The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 36 True God Test Continued

Twenty minutes passed peacefully.

At this time, Jiang Siming was waiting for his two rounds of troops to gather, and Luo Luo was also waiting for the completion of the repair work of the industrial robots. In just twenty minutes, at least one million robots returned to the legion and took up their weapons.

The fourth and fifth waves of support came together, and this wave was huge.

There were about 20 million ogres, 10,000 cannibal magicians and 500 million bloodthirsty hunters. The most important thing was that 40 million invisible banshees appeared in the enemy's legion, and this time they were also led by a hero unit.

It seems that Jiang Siming's projection has no new troops to be assigned in the demigod stage. He can only send hero units of various tribes to the battlefield. This should be the limitation of the universe's will on him. If a demigod of level five can mobilize troops of level six, it would be too difficult for Luo Luo.

These are relatively easy to deal with.

After losing nearly 10 million troops, Luo Luo wiped out the enemy.

This time, not only the first wave of 1,000 missile vehicles were activated, but also the next three waves of 1,000 missile vehicles were all activated in this round. Luo Luo even had to transfer several unfinished aerial platforms.

These aerial platforms are equipped with various weapons, but they have not yet been equipped with large internal equipment and corresponding flying robots.

The factory of F1 flying robots has not yet been established, and the previous 500 were all handmade products in the laboratory.

I thought that the previous troops were enough, and I prepared some missile vehicles as reinforcements, but I didn’t expect the battle to be so fierce.

Of the 10 million industrial robots lost in this wave, only 40% can be repaired again.

Although the loss ratio has become higher this time, it is still a big loss for Luo Luo, who has a limited number.

After five rounds of reinforcements in the demigod stage, Luo Luo lost nearly 10 million industrial robots, which is one-sixth of the number he brought.

Other races also suffered losses of about 1%. The only ones that did not lose were two big guys, the siege team and the mechanical behemoth race.

The Treemen did not suffer any damage because they only clapped their hands and their shield wall had strong defense. The Mechanical Behemoth did not attack at all. Except for the shoulder-mounted machine gun, it did not fire a single shot. This was Rollo's request because there would be more powerful enemies later.

The tests from Demigod Level 5 to Demigod Level 9 were no different from the previous ones. The number was the same, except that the Heroic Cannibal, Heroic Cannibal Magician, and Heroic Bloodthirsty Hunter appeared one after another.

Name: Cannibal (Heroic)

Skills: Giantization: Heroic Cannibal can temporarily enlarge its body size and increase its physical fitness by 100%. (Last 30 minutes, 24 hours cooldown)

Name: Cannibal Magician (Heroic)

Skills: Dual Casting: Heroic Cannibal Magician can release two spells at a time, but the consumption is increased by 300%. (Cooldown 1 hour)

Name: Bloodthirsty Hunter (Heroic)

Skills: Claws: The normal attack of the Heroic Bloodthirsty Hunter has a piercing effect. (Passive)

When it comes to the ninth level of demigod, only they appear together, including the bloodthirsty harpy before. As a hero, she is also present in every round.

Now the key point is here. Jiang Siming has reached the first level of true god, which puts a sudden pressure on Luo Luo.

He not only unlocked new magic, but also restored all his divine power.

He is far superior to Luo Luo now. Luo Luo suffers because he has no magic to use because of the problem of scientific research divine power.

His magic is restricted. Before, he fought on his home ground, which restricted him and the enemy. In this way, no one can see the disadvantage, and it may even be an advantage.

But once in this external environment, without the suppression of scientific research divine power, the enemy can use magic, but he can't use it. The gap caused by this is still quite large.

"If I want to get a higher reward, it seems that I need some planning. I am afraid that the previous preparations can't completely harden Jiang Siming at the true god stage."

"Then I can only start the big killer in advance." The big killer Luo Luo mentioned refers to the air combat platform.

If you don't make a decision, you will suffer from the chaos.

There is no 100% preparation on the battlefield. When encountering emergencies, any decision made by the commander must be very decisive.

Three hours have passed unknowingly, and Jiang Siming has been promoted to the first level of True God.

The information given by the will of the universe has also been updated at this time.

"Ding! Unlock the divine power 4: Bleeding, both the enemy and us will have a state of continuous blood loss..."

"Ding! Unlock the divine power 5: The wrath of the killing god, you can use your own power to cause huge physical damage to the enemy."

At the same time, a new wave of enemies has arrived, which is the ace legion of the God of Killing. Bloodthirsty Legion

Fortunately, I had expected that the demigod stage has always been the violent legion.

Then the bloodthirsty legion, as the signature legion of the God of Killing, will definitely appear in the true god stage.

