Tiandao Academy.

The tutors of Ming Literature major, the uncles went into battle one after another, and even the old students were pulled out to help.

Tang Xiaohu said nervously, "Furukawa, how long will it take?"

Uncle Furukawa sweated profusely, constantly deciphering the inscription formation at the entrance of the ghost realm.

"It will take three hours at the earliest!"

Hearing this, everyone in the court sank.

Three hours!

The group inside are just fledgling kids, how can they withstand the attack of the Ghost Race?

Zeng Deshuai said in a deep voice, "Now I can only hope that Lin Que can stabilize the scene!"

Among those little guys, Lin Que's combat power was against the sky.

I hope Lin Que can still perform miracles!

Otherwise, the consequences would be disastrous!


At this moment, the formation at the entrance of the ghost spirit realm burst out with an astonishing ghost aura.


Saitama roared, and the blue spirit power burst out on his body, and a punch was blasted out. The powerful punch turned into a fierce tiger and attacked.

"Seriously punch!"


The fierce tiger extinguished the ghost energy, and the aftermath of the explosion made the hair of the people flying.

Furukawa's face was solemn, and dense sweat ran down his cheeks: "Damn!"

"This **** Mingyuan!"

The power of the explosion just now is by no means as simple as the handwriting of the ghost clan, there is the shadow of Ming Yuan in it.

However, at this time everyone has no time to entangle these issues.

Not dare to waste time, cracking the inscription formation without stopping.

at the same time.

Within the ghost realm, battle explosions continued to erupt.


Lin Que's figure was bombarded to the ground, drew a hideous gully on the ground, and his down jacket was scratched.

A ghostly old man in a black robe snorted coldly: "Futile struggle, follow us obediently, and become a sacrifice!"

They waited for this day for hundreds of years, and absolutely no mistakes were allowed.

After holding back for so long, with the power of the whole clan, the six of them became the half-step supreme class.

Even if you pay the price of your life, you have to send the people away.

Lin Que gave a bloodthirsty smile: "That also depends on whether you have this ability!"


While speaking, a majestic madness and killing intent surged out, and Lin Que became a blood man.

Behind him condensed a figure of Shura Dharma.

Suddenly pulling out the halberd, rubble splashed, Lin Que stomped the ground with his right foot, and the halberd pierced through the void.


Under the blessing of the terrifying killing intent, the power of the halberd doubled, shattering the void, and making sonic booms.

"Useless struggle!"

Facing Lin Que's full blow, the black robe old man sealed his hands, and the spiritual energy covering the halberd disappeared instantly.

The power was reduced by more than half.

The black-robed old man just fisted at will, and he flew Lin Que far away.

As soon as Lin Que's figure fell to the ground, a smear of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and blood surged in his body.

Oh shit.

This ghost clan can dissolve aura!

Hit a hammer!

Before he could react, the other two half-step supreme-level powerhouses quickly pressed on.

Want to defeat him with one blow!

"Diamond body 60%!"

Lin Que did not hesitate to activate the potential of the martial arts body, the figure rose from the ground, and the emperor's spirit exploded!

"Thunder God's punishment!"

Demon thunder condensed one after another, turning into the phantom of demon thunder Tianhu, falling into the void continuously.

Facing the falling devil thunder, the strong of the ghost clan dare not carelessly, and quickly released their strength to resist.

Lin Que temporarily trapped the three supreme-level powerhouses.

Looking aside, the situation of the big guy is not optimistic.

Ye Ni was embarrassed, and the sword soul suffered a lot of wounds.

Sun Xiaosheng's situation is better, one enemy two, although suppressed, but still able to resist.

Lin Que's figure flashed, and he came to Ye Ni's body, drew out the Magic Sword Thousand Blades, and slashed it out.

"Spirit Devouring Slash!"

The blood-red sword qi shattered the void and hit the half-step supreme powerhouse of the Ghost Clan with a single blade.

Drive it back hundreds of meters with a single blow.

"Are you okay?"

Lin Que looked at Ye Ni and asked.

Ye Ni shook his head and took out a bottle of super power water to replenish the spirit power in his body.

"You can stand it!"

Lin Que said in a deep voice, "They hand it over to me, and you can help Qin Tuzi!"

Ye Ni shook his head, supported his body and stood up: "He, leave it to me to deal with!"

"Ask him a sword!"

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