The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 436 The Upgrade War Begins

Time flies, and another decade has passed in the blink of an eye.

Now the alliance has almost been run-in, and the upgrade war is just around the corner. Of course, the most important thing is the cosmic star, which is about to mature. If the upgrade war is not carried out.

Then they will lose a lot of benefits.

Although upgrading with the help of the cosmic star can save a lot of things.

But in this case, it would be a bit too unsuccessful for the civilization that completes this task.

The rewards given by the cantilever universe will also be greatly reduced.

The entire cantilever universe is distributed in an elliptical shape.

It is divided into four directions of southeast, northwest and northeast according to the cross.

It is further divided into four regions, which is what we often call the quadrant universe.

The center point of the four quadrant universes is actually the birthplace of the cosmic star.

Of course, the specific location is definitely not in the center, but in a certain position close to the center.

For this target point, Rollo does not need to detect it again.

Lawrence had already found the location before and guarded it for a long time.

And this location was also told to the Earth Source Continent by the two grand dukes.

"Is this the location of the Cosmic Star?"

"Yes, looking at the violent space ripples, it seems that the Cosmic Star is about to come out.

We must complete the Upgrade War before then."

Everyone has a good idea about the Upgrade War.

Gathering the power of the three major Scourge Legions, it is still not possible to complete the Upgrade War of a small cantilever universe. How embarrassing it would be to say it out.

"Then let's get started."

At the same time.

All life in the cantilever universe sent a request to the will of the universe to complete the Upgrade War, and the will of the universe responded immediately.

The entire cantilever universe is located in a space node, and a strong fluctuation broke out.

Just like the location of the Cosmic Star at this time.

The Goddess of Desire and other gods who have been waiting for a long time in the outside world also looked at the changes in the coordinate point with excitement.

It should be emphasized that the God of Darkness and the God of Light have also arrived. They took a shortcut and used the Empire Teleportation Array to reach the target location.

Of course, the Teleportation Array, as the foundation of an empire, cannot be used by strangers at will, but the fist of the Twin Gods is big enough!

The other ancient gods who had just awakened were not as violent as the twin gods, mainly because their strength did not allow them to do so, so they could only hurry on their way silently.

The twin stars were relieved to encounter the cantilever universe for the upgrade war as soon as they arrived.

In fact, they thought on the way that it was possible that the maternal civilization had not reached the main universe at all.

Because their strength was declining.

This was important evidence that the maternal civilization was not in the same space as them.

Of course, even if they guessed this, they could not tell their followers.

And in an unknown universe.

The civilization legions that were tested all appeared.

Luo Luo looked at the surrounding environment without saying much.

The environment of the upgrade war is not the same. It can be said that the upgrade war of each civilization is different, which eliminates the possibility of them getting detailed information.

In other words, after this, they can only rely on their own efforts to explore the information of the area where the upgrade war is located.

The three major natural disaster legions sent out scouts first as agreed.

The mechanical race is mainly exploring with a small V-shaped spaceship, which integrates some reconnaissance equipment, and its blade-shaped shape makes them extremely fast when traveling in space, second only to the teardrop shape of the Homecoming.

The Zerg also releases a kind of insect, which has a very keen stimulation perception of external information.

It is the most powerful reconnaissance soldier in the Zerg Scourge.

The Undead are also not to be outdone.

The Undead do not emit life forms to the surroundings, but a kind of instrument. This hollow instrument can actively absorb the surrounding information and transmit it back using soul fluctuations.

Everyone showed their magical powers.

In a short while, the entire small universe was explored very clearly.

"Yo! Lord God of Slaughter, this is the family of your men."

That's right, the enemy of this world is the Zerg.

But it is different from the Zerg that caused the Zerg Scourge.

They are controlled by huge queens, and each queen is a huge battleship. This can be said to be another promotion plan for the Zerg's large army.

Generally, civilizations would be very worried when encountering such a situation.

Because the opposing legions are overwhelming, occupying a full 30 star fields.

If we count by number.

Then their warships are equivalent to tens of thousands, and the soldiers have multiplied countless times on this basis.

However, facing such a scene, Luo Luo and others were talking and laughing.

What if the enemies are overwhelming? It seems that they have fewer soldiers.

After ten years of efforts, the three major Scourge Legions.

The number can only be described as countless.

A steady stream of soldiers are rushing to the battlefield.

They also reached tens of trillions.

The legions of both sides spread across the entire universe, leaving only a gap in the middle.

This gap is as wide as a galaxy, but for them, it is only a stone's throw away.

Both sides are eyeing each other covetously. The Zerg on the opposite side is not unwilling to move, but it is not the time yet.

The upgraded war must also retain a certain regularity.

It is really unreasonable to launch a surprise attack just after arriving at the battlefield.

Both sides stood still, and the war was about to break out.

The three commanders looked at each other.

"What are you waiting for? Fuck him."

The one who could say such words was the previously gentle God of Death. Since he was invaded by the evil energy, his temperament has changed drastically, and even his speech has become much rougher.

The order was quickly issued, and the first to attack was the long-range attack legion.

The overwhelming energy attack hit all the living forces on the opposite side.

But the enemy was not easy to deal with, and they launched a counterattack in an instant.

All the mother warships had dense holes on both sides, like dense gills.

And what was shot out from it was a kind of biological energy plasma, which was similar to the attack launched by the plasma worms before the Zerg. The principle was the same, but the energy level was countless times higher.

The colorful energy attacks offset each other above the heads of the two armies, and the waves that erupted overturned one team after another, but both sides were not afraid of life and death.

The front lines touched each other instantly.

Swords were clashing, broken limbs and flashes were intertwined.

And I don't know what kind of magical spell was added to this space, so that they could hear the propagation of sound in this space.

Of course, even without the blessing of this special rule, so much energy burst out, and some sound can be propagated in the vacuum, because these energies are connected into one piece, covering the entire space.

This is a huge annihilation field.

Every moment, there are lives being lost, and every moment, there are new lives coming up, and no one dares to give up.

The natural disaster civilization does not give up because this is their battle for upgrading. If it fails, then they will be buried in the void with the cantilever universe in the catastrophe.

And the enemy on the opposite side, it seems that there is some reason not to give up?

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