"I still have some fluke mentality, it seems that the will of the universe is very optimistic about me."

The previous violent legion, although the members in it have the word bloodthirsty.

But they are the weakest under the God of Killing, of course, this is weaker than the bloodthirsty legion, the bloodthirsty legion is Jiang Siming's ace legion in the universe.

The number of people who own it is definitely not as large as the former, but the quality is extremely high.

The hero-level unit encountered before can only be a small captain-level figure in the Bloodthirsty Legion, which shows how powerful the Bloodthirsty Legion is.

Luo Luo thought about it, "No, the Bloodthirsty Legion appeared directly in the first level of the True God stage, so what will the enemy be in the ninth level of the True God stage?"

He didn't think about it further, this is not the problem to pay attention to now. The Bloodthirsty Legion is not as easy to deal with as the previous violent legion.

Race name: Blood Vampire

Level: LV5

Constitution: 25

Strength: 25

Agility: 10

Spirit: 20

Talent: 1. Blood Life: Has an unusual desire for blood, and can temporarily strengthen itself by absorbing any blood.

2. Blood Sharing: Can connect with other vampires and blood creatures to share the vitality of the blood vampire.

Skills: 1. Go to Death: Can sacrifice one's own life in exchange for a large amount of immunity for teammates for a period of time. Reduce the upcoming physical 90% and magic 90% damage, and restore 50% of the blood volume.

Introduction: It is not powerful by itself, but can cooperate with the blood mage.

Race name: Blood Element

Level: LV5

Constitution: 18

Strength: 15

Agility: 12

Spirit: 30

Talent: 1. Blood Life: Has an unusual desire for blood, and can temporarily strengthen itself by absorbing any blood.

2. Energy Creature: Immune to all physical damage.

Skills: 1. Blood Orb: Use contaminated blood to create a ball of energy to attack the enemy, causing huge damage to the surrounding enemies, accompanied by subsequent corrosive damage. (Last 10 minutes, 30 minutes cooldown)

1. Blood Shield: Can use blood to form a magic shield on the surface of the body to resist the next damage. (Last 20 minutes, 24 hours cooldown)

Introduction: The main offensive unit of the Bloodthirsty Legion.

Race name: Blood Mage

Level: LV5

Constitution: 10

Strength: 12

Agility: 13

Spirit: 33

Talent: 1. Blood Life: Has an unusual desire for blood, and can temporarily strengthen itself by absorbing any blood.

2. Spell Amplification: All spells increase in strength by 100%, and cooldown time is reduced by 50%.

Skills: 1. Blood Pool: Create a blood pool, which is the basis of all blood magic.

2. Bloodline Enhancement: It can enhance all attribute abilities of bloodline by 100%. (Last 30 minutes, cooldown 24 hours)

3. Blood Rebirth: All bloodline that died around the blood mage can be reborn in the blood pool. (No cooldown)

4. Blood Vampire Summoning: If there is no blood vampire protection around, a team of blood vampires (10) will be summoned. (Cooldown 1 hour)

Introduction: The core combat power of the bloodline has a significant improvement on the overall combat power of the legion.

Although it was prepared in advance, it was really frightening to see the attributes of these bloodline.

The coordination of the bloodthirsty legion is better than that of the violent legion. It has played the attribute of blood to the extreme. With the blood mage as the core, the blood vampire and blood element are both auxiliary points of this lineup.

"I was happy for a while when I encountered the magic that caused continuous bleeding. The mechanical race does not bleed, so this magic will be useless. But I didn't expect it to be waiting for me here!"

If you want to deal with the blood race, you must first deal with the blood mage. The blood mage is protected by the blood ghost. After the blood ghost dies, it can be resurrected in the blood pool of the blood mage.

It looks like an unsolvable cycle.

In this case, the blood ghost and the blood mage need to be eliminated instantly, which is very difficult. After all, although the number of the opponents is not large, they cannot be eliminated instantly.

Until 100,000 blood ghosts, 10 million blood elements and 1,000 blood mages have been assembled, Luo Luo has been thinking about a breakthrough.

"I got it! I was wrong at the beginning. If I can't eliminate them instantly, then use continuous damage to consume them all to the near-death state. In this way, I just need to calculate the damage time."

"All the blood ghosts must be killed first. Then quickly eliminate the blood mage, so that this plan can succeed."

First transmit this plan to the command center, and the command center will distribute the damage.

Before that, we need to test the damage limit of these three enemies.

This is the matter of the command center, and Luo Luo does not need to take care of it personally.

