The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 460: The Great Princess of the 19th Layer of Hell - Manan Atwood

Other civilizations and higher life forms prefer those energy ores, such as magic stones, and the Hell Plane (the main universe) is full of such high-level energy crystals, and there are many of them, and there are many types, which are suitable for the development of major civilizations and empires. This is one of the reasons why they have developed so fast.

In ancient times, the Hell Plane was not one of the top ten civilizations, but was promoted in the late Middle Ages, relying on the sale of resources.

The 19th layer of the Hell Plane.

As a plane, another special feature of the Hell Plane is that it is calculated by layer.

The gap between each layer and each layer is huge.

If the strength is not enough, it is not a good thing to be promoted to a higher level.

Similarly, the higher you go, the more resources you have, and the higher the level of resources.

As a layer with a larger number, the 19th layer is also ranked in the entire Hell Plane.

Only the last 20th layer is higher than it, and the rest are below it. In other words, the legendary one person above ten thousand people refers to this floor.

The King of Hell - Manan Atwood!

As the natural commander of the giants, that is, what people often call a hero-level unit.

When he was alive, he led the giants to fight east and west, conquered a huge territory, and won unlimited fame.

After his death, he joined the hell tribe with his soul and became a member of the hell tribe. The hell tribe is actually very similar to the undead tribe.

But compared to the undead tribe, the hell tribe in the main universe is obviously more powerful.

Joining the hell tribe can also enjoy the treatment of eternal life.

Manan Atwood used his body after death to create the famous corpse ghost of the hell tribe.

This is a race between the undead tribe and the hell tribe, and both tribes are involved in this race.

In this way, this race is not welcomed by both tribes.

But Manan Atwood is different.

His talent in life was too dazzling, and his strength after death was even more outstanding in the hell plane. After dozens of epochs of hard work, he finally climbed to the position of the 19th monarch of the hell plane. You know, if it goes one step further, it will have to fight at the end of hell (the 20th floor).

Compared to going one step further.

Manan Atwood would rather keep his current position and not move any further.

He had worked hard to climb up before because there were more resources and more power above.

Although the 20th floor is the floor with the most resources and the most powerful people in the entire hell plane, and it is also the place with the greatest power in the hell plane, it is also the most dangerous.

Moreover, the 20th floor has to face attacks from external forces, which makes even a powerful hell clan monarch like him suffer losses from time to time, and the hell clan is warlike.

A little thing may cause two hell monarchs to fight.

There is only one hell monarch in the first 19 floors, and he holds the supreme power of that layer of hell. Even if a stronger hell creature comes, he will be suppressed by the domain.

Therefore, some powerful hell creatures whose ambitions have been worn down will no longer climb up after becoming the great monarch of hell.

Manan Atwood can be said to be the top of this kind of people.

Because the 20th floor is very special, it has many hell monarchs.

And it has no suppressive effect on any strength of hell life forms. There is no unique king here, only endless killing.

If it is a newly born hell clan member, it is okay. They may grow up in this killing environment and like it here, but for these old hands, it is far less comfortable than the stable lower floor.

Above the hall.

There is a person kneeling there, reporting something to Manan Atwood.

If Simmons (Rollo in the hell plane (cantilever universe)) and others see such a scene, they will definitely recognize it.

This is Brand who ran away in the hell plane before.

"Is the natural disaster civilization really so magical?"

"Yes, sir! I read it, so there is an introduction to the gods civilization. In addition to my observation of the gods civilization, I am very sure that they are indeed the only existence in the universe!"


The hell monarch dragged his chin and pondered.

Although each civilization has records about the civilization of gods, they are only fragments. No one has ever said why they are so worried about the rise of the civilization of gods.

"My lord, think about it! How can a danger that can be recorded by all civilizations be a trivial matter? Although all civilizations only recorded one or two sentences, they are all worried about the civilization of gods. This at least shows that the civilization of gods must have done something extraordinary a long time ago."


Atwood's eyes revealed dissatisfaction. With a wave of his hand, Brand was pushed to the wall of the hall by an invisible force and spit out three mouthfuls of blood.

His face turned pale.

At this time, Atwood slowly said: "According to what you said, I still don't know the seriousness of the matter."

"No, no."

"I dare not." Although Brand's chest was lifted up in one breath, causing him to almost faint, he still immediately admitted his mistake and begged the great monarch to forgive his sins.

Since becoming the ruler of the 19th layer of hell, Atwood has become even more arrogant.

He also has such strength. After all, here he is the sky, he is the law, and his words are the code of conduct for others.

Unless someone from the upper level comes down, no one can make him bend down, even if someone comes down from the upper level, he will be suppressed by the domain.

He also has to give face to the monarchs who rule the 19th level of hell.

This is humility only for big people, but Atwood never looks down on small people like Brand.

This is an interesting soul who fled to him.

That's right, it's an interesting soul.

Speaking of Brand's experience, it is also legendary.

He was first seized his domain by his men assigned by Rollo, and planned a counterattack in a corner of the hell plane in the cantilever universe, but the power given to them was a piece of energy body separated before the goddess of desire sealed it.

After the goddess of desire rushed to the cantilever universe, she summoned all the apostles of desire under the influence of the energy bodies that were scattered outside.

Seeing that things were not going well, Brand luckily activated his potential, abandoned his body, and traveled to an unknown place as a soul.

Finally, he was captured by Atwood and made into a human puppet, which is what he looks like now.

Although he seems to have a body now, his life and death are actually in the hands of Atwood. He can make him live or die at will.

If it weren't for the magical civilization of gods that Brand mentioned that aroused the interest of the Lord of Hell.

Then he would have been wiped out of consciousness after the Lord was tired of playing.

He became a rag doll that could be discarded at will.

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