The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 407: C1 Mechanical Clan Returns

The reason why Luo Luo said that this thing looks like a chessboard is that although there is no horizontal or vertical restriction, mountains and rivers have divided the entire area.

A huge river running from the northeast corner to the southwest corner.

And two mountain ranges from the northwest corner to the southeast corner divide the entire chessboard into four parts. Obviously, each part corresponds to a player.

The center is a huge circular platform.

Located at the junction of mountains and rivers.

This should be the place for the final decisive battle.

Whoever can occupy this place will gain a lot of buffs.

There are many places like this on the entire map.

Then it is obvious that these places with special effects have become the focus of everyone's competition.

The more you have, the stronger the soldiers are.

At the same time, according to the characteristics of the soldiers, each tester can only choose 10,000 soldiers at the beginning.

And the resources they occupy.

This will become the key to summoning the next batch of soldiers.

The rules appear directly in everyone's mind and do not need special explanation.

Soldiers are summoned in batches.

They can be summoned once every seven days.

The time between the outside world and the test space is definitely not in a fixed ratio.

For now, they don't need to consider it.

What they need to think about now is how to use 10,000 soldiers to occupy the most resources and the most occupied war buildings in the shortest time.

The first seven days are obviously not the time to attack other places.

In the early stage, everyone should try to maintain development.

Only when someone feels that they have the power of war will they start a war.

Moreover, although the map is divided into four major blocks.

However, there is no connection between the regions. The cable bridge across the river and the tunnel through the mountain are all reserved for those who want to capture other places.

These buildings are equally important.

This is an important pass that can prevent enemy raids and facilitate their own actions.

Few people who can participate in the Lord God level test are fools.

There are not a few soldiers.

Moreover, all the life forms participating in this test are gods, of course, they are gods from other cantilever universes, and they may not have a divine domain.

After all, not every divine civilization wants to develop like the Earth Source Continent, and can cultivate its own religious race in its own divine domain.

But most gods generally have similar ways of training their own warriors. After all, the God Lord level tests teamwork and collaboration.

It is a very comprehensive test that tests the abilities of a life form in all aspects.

Even in this kind of war test, life forms can go down in person, as long as you are not afraid of sudden death.

There are many examples in the past, because life forms are basically defeated after seeing their legions showing obvious decline.

Unwilling to fail, they go down in person, and finally get ambushed and lose their lives.

This kind of person has the highest mortality rate in this test.

Of course, God's descent is also a good choice, but not every god can train a suitable God.

For the soldiers sent at the beginning, of course, you can't be careless.

Of course, Luo Luo wanted to bring the MI robot directly over, and use a trick to eliminate all three opponents.

But obviously, the rules restrict him from doing so.

So he can only honestly summon 10,000 soldiers first.

This has to mention the various types of mechanical tribes that Luo Luo had previously suspended manufacturing.

The Lord-level test is the time for them to show their skills.

Like the T1 mechanical family and F1 mechanical family, which have been very useful before, they are the top of the candidate list.

There is also the C1 mechanical family, which is a failed version before, because it was found that it did not play a big role in the actual test.

The C1 mechanical family is also called the resource collection mechanical family.

It is a kind of logistics mechanical family. Its role is very obvious, which is to collect resources.

However, after using the Dyson Sphere Project and having the supply of the Hell Plane and various resource planes, the status of the C1 mechanical family is more embarrassing.

Although he is a complete mechanical family.

But he wants to play a role, but he can't find the direction and space.

After all, if he collects outside, Luo Luo's God's Domain has a series of very powerful machines in operation, although not as flexible as the mechanical family.

But the key is that they are cheap.

Even if they are useless, they can be discarded directly.

And because of their huge size, they can quickly dig a vein and mine a forest.

But the C1 mechanical race is not so lucky. Its size is the largest among all mechanical races.

Its collection speed is 1.3 times that of a mechanical race of the same size, but because of its size, this 1.3 times does not show a big advantage.

Relatively speaking, it is only 1/2000 the size of the Giant God, which is the full resource mining platform.

In this comparison, we can see that it is not comparable.

So after the creation of the C1 mechanical race, it has been left in the warehouse to gather dust, and they have never had a chance to play.

But this time is different. If you want to summon a big guy like the Giant God Full Resource Platform at the beginning, you need to consume 10,000 troops.

That is to say, apart from this platform, he will not be able to summon any soldiers.

This is obviously impossible.

Although the full resource mining platform can mine resources and refine them into some basic material units.

But they have no construction ability and cannot directly build MI robots, which means that they still need a supporting factory.

But just a collection platform requires all of Rollo's quota, and it is obviously impossible to build a factory.

So in the early stage, only C1 mechanical family can be used to replace the role of the full platform, but fortunately C1 robots can build giant platforms, which only requires sufficient resources.

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