It takes eight seconds to kill a blood vampire, ten seconds for a blood element, and the blood mage cannot guess, because there are blood vampires who commit suicide to protect them at all times.

But according to the interval between the sacrifices of the two blood vampires, it should be 15 seconds. And when the blood volume is less than 50%, there will be blood vampires who sacrifice to protect them.

"Fifteen seconds, which means that it should take 7.5 seconds to consume half of the blood mage's blood volume, which is only 0.5 seconds away from the blood vampire."

"We need to cover the blood vampire with the attack first, and then cover the blood mage after an interval of 0.5 seconds. In this way, they will die together!"

This will break their perfect combination.

But this will cause a problem. At this time, the blood mage will summon a new blood vampire.

Then you need a weapon that can clear 50% of the blood mage's blood volume in an instant.

"It's really a tough enemy. Don't say, I really have it." Luo Luo saw the spirit energy focusing cannon in the hand of the mechanical behemoth.

This weapon is very strange. It has a stable input, but once it breaks your defense, it can kill you instantly.

And the blood mage's defense is very weak.

Before, it was not used because of the blood ghost's skills, and the damage immunity was too much.

"There are only two hundred guns, not enough." The problem now is that there are only these guns, but the blood mage on the opposite side has a thousand, ten to one.

The speed of the psychic focus cannon is not fast.

Luo Luo immediately transferred two thousand from the warehouse of the God's Domain.

He did not want to use the psychic focus cannon at first. Although this kind of artillery has many advantages, it also has many disadvantages.

Now this initial version requires a large space to display, and it also requires sufficient psychic energy supply.

In such a tense True God test stage, using this kind of weapon with great logistical pressure is easy to be targeted by the opponent, and the target is large and easy to be destroyed.

This time, because there are no flying units, he can use it smoothly, and now there is only this one way. This time, the previous version in the hands of the mechanical Behemoth was transferred, which is large in size, high in damage, and high in energy storage.

Tieyi, who received the order in the God's Domain, immediately selected two thousand psychic focus cannons in stock and transported them to the designated location.

Any weapon developed in the God's Domain, whether good or bad, will be stored in large quantities for emergency use, and this time it was used.

Twenty minutes are about to end, and the next batch of support is about to arrive.

If this wave cannot be quickly resolved, the pressure on the two groups of enemies is really a bit too much.

"I have been preparing for so long, I can't fail at this level, it's really unacceptable."

Everything is ready, and all the enemy's information has been collected.

The Central Command Center is using this information to analyze the best impact point and convey this news to all the mechanical warriors present.

Before that, he could only order soldiers of other races to suspend their attacks to avoid disrupting the final layout.

Luo Luo looked at the battlefield nervously, success or failure depended on this move.

Countless missiles began to take off, all of them carrying psychic incendiary bombs.

The weak landing points all avoided the blood mage, and then less than a second later, another round of missiles also took off, and their landing points were opposite to the previous ones, pointing directly at the blood mage's position.

The psychic incendiary bomb launched this time has cancelled the explosive unit, which means that it will disintegrate by itself when it is about to touch the ground or the enemy.

There will be no explosion damage, so it will not affect the damage value calculated by the central computer.

Jiang Siming had seen psychic incendiary weapons before, but he was not afraid of this weapon. After all, this weapon can destroy his cannibal magician army, but it may not be able to destroy the bloodthirsty army he is proud of.

The fact is indeed as he thought.

But after eight seconds, the situation on the battlefield will completely change his worldview.

All the psychic focusing cannons on the shield wall have arrived at the designated position.

Each one is assigned a specific task. It is directly transmitted to the brain of the mechanical warrior by the central command system, with an error of only 0.0000001 seconds.

After eight seconds, except for some blood elements.

Everyone else disappeared instantly, which is a real instant disappearance.

All were eliminated in less than a second. The psychic focusing weapons were opened in advance and pointed at the target. The speed of psychic energy is very fast.

At the moment when no one reacted, the scene froze, and some blood elements were still unconsciously throwing blood magic balls.

There was nothing to say about the rest, and the remaining enemies were cleared by concentrated fire.

Luo Luo successfully reached the next stage.

Jiang Siming did not expect that the weapon he had looked down on before would have such a wonderful use. With other weapons, he easily annihilated the bloodthirsty army he was proud of.

It broke his strongest weapon to conquer the universe.

He saw clearly that it was not those burning missiles that destroyed the blood mage, but the weapon that emitted a beam of light. He did not expect it to be so powerful.

He did not understand that the attack speed of the psychic focusing cannon was very slow, and it could only fire one round per minute. The psychic focusing cannon of the Behemoth was smaller than those on the city wall. This was a sacrifice of part of the attack power in exchange for an attack speed bonus.

