In the Desert of Death, a seven-seater SUV commercial vehicle galloped on the road, followed by military trucks.

A secretary in a professional suit sits proudly on the sofa chair in the back seat, lazily propping his head.

The co-pilot, wearing a jacket and vest, a burly man with a tuft of thick chest hair, was staring at the secretary's figure greedily, and swallowed.

The secretary seemed to have noticed the look in the eyes of the burly man, not surprisingly, and said in a cold tone.

"Grey, better put away your dirty eyes, I'm the boss's woman!"

"Dare to hit my idea, you should be aware of the consequences."

The burly man, it is K2's most capable cadre, Gray!

The strength of his body has reached the pinnacle of the 100th level, much more powerful than the thirteen, and the strength and defense are even more domineering.

Once with his own strength, he leapfrogged a half-step supreme class and twisted his head to deal with it.

Since then, the fame has spread far and wide.

Grace didn't care about the secretary's threat, and smiled jokingly: "Poison Rose, you said I want to catch Lin Que with my own hands, will the boss give you to me as a plaything?"

Poison Rose snorted coldly: "You don't want to die, just give it a try!"

As he said, there was a stray spirit from his body, not weaker than the other party's ghost.

Realizing that the poison rose was moving the real fire, Gray was not verbally provoking, looking at the scene outside the co-pilot, and said dissatisfied.

"A few kiddies who want us to take action, it's a waste of my time."

Poison Rose reminded: "They are not ordinary little kids, take it lightly, and be careful of somersaults."

Hearing this, Gray was instantly upset, just about to refute.


Suddenly, a series of thunders slammed down in the sky, forcing the advancing convoy to stop.

The commercial vehicle braked sharply and almost didn't throw Gray, who was sitting in the co-pilot, away.

"Bi Chi!"

Gray yelled, and through the car window, he saw Harvey in the sky in charge of the thunder.

"The kid you are talking about, it's them!"

"Look at I don't chop them up one by one, and feed my baby wolf dog!"

"Everyone, copy guys, come on!"

After speaking, Gray turned into a ghost directly, rushed out, turned his claws with his right hand, and buckled Harvey directly.

However, before he could come into contact with Harvey, a sealing force came and imprisoned him in mid-air.

Bai Xinkui and others walked out of the dark, one by one, fully armed, staring at the people of the K2 organization.


Gray licked his lips bloodthirsty, took out the pistol from his waist, aimed at the space in front of him, and fired two bangs.

The ghostly bullet penetrated the power of the seal instantly, shattering the cage.


A series of rapid footsteps sounded.

The K2 soldiers on the two trucks walked down with live ammunition, one by one, they were very vicious, and at first glance they had undergone rigorous training.

Poison Rose also got out of the commercial vehicle and stared at the crowd.


Two hundred-level powerhouses!

When Bai Xinkui and the others saw each other's lineup, their hearts were cold for an instant.

They not only have to face a large number of K2 soldiers, but also two hundred-level powerhouses.

No matter how you look at it, it's a losing situation!

Poison Rose came out, glanced at the crowd, and asked in a deep voice, "Where is Lin Que?"

She had seen pictures of Lin Que, plus the information she had obtained, and there were a total of nine people who came to the death desert.

Two missing!

Bai Xinkui did not answer, and turned to the crowd and said, "Lv Yan and Steve will deal with that woman."

"Harvey against another hundred-level powerhouse!"

"Leave the rest to me and mint leaves!"

"The blood shadow is responsible for the assassination!"

"Alia, heal the whole team."

"Do it!"

Do a good job of combat deployment, everyone has entered a state of combat.

Bai Xinkui took the lead, sealed the martial soul to show its power, and divided the battlefield into three parts!

Everyone did it.

The mint leaves turned into the form of a cat demon, and once the charm was opened, hundreds of soldiers were under control at the same time.

Harvey flashed thunder all over and rushed towards Gray.

Lu Yan and Steve, the spirits summoned, held them firmly in their hands, and attacked Poison Rose.

"Futility struggle!"

The poisonous rose stepped out, and the ghostly roses rose from the ground, attacked and killed the two, wrapping the world.

The war is about to start.

at the same time.

On the other side, Lin Que and Bujie Monk came to K2's base camp.

In front of the two of them, there is a bottomless, dry well. From the outside, no one can connect it with K2's base camp.

Lin Que looked at the dry well: "According to Helen's coordinates, K2's base camp is here."

Monk Bujie looked at the dry well, and shuddered: "Lin Daudaou, really rushing?"

"Or, let's slip away first!"

"After all, this job is a bit tough!"

Lin Que: "How did Fantuo Temple send you here?"

The monk Bujie said decisively: "I was forced by my master to put a knife on my neck."

Lin Que:...

Hearing this, he was silent for a long time and directly gave a thumbs up.


Bujie monk waved his hand modestly: "Low-key, low-key!"

"How do we get in now?"

Lin Que clenched the halberd with one hand and pointed at the dry well: "Just go in!"

Bujie monk:...

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