Green fighting arena!

Lu Yan held Fang Tian's painted halberd, with one hand on his hips, looking up to the sky and laughing wildly.

"Master, don't deceive me!"

"I have decided, I will eat super power water as my meal in the future!"

"Eat and drink nine meals a day!"


Lin Que looked at Lu Yan with a look of excitement, and really didn't know whether to tell him the side effects of Super Power Water 2.0 had begun.

I saw the hair on Lu Yan's head falling off one by one, like autumn leaves, falling with the wind.


The system still says it's just a little side effect?

Look at the hair of other people's children.

At this level of smoothness, he is bald than Qin Feng!

Lu Yan also seemed to have found the fallen hair strands: "Strange, where did the hair come from?"

However, the next second!

He subconsciously stretched out his hand to touch his head, and his whole body froze in place.


I only felt that my whole body was bombarded by the thunderbolt of the blue sky, and my brain was humming.

Mao is gone...


In the middle of the night, the entire Tiandao Academy was shocked by Lu Yan's voice, and countless people awakened directly from their sleep.

The earth was trembling.

"My hair, gone!"

Lin Que quickly exited the dragon form, covering his ears: "Calm down, good apprentice, you have to be calm!"

"A big man was born between heaven and earth, isn't he hairless?"

"It's over when you become stronger!"

"Don't be afraid, without hair, you are stronger!"

Seeing Lu Yan's whole situation, he was secretly delighted.

I drop a good boy!

Fortunately, I kept one hand, otherwise, it is me who is losing hair now.

Too dangerous!

Lu Yan is about to collapse, it's Laozi's hair gone, not your hair!

It doesn't hurt to stand and talk!

"You pay for my hair!"

Lin Que looked embarrassed: "Uh..."

"This is a bit beyond the scope of business!"

"Being a teacher only makes you stronger, there is no way, let you grow hair!"

"How about you go and sell some ginger, slice it and put it on your head?"

"Or, just wait a few days for your hair to grow on its own!"

Lu Yan was almost crying!

What's the point of becoming stronger when Mao is gone?

Is a hairless man still a man?

"Lin Que, I want to fight you desperately!"

Lu Yan's eyes were ferocious, his 80th-level spirit power exploded, and he slashed down with a halberd, and the shot was a burst attribute bonus!

Lin Que quickly dodged into the void.

The halberd fell, cutting out a deep gully where he was before!

I go!

Knife crit!

This is only 10%. If you are at a high point, you can't directly double the critical strike!

The system is finally reliable, but this side effect is a bit nerve-wracking!

Lu Yan's eyes were covered with bloodshot eyes, and he was going to fight Lin Que desperately.

Lin Que rolled his eyes and said, "Wait!"

"Lu Yan, have you forgotten your original intention to become a spiritual master?"

"Don't you want to become stronger and find the ghost who killed your parents back then?"

"Now that you have taken Super Power Water, although your hair is gone, you have become stronger!"

"Isn't this better than everything?"

"You are so obsessed with appearance now, you are so disappointed as a teacher!"

Hearing that, Lu Yan's angry arrogance disappeared a lot in an instant, and he was lost in thought.

Indeed, to become a spiritual master is to become stronger and find the original enemy!

Over time, I actually forgot a bit.

Isn’t it just some hairy?

Even if the hair below is gone, I don’t hesitate to do it!

"Master, I'm sorry!"

"I recognize my mistake!"

In order to become stronger, Master must have spent a lot of thought to get these medicines.

He still doesn't know how to return, he is too human!

Lin Que was relieved when he saw this!

Fortunately, I can flicker, otherwise, there will be another battle!

"No problem, being a teacher is not the kind of caregiver!"

"Come on, this is the Super God Power Water 2.0 specially prepared for you. I will charge you 100,000 for one bottle!"

"Here are 10 bottles, not enough to find a teacher!"

"WeChat or Alipay?"

Lu Yan was dumbfounded and took out his mobile phone, scanning for a million.


"Alipay arrived, one million yuan!"

Lin Que looked at the little money received on the phone, with a liking on his face.

"Good apprentice, get ready!"

"Let's set off tomorrow, and Master will take you abroad!"

After finishing speaking, a vanity moved and disappeared in place, leaving Lu Yan with a bewildered look.

Lu Yan held a bunch of Super Power Water 2.0, blinked his eyes: "How come I feel like I've been fooled?"

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