This was also true for the full defense interception weapon, which basically gave up most of the attack power in exchange for a reaction speed and attack speed bonus.

After all, intercepting magic attacks only requires breaking through one point.

Of course, this specifically refers to some small magic, such as the blood magic balls launched by the blood element, most of which did not attack the Luo Luo army itself.

As expected, the process of the true god stage is the same as the previous demigod stage. The blood element hero appeared in the second round.

Name: Blood Element (Heroic Level)

Level: LV5

Talent: 1. Blood Life: Has an unusual desire for blood, and can temporarily strengthen itself by absorbing any blood.

2. Energy Creature: Immune to all physical damage.

3 Blood Element Strengthening: Strengthens all blood element attributes by 50%.

Skills: 1. Blood Shield: Can use blood to form a magic shield on the surface of the body to resist the next damage. (Duration 30 minutes, cooldown 24 hours)

2. Blood Curtain World: Use this skill to form a corrosive blood energy sky curtain in the air within a fixed range. When the skill ends, the sky curtain will directly fall, causing continuous damage to all enemies within the range. (Duration 20 minutes, cooldown 1 hour)

Introduction: Hero unit of blood element.

It's just an enhancement to the blood element and an additional group skill, which is no different from the previous round.

Although it took a long time to intercept this magic and most of the interception systems were activated, the ending was perfect.

There was no loss, which was much easier to deal with than the previous violent legion.

"As long as you find the right method, all difficulties are paper tigers."

Luo Luo thought with some pride. Although he knew that this was only Jiang Siming at the second level of the True God stage, it was not easy for him to defeat him.

After all, his True God test was different from others, not only because the identity of the commanding god was more powerful, but also because the number of enemies was a bit excessive.

There is a detailed explanation of the True God test in the family, and ordinary people will definitely not encounter so many enemies.

Including the undead god who used the Skeleton Sea before, he was able to delay successfully because the number of enemies was relatively small, and he couldn't kill the skeletons, and he dragged it until the end of time.

From this, it can be seen how strange the situation Luo Luo faced was, but it didn't matter. It was a little strange. The more difficult the test, the richer the reward. This is a theorem and a rule.

Jiang Siming used the previous tactics again.

In the interval between the third-level and fourth-level true gods, two waves of support were summoned together. This time, in addition to the doubled troops, there were also hero-level blood mages and hero-level blood ghosts.

Name: Blood ghost (hero level)

Level: LV5

Talent: 1. Blood life: has an unusual desire for blood, and can temporarily strengthen itself by absorbing any blood.

Skills: 1. Go to death: can sacrifice one's own life in exchange for a large amount of immunity for teammates for a period of time, reduce the upcoming 99% physical damage and 99% magic damage, and restore 90% of blood volume. (Limited to hero-level blood mages)

Introduction: Only born for hero-level blood mages.

Name: Blood mage (hero level)

Level: LV5

Talent: 1. Blood life: has an unusual desire for blood, and can temporarily strengthen itself by absorbing any blood.

2. Spell amplification: all spell strength increases by 200%, and the cooldown time is reduced by 50%.

Skills: 1. Blood pool: creating a blood pool is the basis of all blood magic.

2. Blood rebirth: All blood mages who died around a heroic blood mage can be reborn in the blood pool. (No cooldown)

Introduction: A qualitative change unit of the blood clan's combat power.

This time, because of the appearance of these two heroic characters, the previous method is not very useful.

"Although the skills of this heroic unit have become less, it is more difficult. These two heroes are in CP here."

Luo Luo was in a stalemate again. The enemy could not attack and they could not destroy it. If they accumulated more and more, there would definitely be problems later.

At this time, Luo Luo received a message from the command center.

The ten unfinished air strike platforms that had just been transported were intercepted by the enemy.

The enemy also has a new type of soldiers this time. Jiang Siming used his and Luo Luo's support to open up a new battlefield.

Racial name: Blood demon

Level: LV5

Constitution: 20

Strength: 20

Agility: 31

Spirit: 25

Talent: 1. Blood life: has an unusual desire for blood, and can achieve temporary self-strengthening by absorbing any blood.

2. Flying race: The flying units of the blood race have a suppressive power against ground units.

Skills: 1. Blood mist: A thick blood mist is formed on the target range, affecting the senses and detection skills of all enemies in the blood mist.

2. Boiling blood mark: Mark the target and track the enemy at a long distance. (Duration 24 hours, 1 hour cooldown)

Introduction: The reconnaissance unit in the blood race is still a difficult flying unit.

