
Helen was extremely arrogant at the moment.

The demonized gene serum, the higher the damage it receives, the stronger the healing effect on the body.

"Boys, are you okay?"

"Killed me with a stab!"


"It's all a bunch of trash, haha!"

Everyone was silent.

The effect of the ghost gene serum is too overbearing.

Helen at this moment can no longer be called a person.

Not afraid of any pain at all, a living fighter machine, no different from the bio-warriors in the movie.

If the K2 organization really made the ghost gene serum into a virus, the consequences would be unimaginable.

In the face of the arrogant Helen, Harvey went wild and became a human thunder lion, wanting to kill him.

Lin Que forced him back with a straight look, his eyes fell on Helen, and he grinned.

"Do you think you are strong?"


Helen sneered: "So what?"

"I like you like you, can't kill me, but also can't help the look in my eyes!"

"I'm so happy!"

Hearing this, Lin Que shook his head and smiled, and directly took out a powerful jackfruit from the system space.

"You all go out."

"The picture is a bit bloody, don't look at it, I'm afraid it will splash you all!"

Hearing this, everyone dared to stay wherever they were, and fled far away, for fear of being hurt innocent.

In the entire basement, only Lin Que and Helen were left.

"Boy, come on if you have any tricks!"

Lin Que's mouth curled slightly: "Look at what you look like, you must be hungry, come on, I'll give you a jackfruit, try it!"

As soon as the words fell, he lifted the jackfruit vigorously and dunked at Helen's body.


Immediately burst!

The golden fruit thorn pierced Helen's whole body, and the golden fruit smeared his face.

Helen hadn't realized the seriousness of the consequences, and still clamored: "Boy, that's it?"

"Can you do it!"

"Can't let... vomit..."


Before he could finish speaking, a vicious wind blowing from **** occupied his entire sense of smell.

One couldn't hold back, with a big mouth, lying on the ground and vomiting frantically.

There was a white bubble at the corner of his mouth.

"Bi Chi!"

"what did you do to me?"

"This is not jackfruit, but... it's shit!"

"so disgusting!"

"You kind of kill me!"

However, in the face of Helen's roar, Lin Que turned a blind eye and started dunking by directly lifting jackfruits vigorously.

What a big windmill dunk.

Tomahawk dunks.

It was all staged again.

The whole basement was covered with golden fruits, and the smell was so bad, all on the walls.

However, even so, Helen still did not let go.

"That's it?"

"Have the ability to throw me into the dungpit!"

Want him to succumb to this alone?

no way!

Lin Que wore a gas mask, looked at Helen's face that he was not afraid of boiling water, and sighed.

"It seems that you don't like this package anymore!"

"It doesn't matter, I still have a package that I haven't used for a long time!"

"You must be satisfied!"

"Xiao Bai next door said it was good, you deserve it!"

Helen:? ? ?

What the hell?

Who is Xiao Bai? Hidden world boss can't make it?

Lin Que didn't talk nonsense, and directly took out two invincible eggs and a vigorous croton!

He hasn't used this kind of package for several months.

Think back then, this package was yyds.

Seeing the eggs and Croton in Lin Que's hands made Helen feel unconfident.

what's the situation?

Want to cook something for yourself?

Lin Que went to Helen with his teeth and claws dancing, and under the gas mask, he let out an evil laugh.

"Don't you want to dance in the cesspool?"

"I fulfill your wish!"

"Jie Jie..."

Seeing Lin Que's evil look on his face, Helen squeaked in his heart, and there was an unknown premonition in his heart, which came to life spontaneously.

"You, what do you want to do to me?"

Lin Quexie smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm here to give you strength!"

"Don't resist!"

"The more you resist, the stronger I am!"


Helen was so frightened that she gritted her teeth and did not dare to let go.

Can this stop Lin Que?


Next second.

Lin Que snapped his fingers to create a void black hole, and directly threw the Invincible Egg and Dali Croton into the black hole.

The void black hole at the other end naturally opened in Helen's belly.

Helen's face changed, and he felt that he suddenly felt full in his stomach.

Don't think about it, he was attacked.

Lin Que smiled and said, "Get ready to accept the baptism of strength!"

Helen:? ? ?

Immediately afterwards, he felt an unprecedented strength, climbing from the lower abdomen, straight to the sky spirit cover...

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