
When Li Tianhong heard the words, his face was tense at first, and then he forced out the tea he swallowed abruptly with a puff.

Coughing violently.

"Boy...cough cough...you are going to die!"

Lin Que: ┐(‘~`;)┌.

What does this have to do with me? I didn't force you to drink it. You wanted to drink it yourself.

Rain I have no melons!

Li Tianhong was stared with angrily blowing his beard.

He had just fallen into blood mold for eight lifetimes before he met Lin Que, a lone star of the evil spirit!

Once he is old enough, he can't let him enjoy his old age!

Suddenly, he noticed something and frowned as he looked at the loud speaker in Lin Que's hand.

"Boy, what are you doing with a big stereo?"

Mu'an was also taken aback. It was not what Old Man Li said, he hadn't noticed this situation yet.

Yedi, you think you didn't have enough to dance at No.007, you want to show off your talents with me, right?

Lin Que looked down, his whole person was dumbfounded!

Damn it!

Didn't you take the dynamic speakers back into the system space?

How come here?

and many more…

Isn't this a side effect of the system?


The system prompts: "Brother, you are right!"

"The side effect of the dynamic speaker, the special effects disappear for three hours, the speaker will follow the user for 24 hours, and the user will dance a song every hour!"

Listening to the systematic explanation, Lin Que's entire face went dark.

Dance a song?

I lost your nut!

I don't want face!

At this moment, the dynamic speakers under his feet gleamed with radiance!

When Lin Que saw this, he squeaked in his heart.

It won't be so coincidental!

Next second.

I only heard a burst of dynamic music in the dynamic speaker, and Lin Que's limbs began to sway following the music.

"The river flows eastward!"

"Send Beidou in the sky!"

"Risks and rushes to Kyushu~"

Li Tianhong and Mu An were dumbfounded when they saw Lin Que dancing with the speakers!

What kind of show operation is this again!

can not read!

Lin Que's heart was broken at this moment.

I must not let them see that I was forced, otherwise, my fame would be lost!

As long as I am not embarrassed, it is them who are embarrassed.

Hold on!

"Lao Li, Brother Mu, come and have fun together!"

"Let's jump wild Di!"

Mu'an:? ? ?


You think my office is a bar!

If it weren't for Mr. Li, I would give you the whole sentence for you to listen to.

Old man Li roared and said, "Get out!"


Lin Que grinned and snapped his fingers gracefully, creating a void black hole.

Taking a spacewalk, carrying the speaker, walked into the void black hole, and disappeared.

When Old Man Li saw this scene, his old eyes went straight!

This kid, do you want to be such a show?

On the side, Mu An thought of something and said, "Lao Li, you haven't told that kid yet, the joint people of other national-level forces have also arrived."

"Don't you arrange for them to touch?"

Old man Li was stunned, and then said: "I forgot!"


Elder Li waved his hand and said lightly: "Don't worry, with that kid's virtue, who can make him suffer?"

"Everything is waiting, let's talk about it in three days!"

Mu'an changed his mind, and it was indeed such a reason.

In this society, there are really few people who can make Lin Que suffer.

Even if it was a supreme-level existence, it was absolutely impossible to get any benefit from Lin Que.

After all, there are many lessons for this kind of thing.

Everyone's fate was incomparably miserable in the end.

One can put Mingyuan's several major actions into vain, and looted the American arsenal.

The guy who humiliated other people's supreme-level powerhouses with shit, who else in this world besides Lin Que?

too strong!

He was a little expectant, what kind of situation Lin Que would make in the world next time.

Old man Li looked at the night sky and sighed: "I hope, this time I can get through it safely!"

It can turn the Yulingzhe into a genetic medicine for killing ghosts. Once it is released, the disaster caused is unprecedentedly terrifying.

At that time, the entire Blue Star will enter the era of being ruled by ghosts!

Human race, there is no way to survive.

Therefore, facing the task this time, the eight major powers are ready to join forces and dispatch elites to solve them.

Presumably this time, the elites of the eight major countries have already arrived in the capital.

at the same time.

Beijing, night bar!

A young man in a black jacket and peaked cap was walking on the road.

Lifting his head, under the shining of the street lamp, revealed a delicate face, full of aura!

Bujie monk grinned: "Secular bar, it's been a long time!"

"The female benefactor in the bunny dress really makes me fascinated by the little monk!"

"Today, we must count the female donors!"

"Hey hey..."

While talking, the monk Bujie stepped forward and plunged into the night bar.

After a while, young men and women in glamorous dresses walked into the night bar one after another.

After half an hour.

Lin Que also appeared at the entrance of the night bar while carrying the dynamic speaker.

Looking at the bar, showing an evil smile.

Isn't the side effect of dynamic speakers dancing?

It's not enough to come to this bar by yourself, not to be embarrassed, but also to be hilarious!

I'm such a genius!


The system prompts: "Brother, you are cheating!"

Lin Que curled his mouth in disdain.

"What I call rational use of system bugs, you know a hammer!"

"Just watch my performance, shut up!"

After that, he rushed into the bar too!

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