and equipment are consumed quickly, they can be used for decades, which leads to a very slow consumption of metal in the Hell Plane.

Without consumption, who will the kobolds collect so much ore to sell?

Therefore, most of the kobold races in the Hell Plane live in poverty and have no fixed place to live. They have to migrate their tribes at any time in order to find enough food for their consumption.

Every dog-headed tribe hopes to be recognized by the lord of hell and become their subordinate, so that they will not starve.

But such cases are rare. Well, even the lords who accept dog-headed people only treat them as cannon fodder. Who says they can eat even if they are numerous and weak?

Many dog-headed people are dissatisfied with their daily lives of not being full, working hard and going to the battlefield to lose their lives at any time.

But even if they are dissatisfied, at least they will not starve to death. The dog-headed tribes in the wilderness often have non-combat casualties.

Now Simmons is here, with friendship, he sincerely invites the dog-headed races in the hell plane to join his territory.

No need to go to the battlefield, no need to work hard, there is enough food every day, as long as they use their expertise to work hard to mine.

All the dog-headed tribes are crazy and move towards Simmons' territory like crazy. When the first dog-headed man exchanges the ore in his hand for sufficient food, it triggers the migration of more dog-headed races.

All the lords didn't understand why Simmons would exchange precious food for those useless ores. If he wanted to build equipment, the ores he got would be enough for one million soldiers.

But everyone wanted to see how this crazy Baron Simmons died in the end. They had already thought about how to write this story into the book to warn future generations.

Simmons didn't care what others said. After he spread the news, with the arrival of the dog-headed race, all armed robots could go to the front line.

The daily output can also be saturated, which was unimaginable before. It is conceivable how hard these dog-headed people were squeezed. Even he was a little scared of the power that broke out now.

Food was not worth mentioning in his eyes. Although he didn't do it before because of concerns about food problems, after getting the technical support of Rollo, he built a large number of soilless planting rooms in the territory.

And they are all based on steel high-rise buildings. As long as they occupy a little space, they can use twenty floors to cultivate food and vegetables twenty times the land area.

These things alone greatly increased the value of his domain. They were rare in the Hell Plane. The best food for the general lords was some meat from the Hell Plane, and the vegetables were only mushrooms, all kinds of mushrooms.

Green vegetables were good things that only the Marquis and above could enjoy.

Now the lowly dog-headed people in the Hell race can eat them every day, which makes them feel extremely happy and work harder.

Now the production of robots in Simmons's territory has reached 10,000 units/day, and this amount is still increasing. In this case, Rollo had to send all the 100 newly produced T1 ruling robots.

Otherwise, if there is only one, the pressure is still too great. Of course, we can't use 100 now, but we have to make plans for the future. He doesn't want this to slow down the development of the Hell Stronghold.

These robots are not only equipped with rifle weapons from the Blue Star era, but also equipped with various artillery missiles, drones, aircraft, tanks and other equipment, of course, they are all improved and weakened versions.

The technology inside does not use the latest energy storage stone technology and psychic technology.

The best weapons are the Flame No. 1 Rifle and Flame No. 1 Infantry Cannon that Luo Luo has now eliminated. These things are enough.

Luo Luo defines the base of the Hell Plane as a resource base that is attacked by cheap armed robots. They do not need to have a strong attack power. Even if the mortality rate is 100 to 1, Luo Luo will still make a profit.

Moreover, although it is a beggar version of the armed robot, it is not as fragile as imagined. It is not something that will fall apart at a touch. , It is slightly stronger than demons, hellhounds and the like.

Because precision positioning weapons such as missiles require the cooperation of satellites, Luo Luo did not transmit this technology to the Hell Plane.

It just allows the front-line soldiers to use artificial positioning methods to guide the missiles to land. Anyway, it only consumes some robots, and Luo Luo does not care about this.

After all, satellite technology is still relatively high-end, and its role is more than that. Luo Luo does not want to leave too advanced technology outside. After all, in another week, he will return to the Earth Source Continent and completely disconnect from the Hell Plane. No one knows what will happen next.

To be cautious, only some outdated technologies can be used, and these technologies are not weak, at least they are not outdated in low-level wars. If Simmons can strengthen his weapons and equipment by himself, it is his own ability.

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