The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1046: , Just want to surrender





The jackfruit exploded vigorously, and countless golden fruit thorns splashed around, stabbing everyone into a hornet's nest.

The yellow-golden fruit broke everyone into a golden armor.

One by one fell on the ground and vomited and turned blue.

Zhang Xuan was the worst.

A positive injury was directly caused by vigorously jackfruit.

The golden thorns on his face were not only that, but the golden flesh on his face was all over his face.

Stink fell on the ground, with golden bubbles in his mouth.

Swinging constantly all over the body.

Almost hit the road.

The three of Xiang Qian had already prepared, put on gas masks, and kept throwing vigorous jackfruit.

The three people's faces were full of excitement.

"Oh oh oh~."

"I finally know why Brother Lin is keen to disrupt!"

"It's so cool!"

"Oli here!"

40 students were directly beaten to throw away their helmets and abandon their armor.


This is a group of gods who mingled with Lin Que!

It's not that they can't beat it, but the waves of Sao operations have caught them off guard.

Can't afford to play it at all!

"Quickly retreat!"

Everyone had to pull Zhang Xuan's feet, who had been fainted by the smell, and retreated dingyly.

If you don't leave, they will explain here.

"Don't go, keep playing!"

Xiang Qian was about to continue pursuing, but was stopped by Murong Qingyue.

"Don't chase, Lin Que has arrangements!"

Hearing that, Xiang Qian had to give up!

"Hey, these hapless children are going to suffer again!"

"It's so good for me to stay here. I'm all right now. I ran to the wolf den."

"I'm depreesed!"

Hou Feng and Murong Qingyue rolled their eyes.

If you continue to stay here, it’s better to be harmed by you.

However, compared with Lin Que, you are indeed better.

at the same time.

Zhang Xuan and others fled to the previously agreed meeting place in a desperate manner.

Along the way, the pastor in the team continued to perform healing techniques on Zhang Xuan, pulling him back from the brink of death.

Although people have been saved, they still smelly as always!

Not only him, but all the people in the team who were splashed with jackfruit vigorously, their whole body was smelly.

At this moment, the other team also rushed back.

One by one, the whole body is wet, and the whole body exudes a charming stench!

Everyone's eyes met, and they understood what happened in an instant!




In the next second, each one wailed and wept, as if he was so hard to see him, and defeated the last line of defense in his heart.

The one who is crying is called a piercing heart.

"They are all devils!"

"Stop playing, let's surrender!"

"If you surrender, can those demons let us go?"

"Huh, where is Lu Yan?"

Everyone looked around in the team, and did not find Lu Yan, but found a man with a swollen head like a pig's head.

"Fuck, who is this guy!"

"I do not know!"

"Wait, look at this dress, why is it the same as Lu Yan?"

Upon hearing this, Lu Yan shed painful tears!

Lao Tzu was knocked with a hammer by the bald devil for an hour, his brain humming.

I almost can't remember who I am.

Fortunately, the bald man was merciful, otherwise, his memory would have regressed to the Cretaceous.

That's horrible!

When everyone saw that even the self-proclaimed Lu Yan, the God of War, was so miserable, their hearts became more determined to surrender.

Just when they were about to surrender.

A figure carrying a speaker appeared in front of them.

"Man cry, cry, it's not a sin!"

Everyone suddenly raised their heads, looking at the incoming person, their faces changed drastically, and they were full of horror.

The devil deity!

Lin Que smiled and waved his hand: "Everyone, don't come here all right!"

"Oh, depending on how you look like, you have been dealing with my teammates!"

"how are you feeling?"

Looking at the golden fruits all over his body, he snickered in his heart.

Tsk tsk, it seems that Qin Feng and the others have gotten their true biography!

There is no solution to the golden battle formation!

Seeing Lin Que, Zhang Xuan felt straight in his heart and rolled his throat and said, "Instructor Lin, we surrender, surrender!"

As they said, everyone raised their hands and looked at Lin Que with fear.

Lin Que's face was taken aback for a moment: "Are you going to surrender?"

"Not so much!"

"Where is this, you are going to surrender?"

"Have you forgotten what I said before, have a try to turn a bike into a motorcycle?"

"A man can never say no!"

The girls in the line can't sit still.

"Instructor Lin, we are girls!"

"Let us surrender!"

"We were wrong, we must be obedient!"

Lin Que shook his head: "No!"

"Equality between men and women, especially your girls, let alone say no!"

"As the saying goes, as long as the girl is strong, the man will help the wall!"

"You guys have to stand up!"

The girls are almost crying, what you said is so reasonable, let us refute it!

Is it so difficult to surrender now?

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