The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 400: The violent empire's ruler gives in

But now.

Before they achieved their expected goal, an enemy popped up, and the strength was so strong.

How could the master not be angry? It can be said that he was furious.

The master of the violent empire was getting angrier and angrier, but the facts were already there. The most important thing now was to find a solution to the problem. He turned his head and said to his trusted subordinates: "Have you contacted the other party?"

"Yes, yes! Master, we have contacted the other party and started negotiations. The other party has also stopped the invasion of our side. So far, both sides have maintained the status quo and have not taken any radical actions."

This is good news.

The master of the violent empire paused, suppressed his anger, and then asked: "Have you found out the details of the other party?"

Before, they only knew that it was because Luther provoked the other party that this series of situations occurred, but they did not know the specific identity of the enemy.

It was just a vague feeling. After all, the empire is too big.

It has been several months since the news of the frontline reached the headquarters of the empire. This is already a very fast intelligence network.

"It's gods, and there are a lot of them."

"Oh, it's a divine weapon! That's not surprising."

Although the Violent Empire did not have much conflict with the gods in the positive universe.

But the cantilever universe they destroyed gave birth to many divine civilizations, and they knew the potential of the gods very well.

In addition to the records in the ancient books.

He was surprised by this. The Violent Empire became a top force in a short time.

But their heritage is very old, hundreds of millions of epochs older than the Undead Empire.

It can be said that it is the earliest group of forces born after the last catastrophe.

The heritage has been passed down to this day, and many unknown secrets in the universe have been known.

The master's eyes were scattered, looking into the distance and muttering.

"Everyone knows that the gods are powerful, but few people know where the gods are powerful."

"It's not surprising that they can do such things and have such strength. It seems that a divine civilization far beyond the strength of the top empire will be born in that place."

The Violent Empire knows the situation in the cantilever universe where the Earth Source Continent is located.

It was only because it was in the battlefield between the two empires that no measures were taken.

But according to the place where the external gods gathered, it was speculated that it must be the coordinate location of the god civilization belonging to the cantilever universe.

So he said that the Earth Source Continent would become the top force that shocked the universe, which was not an exaggeration at all, but rather had a basis.

There were as many as seven or eight thousand gods confronting the Violent Empire now.

And there were also gods at the peak of the domain master level.

The master believed that this was not all the opponent's strength.

It was obvious that there were higher-level beings in the opponent's central army, commanding their battles. Being able to make these arrogant gods sincerely execute the commander's orders showed that the commander's level was much higher than them.

Then thinking about it this way, only immortal-level gods could have such a status.

And with the immortal level, they were not something that the Violent Empire could easily move.

Although he was very annoyed by the loss of one ten-thousandth of the territory.

But now was obviously not the time to go to war with them, and it would be even less so in the future.

The Rage Empire could only swallow its losses and consider it as paying for Luther's behavior.

Thinking of this, the Overlord angrily whipped the corpses below that had not been cleaned up yet.

The more he thought about it, the angrier he got.

After fighting for a while, he suddenly said to his men: "Don't worry about the territories occupied by the gods, cede them all to them, negotiate with them, and maintain the status quo."

"If they dare to go further, then I don't mind leading the entire empire's army to fight them to the death. On the contrary, if they can guarantee to maintain the current situation, then I won't bother with them. All they occupy will be ceded to them, and I won't want to take it back from them. You can talk to them according to this bottom line."

"This. My Lord, will you give him so many star fields directly? Giving up so many is a bit too much..."

"Yes, give them all up, do as I say, don't play those little tricks, I have my own considerations."

What the Overlord said is indeed the most suitable decision for the Rage Empire at the moment.

It's not that such a big empire can't beat the gods' army, but because of the Star Devouring Beast incident, all their frontline troops were eaten.

It takes time to urgently recruit a group of people to rush to the front line.

The gods were lucky that the Star Devouring Beast passed by them and no casualties were caused, so they were able to formulate a plan to attack the territory of the Violent Empire in the first place and implement it immediately.

And the Violent Empire has not reacted yet.

After all, although the front line is important, after an emergency occurs, it takes one or two months for the news to be transmitted back, even if it takes the fastest route.

And this refers to the transmission of the news to the front-line command base camp.

This base camp was originally a logistics transit base camp, but because the front line was completely lost, it was converted into a front-line base camp.

They can be said to be the place with the highest authority besides the original front-line base camp, but they dare not jump to conclusions about this matter.

This incident had a huge impact. Whether it was the Star Devouring Beast incident or the subsequent invasion of the territory of the Rage Empire by the gods, it was not something that a small logistics manager like him could decide. He still had to report it.

In the end, it was still up to the ruler of the Rage Empire to decide whether to fight or make peace.

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