"Fatty, get props!"

Lin Que held a bottle of Happy Life Water in his hand, put on a gas mask, and roared!

Everyone in Tiandao Academy looked at the stuff in Lin Que's hands, and their expressions changed drastically!

That way, it was a thousand times more fearful than facing an army of ghosts!

Even if it was killed by a ghost, it was a fatal injury at once.

But this thing is a continuous fatal injury!

Lin Que sent a bottle of Happy Life Water through the void and black hole to everyone's hands.

"Classmates, the time for the decisive battle has arrived!"

The people of Tiandao Academy looked at the happy life in their hands and fell into contemplation.

Sun Xiaosheng just now is a lesson from the past.

It's a big fart!

The image is gone.

Lin Que took a sip, and then the weakness in his body was wiped out and his injuries fully recovered.

Green light all over!

Lin Que had a wicked smile on his face and turned his back to the gray-robed old man.

"The art of war, the earth explodes the sky and the stars!"


Next second.

A large feces-yellow gas erupted from Lin Que's body, directly submerging the gray-robed old man.

Then, skyrocketed!

The breeze blew by, and the gray-robed old man was completely sluggish in place, his face turned blue.


The next moment, his throat squirmed, and then, a large amount of mosaic-filled objects spouted from his mouth.

The whole person was lying on the ground, vomiting constantly.

"Humans... despicable and shameless!"

Seeing that Lin Que had drunk it, everyone had no worries, and directly opened the Happy Life Water and drank it.

"Puff puff!"

In an instant, the students of the Tiandao Academy in the audience were green light on their bodies, just like super Saiyans with a grudge!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

A series of fart explosions sounded, and the feces yellow gas quickly enveloped the audience!

When the ghost army saw the poopy gas rushing towards its face, its eyes gradually panicked.

"Oh no!"

They wanted to escape, but they couldn't escape.


"How many soybeans did these humans eat in the morning!"

"Stop fighting, I want to go home!"

"Who will give me a knife, I don't want to live anymore!"

All of the ghost army's faces are full of unrequited love.


Is this still a human world?

It's hell!

On the side, Qin Feng, who was fighting fiercely with the blue-robed old man, saw the yellow feces coming in.

The face is not surprised but happy!

"Old man, you will definitely take a shot of me today!"

The blue-robed old man looked gloomy.

The bald human in front of him must have a serious brain disease!

Damn, everyone else fights hard!

As for him, he seems to have a soft spot for his ass, and if he takes a gun, he will give himself a shot!

When he was fighting, he was always afraid, for fear that one of them would be shot inadvertently.

The blue-robed old man said in a deep voice: "Humanity, if this seat wasn't severely damaged, would you be worthy to yell in front of me?"


Before he could finish speaking, the smell from the tip of his nose made his face change drastically, and it was too late to block his sense of smell.

The feces yellow gas entered the body, directly turning his stinky person on his back, lying on the ground, and vomiting continuously.


When Qin Feng saw this, his eyes lit up.

good chance!

"Dominant spear field!"

"The Overlord Breaks Armor!"

Qin Feng gathered his whole body power into a shot and slammed it out. The shadow of the shot pierced the sky, falling down a perfect arc, and attacking the blue-robed old man.


There was a crisp sound of a gun piercing the skin.

The blue robe old man's face became distorted!

A long spear stuck on his ass, blood rushing!


A heart-piercing scream spread throughout the audience, and the blue-robed old man was about to collapse!

The stench from the tip of the nose, coupled with the gun power raging in the body!

He has no way to resist.

Qin Feng almost collapsed, and quickly took out a bottle of super power water to take it, alleviating the sense of weakness.

He grinned at the blue-robed old man and said: "I am also a supreme figure who has taken a half step, this time it is finally awesome!"

After speaking, he exhausted his last strength to urge the Overlord Spear Martial Spirit that had plunged into the blue-robed old man's body.


The powerful gun power strangled the blue-robed old man into a light spot, leaving the cold soul jade lying on the ground.

Qin Feng also tried his best and fell to the ground, surrounded by feces yellow gas, nurtured!

At this time, the entire open area became a fierce prison on earth.

Shit-yellow gas is raging!

Lin Que flew randomly in the air and played a stunt!

What kind of flipping in the air without dead angles at 365 degrees, flying with imperial air...

Get it!

Don't be too hilarious!

"Oh oh oh~."

"Everyone, come and play together!"

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