The Age of Gods Return: Start To Kiss the Rift Girl

Chapter 1115: , A one-sided situation

Lin Que walked into the base and moved all the way to the ground floor. The door in front of him blocked all the void.

Impossible to traverse!

Stopping, he stepped forward, reached out his hand and touched the iron gate, frowning.

His perception can't penetrate it.

What the **** is this?

"Don't bother, this is an iron gate made of virtual spirit stone!"

"Don't say it's you, even if the supreme-level powerhouse comes, you can't get through it by any means."

At this moment, Zach appeared abruptly in the field, with a playful look on his face.

The moment Lin Que turned his head, his entire expression was filled with amazement.


"Biochemical Demon!"

Zach: "How do you know my nickname?"

Lin Que:? ? ?

I drop a good boy!

It's really a coincidence to arrive at home, the coincidence is outrageous.

"Because I often play LOL, and the orphans are beaten in the wild!"

Hearing the words, Zach reacted instantly, his face was green: "Boy, you insult me!"

"court death!"

After speaking, the figure burst out like a cannonball, and hit Lin Que's abdomen heavily.

On the spot, Lin Que's eyes burst, and a huge force exploded in his abdomen, smashing his whole body against the mechanical wall, making a dull impact.


Lin Que fell to the ground, coughing violently, and vomiting a large pool of blood.

What a powerful force!

His physical body reached the diamond level, and after the transformation of the dragon vein awakening, the hundred-level powerhouse could not break his physical defenses.

This guy is really strong!

Zach looked triumphant: "Boy, I am the most perfect biochemical warrior. Attacks can ignore all defenses."

"You are a scum in my eyes!"

"Kneel down, I will spare your life!"

The corners of Lin Que's mouth covered with blood, ghostly curled up: "Kill me?"

"Are you qualified?"

As soon as the words fell, the sixty-sixth level spirit power swept out, behind him, Shura Fa condensed.

Stand up tremblingly, with the killing intent of madness haunting him.

His eyes were scarred as blood, he held a halberd, pointed at Zac's head, and smiled bloodthirsally.

"Three tricks, cut off your head!"

After speaking, he disappeared in place.

Zach smiled disdainfully, and blasted his right arm lightly, smashing into the space on the right.


His fist directly collided with the halberd pierced from the void.

"Play sneak attack? You are still too tender!"

Lin Que did not speak, his spirit power suddenly increased, and the killing intent of the mad devil condensed on the tip of the halberd blade and slammed.


Zach was directly shocked and flew out dozens of meters, and his body reached the gate.


"Pure physical power, kind of interesting!"

"It's a pity... not enough!"

While talking, his arms stretched out infinitely like plasticine, one left and one right, slapped out.

Lin Que raised his brows, and Shura Faxiang waved three heads and six arms behind him, blocking the attacking palms.

"It's useless, a futile struggle."

"Break it for me!"

Zac's face was mad, and green liquid appeared all over his body, bombarding out like a cannonball.

not good!

Lin Que wanted to escape into the void, but it was too late. Then his eyes were fierce, and the killing intent of the madness was poured into the funeral halberd, and he threw it violently.

Faced with the halberd that struck Zach, he had no idea that Lin Que would dare to fight him like this.


The halberd directly pierced his chest, passed through and nailed him to the mechanical wall.

On the other side, Lin Que was hit by the green liquid abruptly.

Shura Faxiang instantly disappeared.

The body hit the wall of the mechanical steel plate, smashing a groove.


Another gulp of blood was spit out, and his face became extremely pale.

Lin Que stood up supporting his body, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and raised his head to look at Zach who was nailed to the mechanical wall.

Damn it now, right?

However, the next second.

Zach's chest pierced by the halberd began to heal continuously, and the emerald-green liquid continued to gather, and it was about to swallow the halberd.

Lin Que's expression changed drastically. He clenched the Invincible Pan in his hand, leaped up, and snapped the pan.

"Go away!"

Zach's palm enlarged infinitely, and he slapped the falling pan.


The two collided, there was a deafening sonic boom, and Lin Que was shaken out.

The halberd inserted in Zac's chest was also shaken out and stuck upside down on the mechanical wall.

Zach's injuries healed at a speed visible to the naked eye: "Boy, are you to this extent?"


Lin Que knelt on the ground with a serious face.

This guy can't die at all!

There is not much time left for him, and he can't delay it anymore, he must be a quick fight.

He took a deep breath and slowly stood up, with a move with his right hand, the funeral halberd returned to his hand.


Pulling out the magic knife thousand blades from the halberd, blood lotus blooms in the center of the eyebrows.

"Do you want to kill your life?"

"I accompany you!"


As he spoke, the shadow under Lin Que's feet slowly floated up and turned into two identical figures.

Shadow clone!

Stepping out in one step, three identical Lin Que, holding a magic knife with a thousand blades, shouted in unison.

"Coming to fight!"

The pupils in Zac's eyes shrank, and at this moment, he actually felt a sense of danger in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, a perverted smile appeared on his face, and his paws grabbed his cheeks, revealing two ferocious green paw prints.

"That's interesting!"

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