The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 416 The Blue God Who Was Tricked

But it must be said that these people are too naive. In the face of absolute strength, their little tricks don't work at all.

Luoluo also figured it out. He had always thought of using the army to conquer the other three participants to complete the promotion test, but he didn't expect the other party to play a trick.

But it was just what he wanted.

Unlike what the coalition leader thought, the soldiers summoned by Luoluo were exchanged for soldiers at a very extreme one-to-one exchange.

And they came with armor, but no weapons.

But it doesn't matter, the weapons warehouse in the rear is almost overflowing.

Luoluo didn't look at the front line again, but he knew that it was normal to lose.

Because according to the production speed of the MI robot factory.

Before, there were only less than 40,000 troops, which was considered fast production, but under the enemy's offensive, it would definitely not last long.

Of course, he was not very afraid. The MI second-generation robot had the same function as the simplified modular robot in the hell plane, that is, self-destruction.

After they defeated Luoluo's army, whether they were cleaning the battlefield or passing by normally, they would be ambushed.

No matter how much the enemy loses, it will be beneficial to Luo Luo.

He has now summoned 100,000 Y4 mechanical tribes in the rear.

Y4 mechanical tribe refers to the hero level, which is Luo Luo's earliest hero-level unit. It has developed to the fourth generation, and now the hero token metal is no longer used as a stabilizer. Of course, the main reason is that the hero token metal needs to be used where it is more needed.

For example, the god-level mechanical tribe being developed in the God's Domain.

And Y4 is the strongest single-soldier combat capability among all mechanical tribes.

Since it is one-for-one, and it is not allowed to exchange those weapons of mass destruction, then exchange the strongest individual, and then line up to equip the weapons in the warehouse.

Form a legion and wait for the enemy's future.

Maybe the three participants did not expect that they had put so much thought into this key node.

Creating a wave of quantity differences still did not make up for their weaknesses, and even the gap was getting bigger and bigger.

And the construction of Mi robots did not stop, but continued.

On the 21st day, the production efficiency had reached 10,000 units per day.

It takes the enemy at least four days to reach the base camp from the border. Four days means 40,000 soldiers.

Adding the 100,000 Y4 exchanged before, that means 140,000 soldiers.

They are stronger than them and have more numbers.

How to fight? How can they lose? Luo Luo had actually dug a pit for them at the beginning, but he didn't expect them to jump down so willingly. When faced with such an emergency, they were already cautious, and even used some tricks to force Luo Luo to pull the front line back.

Although the final result was the same, the three of them were proud enough to cause such a loss to Luo Luo.

Since the three of them had the heart to deal with Luo Luo together, Luo Luo would not be soft-hearted.

On this battlefield, it was either you die or I live, there was no third way to go.

And he was in an advantageous position now. The sooner the war ended, the better the reward would be.

It was only because the differences between the parties in the previous test were small that there was no possibility of ending the battle quickly.

After all, those who can come to the main god level test are all the more powerful people in a civilization, and they are all gods, and there is no difference.

So it is impossible to achieve a quick victory in time.

But now it is different.

They thought they used time to catch Luo Luo off guard, but they didn't expect Luo Luo to have a bigger plan hidden behind them.

As for the mantis stalking the cicada, the oriole is behind, who is the mantis and who is the oriole.

That is really clear at a glance.

When the three-tribe coalition arrived at the red team's base camp, they saw the densely packed soldiers in front of them.

The three gods were a little dumbfounded.

Before, they had paid a lot when they cleaned up the battlefield at the pass, and 1/3 of their troops were blown up when they cleaned up the battlefield.

This was originally a very heavy loss, but when they thought that the current troops were still more than twice that of the red team, they continued to move forward with peace of mind.

But they didn't expect to be greeted by such a desperate scene.

They saw soldiers who were far superior to them.

And all equipment, standard weapons and armor.

The faces of the three gods changed drastically.

Purple is still smarter.

When he saw this situation, he immediately had a plan in mind.

The three gods all wanted to retreat, but how could Rollo let them do so?

He waved his hand, and many soldiers swarmed in, directly blocking the coalition forces on a plain, and then began an inhumane massacre.

The super-strong metal storm rifles fought against the armor and sharp blades made of mithril.

The three tribes suffered a great loss in one encounter.

But now is not the time to feel sorry for the loss.

The three of them began to command their soldiers in a hurry to find an opportunity to break through.

The situation in front of them is already very clear, and staying here will only give the enemy more achievements.

There will be more battles to fight in the future.

They firmly believe that they will succeed in the end, and no one knows who gave them this mysterious confidence.

But no matter what, the most important thing now is to bring the legion out first.

Leaving some seeds can continue to deal with the changes later.

Of course.

It is unknown whether the three gods have other tricks in mind.

After all, Rollo's might is a bit too strong.

If the three tribes can't even defeat the army, then the gap between them will become bigger and bigger. At that time, who can be confident that they can resist Rollo's offensive?

In fact, the blue gods suffered the most losses in this war, because the other two gods knew that Rollo's army was powerful, so they mostly perfunctorily launched the attack.

Moreover, the benefit planning this time is mainly for the blue side. The more he gets, the more he will contribute. This is beyond doubt.

How can you get benefits without paying?

These are also some small clauses signed in the agreement.

Originally, this is a normal clause.

But after seeing the current situation on the battlefield, the blue one immediately knew that the two participants had cheated him, and he spit out a mouthful of blood with a "puff".

The will of the gods is strong, but how can they hold on after encountering a series of misfortunes?

He looked at the two "companions" with resentment in his eyes.

He was shouting madly in his heart.

He even wanted to ignore the situation on the battlefield and counterattack his teammates, letting them experience the feeling of being victimized.

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