Isn't this one of the failures of the God-killing Crossbow?

Because gods can summon their subjects and holy warriors in the kingdom of God from the outside world, so that they can be resurrected even if their bodies are destroyed by the enemy.

So it's not that easy to kill the gods.

The function of the synergistic potion is to make the god a returning warrior from the very beginning.

Then let the toxins inside slowly kill them.

This strategy is not without poison, it is tailor-made for the gods.

Only they deserve such treatment.

The second-ranked family steward in the Violent Empire came for this purpose. He was not from the Luther family.

But it's a secret they planted in other families.

This didn't work at the critical moment.

In fact, in the end, the Violent Empire won, and they would only find out that the person who caused the war between the two sides was someone else, and had nothing to do with the Luther family. Of course, the master could not know the real mastermind.

But knowing that this is the case, there will be no Luther family at that time, and they can only suffer the loss of being dumb.

The most important thing is to do this series of planning to avoid the sight of the caretakers, otherwise there will be trouble in the success of this plan.

If the patriarch of a family needs to take the overall situation into consideration and consider the future.

So now the Luther family has given up on the future.

Stubborn women are really scary.

Even if it is a thankless thing, she will do it just to disgust the violent empire and the gods.

The Luther family's plan is proceeding in an orderly manner.

Even though they were under the custody of the Raging Empire, the plan still didn't stop.

Lilyfield Luther specially allocated a secret amount of money to protect this plan, and also used her long-hidden relationship network to make this matter so blatantly hidden.

Because the goddess of desire came back for a short time, she did not deploy enough manpower to the two empires to establish a complete information network.

As for the Violent Empire, after signing the peace agreement and executing the Luther family, they relaxed their vigilance.

Both agree that the two sides have now entered a period of calm.

Because this is obvious, no one wants to fight again and again, and there is no benefit to be gained.

But who could have imagined that a crazy person and his crazy family would do a crazy thing, which would directly detonate the antagonistic relationship between the two.

Even until many years later.

After the goddess of desire led her army to occupy the capital of the Violent Empire, she learned the secret of this matter and realized that this matter was not done by the Violent Empire at all.

But obviously by that point in time, it no longer mattered whether it was done by the Raging Empire or not.

When they first got the news, of course they were angry, but then they turned into joy. This became an excuse for them to attack the violent empire.

Although there are some problems with this excuse, it is by no means far-fetched.

For the undead empire on the other side, they can accept such an excuse.

If you attack the violent empire unscrupulously, it will arouse fear in other surrounding forces.

It's different if you have a reason. If the teacher is famous, others will not interfere.

This created a very good combat environment for Diyuan Continent.

Of course, these are all things for later.

The most important thing now is Luo Luo. After being in seclusion for about ten years, Luo Luo finally showed signs of coming out of seclusion.

His self-reflection was faster than previously expected. He estimated that it would take hundreds of years to solve his own psychological problems.

Unexpectedly, in just ten years, he could complete his spiritual sublimation.

And this is also the opportunity for him to enter the world of God Lord.

He needs to prepare for this.

Don't look at the fact that there are many god-level beings in the Earth Origin Continent.

But most of them are gods who have accumulated many epochs before. They have already reached the half-step god level as early as the reign of the Goddess of Life or even the reign of the God of Origin.

At this time, with the support of Diyuan Continent and the encouragement of Luo Luo, he finally took the final step.

Once Luo Luo's feat of being promoted to the God Lord level is completed, it means that he will break the record of the gods in the Earth Source Continent who reached the God Lord level in the shortest time.

The previous shortest record was 2,300 years.

And Rollo abruptly compressed this standard to 103 years.

This has to be said to be an amazing achievement.

Of course, all these honors can only be added to Rollo when he steps into the God Lord level.

But it is not that easy to step into the God Lord level.

The test of the God Lord level is no longer determined by the will of the cantilevered universe.

But it is decided by some kind of divine will.

Of course, the most important thing is to look at his own strength.

The test at the God Lord level can be said to be the most stringent and the most terrifying.

Because he really will die.

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