The classmates of Class 6 looked at their monitor, and they fell down with Lin Que's slippers. This is really comical!

Our squad leader doesn't want face?

"I said everyone, do I do it, or do you solve it yourself?"

Lin Que said with a smile on his face.

Looking at Lin Que's smile, a touch of horror appeared on everyone's faces.

Devilish smile!

This man is simply a devil!

Lin Que looked at the people who were slow to do it, sighed slightly, and raised the golden slippers in his hand when he was about to do it.


"Lin Que, don't think that you are strong enough to do whatever you want!"

"We will not succumb to you."

"Even if we fall, we will fall into our own hands!"

As they said, everyone raised their palms and patted the back of their heads.

They only felt that their eyes were dark and their eyes closed, and they all fell to the ground and fainted.

Lin Que looked dumbfounded at this scene!

"I haven't said what I want you to do, you all know my intentions!"

"Really on the road!"

At this moment, Qin Feng and others also rushed to the scene, looking at the scene in front of them, dumbfounded!

The battle is over before they arrive?

Should the efficiency be so high?

Lin Que put away the golden slippers and said, "Don't stand stupidly!"

"Hurry up and tie them all up to me, and pull all the valuable things on my body except for the pants."

Qin Feng and the others rubbed their hands in excitement, and stretched out their magic claws towards the class 6 students.

"Leave it to us!"

"Oh oh oh~."

Next second.

Lin Que summoned the deep-sea battleship, Lin Que, and tied all the members of the 6th squad with only the **** to the deck.

"Set off!"

"Next person!"

"start sailing!"


In the judges' bench, Tang Xiaohu looked at the picture from the holographic projection, really didn't have any eyes to look at it!

This is still a knockout game for selecting seed players in the global league?

It has become an exhibition match for Lin Que to be an improper person!

He regretted it a little, so what about putting this devil in to harm these flowers?

Zeng Deshuai looked puzzled: "Why do you feel that Lin Que had a look at the monitor just now?"

"I have a bad feeling!"

The first row of the stands.

The grandfathers and aunts watched Lin Que's show operation, their faces bloomed with joy.

"Haha, I'll see him as a kid when Lin is short!"

"It's not better than cartoons!"

"When this kid comes out, he must be caught back and learn unique skills from me!"

At this time, Lin Que was leading Qin Feng and the others to rampage in the Ghost Spirit Realm, tying countless members of the Eighth Squad Alliance to the deck of Lin Que.

Sikong Zhen: "Lin Que, kindly let us go and challenge us!"

Yunyang: "I'm not convinced, I'll just sleep, and you will give me a shoe sole when you come up, shameless!"

Shen Jiao: "Don't let me seize the opportunity, otherwise, I will definitely squeeze you out, yeah!"

Faced with everyone's words, Lin Que automatically blocked it.

"did you find it?"

In the sky, an eagle eagle flew back, sending what it saw to Lin Que's mind.

The corner of Lin Que's mouth lifted: "Found it!"

"Turn left and go forward!"

Afterwards, the Linque ship carried its own wave, crushing the trees blocking the road in front of it like a bamboo.

In the desert area, Zhao Yi led class 3 students and was earnestly searching for traces of Lin Que.

"It's weird, why haven't you heard the news for so long?"

Zhao Yi looked at the scene of yellow sand all over the sky, with a hint of retreat in his heart.

At this moment, a horn sounded in the space where the yellow sand was flying around.

Immediately afterwards, a behemoth drove out slowly, riding the waves!


When Zhao Yi saw the scene in front of him clearly, his face changed drastically.

That is a battleship!

This is really a desert, how does this battleship travel?

Also, what's the matter with those waves?

This Nima doesn't respect the laws of nature at all!

"Squad leader, look at the person on the battleship, is it Lin Que?"

One of the crowd in Class 3 pointed to the front of the battleship and shouted.

When Zhao Yi looked at it, his face suddenly became solemn: "It's really that kid!"

"Quickly retreat!"

He knew that he was not Lin Que's opponent and could not fight alone.


What's wrong with being able to enter the list of global leagues?

On the battleship, Qin Feng and the others saw Zhao Yi trying to escape. They just wanted to take action, but they were stopped by Lin Que.

"What's the hurry, let him run forty meters first!"

"Raise the muzzle for me!"

Immediately after that, the muzzle of the entire battleship opened, and one anti-aircraft gun was loaded and ready to be launched!

Lin Que waved his hand: "Fire!"

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