Luo Luo's face turned green with anger. He originally wanted to pull the unfinished aerial platform over to serve as a combat force, but now it has become a burden.

He had been intercepted without support before, which made him ignore this point.

Although the command center made arrangements, it was obvious that Jiang Siming saw through his routine and responded in advance.

"I said it. The two waves combined only had two more hero-level units. It shouldn't be. It turns out that there is a backhand. This trick is fierce!"

This time was really unexpected by Luo Luo. After all, he is still an ordinary person. Although he was reborn in the era of gods, he has not experienced many wars.

It was a rigid fight before, but this time the enemy used a trick.

He reminded him that although there were many battle examples from the Blue Star era, this was a different civilization after all, and the tactics and methods must be in line with reality.

"It seems that I have to pay attention to it in the future. I will record this matter in the command center system and remind myself not to be careless in the future."

There is no other way now. All the troops are dragged on the main battlefield, and the five real air strike platforms, one of the big killers, can only be sent.

The blood mist is useless for the detection equipment equipped by Luo Luo. After all, there are many types, and there is always one that is suitable, but the unfinished air strike platform only has weapons and basic operators.

The large detection equipment inside has not been installed, and the F1 flying robot has not been equipped, which makes the two methods of releasing the air strike platform unusable.

If there is an F1 flying robot, then the robot can be allowed to explore outside and lead the sky platform. The blood mist has no attack power.

At least without the blessing of the blood mage, it cannot cause any damage to the army.

There is a distance set by the will of the universe between the main battlefield and the secondary battlefield. It takes ten minutes plus the battle time to go back and forth, which means that these air strike platforms cannot come back before the end of this round.

The main battlefield fell into a stalemate again.

Luo Luo sent the mechanical Behemoth beast up, but only killed a few blood mages occasionally.

But the blood mage hero can revive his companions, which makes it very embarrassing. It feels like this blood clan is like a nesting doll.

Luo Luo can't afford it.

Although the opponent's mana reserves are not sufficient to use skills such as resurrection that consume a lot of energy, Luo Luo's attacks also consume various bullets and energy.

Every time the support troops come, they will not only come by themselves, but also bring a batch of energy items and ammunition.

You must know that he cannot copy the ammunition that has been scanned by the will of the universe again. Although the real resources in the divine domain will not be consumed.

But if you want to provide it to the battlefield of the true god test, you still have to bring the inventory continuously.

At this time, Jiang Siming was promoted to the fifth-level true god.

This is five times the size of Luo Luo, and every five or nine, there must be changes, so there is no need to say more.

There are no other troops for this support, only 10,000 blood demons and a heroic blood demon leader, which is very abnormal. This number does not even reach the number of the previous round, not to mention that there are no blood mages and blood ghosts.

Name: Blood Demon (Heroic Level)

Level: LV5

Skills: 1. Blood Mist: Form a thick blood mist in the target range, affecting the senses and detection skills of all enemies in the blood mist.

2. Boiling Blood Mark: Mark the target, you can track the enemy at a long distance, and the marked enemy will be attacked by friendly forces. The damage deepened by 100%. (Duration 24 hours, 1 hour cooldown)

Introduction: The reconnaissance troops in the blood clan are also difficult flying units.

At this time, there were waves of energy throbbing in the direction where Jiang Siming sent support.

A bloody big foot stepped out.

"What the hell?" Luo Luo was stunned, because this monster that came out was a little invincible.

Name: God of Killing (God's Descent)

Occupation: God's Envoy

Talents: 1. Sea of ​​Blood: An advanced version of the Blood Pool Technique, solidified on the body of the God of Killing, so that he is surrounded by a sea of ​​blood all the time.

2. God's Descent: As a god's envoy of the gods, you can receive the power of the gods.

Skills: 1. Blood Clan Enhancement Technique: Enhance all attributes of all blood clans by 1000%. (Passive)

2. Blood Sea: Causes true damage to targets within a huge range, accompanied by continuous corrosion damage. Blood attribute creatures within this range will be enhanced by 500%.

3. Blood Drop Rebirth: The Blood Clan God's Envoy can make the hero unit retain a drop of its own blood before it dies, and then reborn in the blood sea after a period of time.

Introduction: The representative of the gods can accept part of the power of the gods.

"What the hell, if you can't beat it, you will go down in person, it's not like that." Luo Luo was helpless, how can he play if he is directly enhanced by 50 times.

Luo Luo could only let all the soldiers resist with all their strength, and delay as much time as possible. There was no need to think about destroying the enemy in front of him. No method would work.

After Jiang Siming unlocked the divine power 5, he still felt that he could not use it, after all, he could not go down in person. Now he is really laughing.

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