The Age of Global Gods: The Rise of Techno-Cults

Chapter 477: The transportation system of the natural disaster civilization - the demon bird

Like Luo Luo's government planet, he has at least three auxiliary planets.

Two of them are ordinary auxiliary planets with logistical attributes.

One mainly produces food crops and fruits and vegetables, and the other mainly produces meat, birds and beasts.

The third is an auxiliary continental area.

Here, some space creatures are mainly cultivated.

So the area that is in the shape of a continent and not wrapped by external gas has become the landing of this project.

These three areas can be said to be places dedicated to providing food for the entire government planet.

Moreover, these foods are of high grade, and most of them are energy-type organisms or plants, because only crops containing energy can be eaten into the stomach to ensure the vitality of gods and some higher life forms.

If it is replaced with ordinary food, then if possible, it is necessary to eat tens of thousands of cows a day to meet the needs of physical activities.

This is the impact caused by the amount of energy.

Even these planets have been strengthened and reinforced by gods.

Ordinary objects cannot withstand the ravages of higher life forms. Even if higher life forms just walk lightly on them, they may cause several magnitude earthquakes.

Under normal circumstances, they cannot coexist.

Maybe a sneeze from a higher life form will kill a large number of ordinary life forms.

This is caused by the difference in the nature of life.

The reason why the Earth Source Continent can form a unique state of coexistence of multiple classes of life forms is because of the special nature of the Earth Source Continent.

The Earth Source Continent has its own unique law power, which allows ordinary life forms to survive normally under the influence of higher life forms.

But this will still cause many inconveniences.

For example, there is a huge difference in the food of the two. The food eaten by ordinary life forms is similar to what Luo Luo saw in the Blue Star era, that is, some ordinary plants and animals.

And the higher life forms eat very high-energy food, which may be the energy contained in the life form, or the level of the life form.

Intelligent creatures with higher life forms must have ordinary animals with higher life forms.

The two correspond to each other, so that higher life forms can survive normally.

And the distinction from the food of ordinary humans is a major sign.

The food of the two cannot be mixed.

Especially for ordinary life forms, it is absolutely impossible to eat the food of gods.

This is a taboo, and the reason for this taboo is not because the gods are stingy and unwilling to give them high-energy food, but because these foods are eaten by ordinary creatures, it is absolutely a disaster.

For the gods, if they eat the wrong food, at most they will not be full.

Eating another batch of high-energy food can satisfy their energy consumption.

But for ordinary life forms, if they eat the food of the gods, they are likely to explode and die, and there is no second consequence to choose.

This only refers to one food, and there are many differences in other aspects.

For example, the way of travel.

For the gods, of course, flying directly is the fastest.

In the land area, flying by one's own ability can reach the destination instantly, which is a more convenient way of travel.

In fact, many things, even from the easternmost to the westernmost end of the Earth Source Continent, are just going out, and then using one's own ability to fly at high speed, and then one or two disappear to reach the destination.

But ordinary people can't do this, they don't have such energy, so they can only use some equipment to achieve the purpose of movement.

Of course, this is different from ordinary planets after all. Because they live with gods, their way of traveling is also more advanced.

For example, the magic bird that can travel thousands of miles a day.

This magic bird has a wingspan of 20km.

It can carry 300,000 normal life forms at a time.

Although the flying speed is slow, it is equivalent to 1/10 of the full speed of the gods.

It is very useful as a means of transportation, and the magic bird is an omnivorous animal. As long as you feed some energy-rich food and mix some ordinary food, you can keep it alive.

So the transportation system of the Earth Source Continent is relatively developed.

But there will be a problem at this time.

If the magic bird encounters a god during the flight, and neither of them can stop, then a tragedy will occur.

This kind of tragedy happens almost every day on the Earth Source Road.

Even most of the time, the ending is that all members are killed.

Gods, of course, are fine.

But the passengers on the magic bird will be in bad luck. At the same time, because the magic bird is huge, if it falls quickly after an air crash, it will also cause fatal damage to the objects and lives below.

This is not over yet.

The magic bird is not transporting ordinary people.

As mentioned before, the Earth Source Continent was very backward before.

There are many poor people, and even more ordinary people. These people cannot afford to ride the magic bird.

Although the magic bird is easy to feed, carries many passengers, and flies a long distance, its charges are by no means cheap.

Only people from middle-class families and above in the Earth Source Continent have the opportunity to travel on the magic bird, and generally they are dealing with more urgent matters.

Because the population on the Earth Source Continent is large, the business of the magic bird seems to be more, and this business is more prosperous.

However, if an air crash occurs and all the passengers on the magic bird are killed, the most direct impact is that hundreds of thousands of families will be affected.

Because the number of passengers on the Demon Bird is 300,000 at a time, even if it is not full.

More than half of it can be achieved, that is to say, if the Demon Bird is going to have an air crash, it will directly affect 150,000 families, and most of them are relatively wealthy and powerful families in the local area.

Although it is not as powerful as the gods, it has a greater impact on the city.

Generally, it affects a series of issues such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, work, salary, etc. of ordinary people.

In this case, its impact is greater.

It may be a waste of money, and it will affect the income of millions of families.

Many people have lost their fortunes and even cannot make ends meet due to such sudden accidents, and selling children is common.

This can be said to be another important reason for the impact on the Earth Source Continent, but it is different when Luo Luo comes.

Luo Luo sent experts from the God's Domain to study and formulate new traffic rules a long time ago.

The most important thing is to limit the willful behavior of gods. There is no reason for gods to take off, and they do not need to report to anyone, so the main reason for accidents is often the gods' reckless flying.

Because the magic birds have fixed routes, if they avoid these fixed routes, this kind of accident will be greatly reduced.

But the gods have always been the existence that rules the entire Earth Origin Continent, so no one will touch this brow, even if they know the reason.

But Luo Luo dares!

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