The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1035: , To treat all kinds of dissatisfaction

Lin Que frowned and asked solemnly, "Is this your second age?"

"I can't even hold a pan!"


Hearing this, Zhang Xuan, who fell into the quagmire, sank a bit again, and everyone was faceless!

The remaining 83 students looked at each other with fear in their eyes!

Is that human being?

Or a college student of their age?

There is no solution at all!


For a while, everyone had a retreat in their hearts and wanted to withdraw from this battlefield!

Can't beat Lin Que, and can't beat those bald heads?

However, where Lin Que would give them a chance to leave.

"Want to go?"

"The family should be neat and tidy!"

Lin Que held the invincible pan, the black hole of the void opened, and walked through the crowd like a shadow.

Every time you wave the invincible pan, one person will be shot flying and land directly on the stack of Arhats, becoming one of them.

In an instant, the scene in the field became chaotic.

Everyone was in a mess, fleeing, digging pits and burying their own digs, where there is still the mind to deal with this man like the devil.

In the crowd, Lu Yan looked calm, looking at Lin Que with a devil's smile, his heart was full of bloodthirsty.

"call out!"

Suddenly, his figure flew out, turned into an afterimage and rushed out, with an unceremonious blow and kick.

Lin Que noticed the attack and turned around and threw a punch.


With punches and kicks, the two each stepped back.

Lin Que looked at Lu Yan and chuckled lightly: "Why, can't you finally take it?"

From the very beginning, this guy was hiding at the end of the team, staring at him eagerly.

Among these 100 students, this Lu Yan can be regarded as the one with real abilities.

The killing intent in those eyes was definitely not a pretense.

That's a murderous look!

Seeing the two opposing each other, the people around hurriedly backed away, not daring to step in!

Lu Yan twisted his neck and made a creak.

"Lin Que, did you say I killed or abolished you?"

Lin Que frowned: "I'm curious. It's the first time we've seen each other. Why do you have such a serious intention to kill me?"

Lu Yan didn't speak, the murderous intent running through his eyes.

If it weren't for the group of guys in Tiandao Academy to eat the past, how could Lin Que be the first person in this class of Tiandao Academy!

It belongs to me.

Today, he wants to get back everything that belongs to him.

Stepping out in one step, the 80th-level spirit power exploded, and a dark red martial spirit great halberd appeared in Lu Yan's hands.

Lin Que frowned!

SS rank martial soul!

No wonder this guy is so murderous, it turned out to be his weapon spirit!


Some netizens who know Lu Yan acted as commentators.

"Here, Lu Yan's SS-class weapon spirit, Fang Tian painted a halberd!"

"Yes, this guy relied on the hegemonic superiority of Wuhun to kill an old student who was far more than tenth level of his spirit power!"

"I drop a mother, and across the screen, I feel so intent to kill!"


Beijing University, the central building.

Mu'an looked at the picture of ghost mythical creature No.007 and shook his head and smiled: "This is your real goal!"

The head of the college drank a sip of wolfberry water, and the corners of his mouth lifted: "Jade is a good piece of jade, but it still lacks polishing!"

"Lin Que is just right!"

"The genius of SS rank martial arts, Tiandao Academy dare not ask for it, but my senior Gao is disrespectful!"

Mu'an was a little worried: "Although this kid has a strong talent, he is bloodthirsty, and the players who played against him were either dead or disabled!"

"Such a character, are you sure you can grasp it?"

This guy was supposed to be killed on the spot to pay for his life.

It was Principal Gao who came forward and guaranteed Lu Yan's life by using his income as a disciple. He paid a huge price.

Many people don't understand. After all, Lu Yan is a time bomb, and no one knows when it will explode.

The head of the college smiled slightly: "It's so difficult to polish, so you have to hire someone to treat it!"

"Use violence to control violence!"

People with arrogance like Lu Yan, unless they are willing, don't want to wipe out the arrogance in their hearts!

Lin Queke has a label that specializes in all kinds of dissatisfaction, so it would be wasted without him!

Lu Yan's eyes were bloodthirsty, and he held Fang Tian's painted halberd: "Let me see how powerful the so-called Tiandao Academy's genius is!"

As he said, his figure flew out, and the violent power shattered the void, exposing the hideous black hole space.

A halberd pierced out and pointed directly at Lin Que's eyebrows!

One shot is a killer move, leaving no friendship at all.

Lin Que shot the invincible pan in his hand and faced the pierced Fang Tian painted halberd!


As soon as he touched, Fang Tian painted the ji directly cut off one end of the invincible pan and slashed towards Lin Que.

However, Fang Tian's painted halberd hit only an afterimage.

Lin Que's figure had already appeared two hundred meters away, releasing his madness and killing intent.

In the air, two extreme killing intents are facing each other!

The tip of the needle is to the Maimang!

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