Within the ghost realm.

The side effects of Lin Que and the others' happiness of life water disappeared, and their figures fell to the ground, smelling the smell of flying on the ground.

His face was livid, and he quickly covered his nose with his little hand.


"I also have a fatal fragrance in my hand!"

"It's not clean anymore, it smells so bad..."

"If you believe Lin Quede, you can't die... ugh..."

Everyone directly vomited and diarrhea.

Some people are even more stunned, lying on the ground spitting bubbles, Jiojio is constantly swinging.

Lin Que put on a gas mask, hands on hips, and said frankly, "I said, can you be more mature like me?"

"Oh... still too young!"

"You have to know how to control!"

"Look at what you all have become!"

The grandfather and aunt on the side looked at Lin Que's look of hating iron and steel, and the corners of her mouth twitched fiercely.

Oh shit.

Who caused these little **** kids to look like this, don't you have any idea in your heart?

The real thief still catches the thief!

The students of Tiandao Academy looked at the standing figure in front of them, and their eyes were full of fear.


Sure enough, he had to pay it back when he came out.

One second fart stinks faint ghost spirit clan, the next second, he was turned over by his own stinky person.

It's all fate!

Uncle Furukawa really couldn't stand it anymore, and he waved the inscription pen in his hand to draw a wind energy formation.

The squally wind roared, and a comprehensive clean-up of the scene came.


"Finally can breathe fresh air, this is the smell of life!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and after hearing a few breaths of the bad wind from hell, they had to be scrapped on the spot.

Aunt Cuihua stepped out, glanced around and asked.

"Boy Lin, how about the six half-step supreme powerhouses of the Ghost Clan, why are they missing?"

Uncles and aunts were full of doubts.

How could the six half-step supreme-level powerhouses and such a huge ghost army be destroyed by Lin Que?

Something is wrong!

Lin Que fingered a corner of the scene, the gray-robed old man was pale, lying on the ground with bubbles in his mouth.

"Here, where is the last half-step supreme powerhouse of the ghost race!"


When they saw the miserable appearance of the gray-robed old man, they couldn't help taking a breath.

Afterwards, they understood what had happened before, and looked at Ye Ni who was not far away, who was dazed.

"Break through the danger, asked with a sword, this son is very talented!"

"If it is handed over to Old Man Yang to train, my Tiandao Academy will have a peerless sword repairer in the future!"

"Well, Sun Xiaosheng is not bad too!"

"The maintenance state of the SSS-class martial soul is more stable, and its soul power has broken through to the 80th level!"

"That bald boy is not bad too, a brilliant shot that also means to comprehend the rhyme of Taoism and can be cultivated!"

"Yes, it's all the hope of my human race in the future!"

Lin Que looked at the uncles and aunts with a dazed expression. You praised others every word, but ignored yourself.

No, he is the MVP of this battle, right?

Are you not going to praise me?

Don't praise me, it's okay to reward me with a little money!

Grandpa and aunt rolled her eyes, still wanting us to praise you?

Take a look at your own good deeds in this ghost spirit competition, and directly tie up all the people.

The nature is extremely bad!

The most annoying thing is that you guys also know how to use the rules so that they can't find the slightest fault.

Violation of the rules, but not completely!

This is the most troublesome.

However, they were extremely shocked when Lin Que singled out the three half-step supreme powerhouses of the Ghost Clan.

In the history of Human Race, it is not that there has been no Tianjiao who defeated the strong by the weak.

However, there is hardly any record of existence against the sky like Lin Que.

Moreover, throughout the previous battles, Lin Que's martial spirit has not been used, right?

They had conducted an in-depth investigation of Lin Que's Wuhun.

The martial soul is inherently incomplete, and the soul is weak!

However, following a series of battles, Lin Que's soul power was not only not weak, but also slightly stronger than his peers.

Not relying on martial arts, but can suppress Sun Xiaosheng's SSS-class martial arts state.

It is a freak full of miracles!

Just as the grandfathers and aunts were thinking, the unconscious gray-robed old man on the ground woke up.

"Humans, I want you all to die!"


The gray-robed old man stood up abruptly, just about to say something cruel, but looking at the grandfathers and aunts standing in the field, his expression froze.

Uncle Xia rolled up his sleeves: "Oh, my son, small batch of bastards, what are you arrogant?"

"Come on, uncle, I won't invite you to eat Awei 18th style today, I'm sorry for your arrogant attitude!"

Aunt Cuihua took out a huge green onion from the flower quilted jacket, shaped like a Y.

As soon as he appeared, the green onion was pressing!

"Oh, mommy will make you a chopped green onion pancake today!"

Uncles and aunts began to show a variety of unique skills.

The eyes of the students of Tiandao Academy are called worship!

When Lin Que saw this, his eyes lit up!

Gee, this aunt Cuihua has something.

This chopped green onion is great, you have to find a way to get it over, it must be awesome!

The gray-robed old man looked at this lineup and rolled his throat.

The old man fainted for a while, why did it become like this?

Brains are buzzing...

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