The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1094: , Express delivery from the tower

"Puff haha!"

Lin Que held up his binoculars and watched what happened in the hotel, smiling from ear to ear.

A hundred-level powerhouse, a slap to the fan, the picture is extremely comfortable!

This old guy, who chased himself and beat him before, is now getting retribution!


Inside the hotel.

Harvey and the others were dumbfounded.

Especially, I thought it was a savior from the sky, but it turned out to be a rescuer brought by a monkey.

Come to be funny!

Buck's forehead was covered with black lines.

I feel lost in my face.

How did he choose this trash to serve as a servant?

Seeing this scene, Bai Xinkui didn't have the slightest joy on her face, but heavier.

From Helen's shot just now, she judged that the opponent's strength was definitely at the half-step supreme level.

However, the Dead Desert has a magnetic field ban, and it will never allow the emergence of strong people above the 100th level.

How is this going?

Suddenly, she noticed that the ghosts around him were rushing towards Helen in an endless stream.

Although the level is still a hundred, the combat effectiveness has already reached the half-step supreme level.

This time the trouble is even greater.

Helen looked down at everyone: "I ask you one last time, surrender or destroy?"

In the ruins, Harvey slammed open with a punch, and shouted ferociously against the wall on his body.


"Go to my uncle to die!"

As he spoke, Harvey's body flashed with violent thunder power, like an exposed thunder lion.

Roaring, dashing towards Helen.

"court death!"

Helen snorted coldly, blasted out a punch randomly, and directly shook the Lei Lion that came out.

The body flew out and slammed it under the sole of the foot with one foot.

"call out!"

Secretly, the blood shadow held two daggers, aimed at Helen's back, and assassinated down.

The sealing crystal ball in Bai Xinkui's hand bloomed with dazzling light.

"Forbearance, time forbidden!"


The shining light of the seal enveloped Helen, confining him in place, unable to move.

"Small bugs!"

With a disdainful smile on Helen's face, she raised her hands, whistling ghostly, and with a sweep of her sleeves, she broke the seal on her body.


The soul ability was broken, and Bai Xinkui was backlashed, wounded and wounded, and instantly lost his combat effectiveness.

The ghost gas turned his palms, and directly pinched the neck of the **** shadow and buckled it against the wall, with a few broken ribs.


Steve's spirit, the royal griffon is released, and the knight spears out, trying to save the blood shadow.

In the face of the horrible blow, Helen didn't even look at it, and grabbed another backhand, grabbing Steve and stepping on her feet like Harvey.

Several people work together, and they are not opponents.

The strength is crushed!

Helen turned her head, glanced at Buck with a look of fear, and smiled disdainfully: "Would you like to try it too?"

Buck's horrified forehead was sweating cold.


Seeing the fiasco one by one, he still has the courage to make a move.

Not to mention Helen, there is no chance of winning at all for the dense ghost army around.

Shot is to find death.

It must be dead!

At the beginning, he was so lacking in his roots, he dare to join forces with Harvey and the others to rob Helen?


On the other side, Lin Que saw that the battle in the hotel was coming to an end, if he didn't fight again.

Harvey and the others really have to explain.

"Everyone, the chance to make a fortune is here!"

"Get ready to do it!"

Everyone looked dumbfounded?

What is the opportunity to make a fortune?

Isn't it good to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?

However, Lin Que didn't mean to explain at all. He directly opened the void black hole and led everyone into it.

Inside the hotel, Helen, who was originally arrogant, frowned suddenly and looked aside.

Next second.

The space on the scene squirmed, and Lin Que led everyone out of the void.

"Oh, it's so lively!"

"Tsk tusk, isn't this little Hani, why was someone trampled under his feet?"

"It's miserable!"

Lin Que put his hands in his pockets, looked at Harvey under Helen's feet with a mocking expression, and laughed.

Behind him, Bujie Monk and others looked horrified!

"Fuck, Lin Quede, you are looking for something!"

"Crazy man, are you really crazy!"

"Others are all in one belt and four, super gods take the flight, you can send express delivery to the four towers in your area!"

They thought that Lin Que would engage in harassment operations, but who knows, there was a wave of selling teammates directly.


When Bai Xinkui and others saw Lin Que, their expressions were shocked.

Is this guy crazy?

Came to give away heads?

"It's you!"

Seeing Lin Que, Helen narrowed her eyes, and then laughed loudly: "There is really a way to heaven, you don't want to go, **** has no way to vote!"

"Catch you, you can get a lot of rewards from Mingyuan!"

Lin Que put his hands in his pockets and grinned, "You mean, I'm very valuable?"

Helen smiled coldly: "It's not worth the money, don't you know if you come with me?"

Lin Que stared at Helen with disgust: "You actually have thoughts about me, so disgusting!"

"You better dispel this evil idea as soon as possible!"

"I am the man you will never get!"

"Old color embryo!"

"I'm pooh, shameless!"

Helen was taken aback, and then angrily said: "Who has an idea for you!"

Lin Que: "Then why do you want to catch me?"


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