"I'm here to marry you!" Lin Que said.

After speaking, he took a step forward, opened his arms, and took the person he was thinking of into his arms.

When Hongye felt the familiar breath from the man in front of him, a clear teardrop slid off his cheeks and dropped to the ground.


Lin Que pressed harder with both hands, holding the beautiful woman in his arms tightly, for fear that he would slip away from his arms in the next second.

He was scared.

Along the way, Hongye was using his life to protect him.

He hasn't blinked.

He has never been afraid of the life-and-death tasks from time to time.

But he was really scared.

At the time of killing the gods, he was really afraid of losing the rift girl who was entangled with him forever.

The overlord stubbornly bowed the red leaves of the contract... to protect his wife with his life!

The red leaf nestled in Lin Que's arms, his slender eyelashes blinked gently, and they were attached to the heart, feeling the heartbeat of their beloved.

Taikoo City, an immortal blessed land created by ancient gods.

He suffered a lot in order to be able to see himself, right?

Thinking of him suffering for his own sake, he couldn't help but feel distressed, raised his head, looked affectionately at Lin Que and said.

"Lin Lang, must be very hard, right?"

Lin Que shook his head, "As long as I can see you, nothing matters."

In a few words of understatement, Hongye felt the hardships of the journey.

She wanted to say something, but Lin Que blocked her lips domineeringly.

Hongye was a little dazed, but soon adapted, and began to respond fiercely. With a wave of his jade hand, the blood-red petals between the sky and the earth were intertwined into a flower ball, which wrapped the two of them...

at the same time.

On the other mountain, everything from the old and the young is in a panoramic view.

A black blade hung from Abei's waist. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Tsk tusk, Junior Brother is so amazing, I am a little envious!"

"Guixian is a daughter-in-law, so majestic!"

As he said, he sighed.

The younger brother is married, and he is still a bachelor. Life is tragedy!

"Smelly boy, you mean, blame it as a teacher!"

On the side, Mr. Du had a cigarette in his mouth and stared at Abe with disgust.

A Bei nodded subconsciously.

"Hey, you dare to nod your head."

Mr. Du went directly on his foot and kicked Abei's ass, and the kicking others turned their backs on their backs.


Abei fell to the ground and cried out in pain.

With his cultivation base, nothing happened after a mortal's script, but he didn't dare to resist it with his cultivation base!


If you are caught by the teacher, you can't take his skin off!

Abei touched his sore **** and asked, "Teacher, you really don't care?"

Mr. Du patted the smoking gun in his hand, glanced in front of him, and said two mouthfuls of the smoking gun slowly.

"If you can make them happy, just be happy for a while!"

"The road ahead is still long, and they will suffer."

The appearance of a ghost is enough to turn the whole world upside down.

Fortunately, they are helping to hide it at this moment. Once the news is exposed, it will be the spiritual masters of the world who will face it at that time.

Boy, can you hold it?

More than half an hour passed.

The flower ball suspended in the air gradually dissipated, and Lin Que and the two embraced, sat on the top of the mountain together, looking up at the sunset.

Hong Ye nestled in Lin Que's arms, looking at that handsome profile, and listening to him telling about his experience in the desert of death.

Lin Que lowered his head and smiled slightly: "That's how it is, isn't it exciting?"

Hongye Zhanyan smiled and said, "Lin Lang is really amazing!"

But in her heart, the corpse king and ministers have long been included in the list of kills.

If you dare to kill Lin Lang, you must not tolerate it!


Lin Que shook his head and smiled bitterly.

He knows the character of his wife too well.

Even the demon **** Chiyou didn't pay attention to it, and the corpse king and ministers must dare to take a shot.

The palm lightly patted Hongye's back and comforted: "Don't worry, your man is very strong."

"After I work hard, I will be able to defeat them personally!"

Hongye nodded: "I believe in Lin Lang!"

"Don't be too tired, you don't want to work hard that day, I will support you!"

Lin Que was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Haha, then I'm going to take the title of the king of soft rice."

Just when Hongye was about to say something, Mr. Du walked out behind him, and he was smoking his pipe.

"Boy, the time has come, you should go."

Lin Que turned around, saw the person coming, and quickly got up to salute.


Oh shit.

Isn't this the spiritual world?

Where did the teacher come up?

Mr. Du knocked Lin Que on the head with his smoking gun, and said angrily: "It's not for you, a brat!"

"The order of the spiritual world is complicated, so I have to deal with the old guys in Taikoo City. Is it easy for me, old man?"

"It's really bad blood mold to accept you such an unsatisfactory disciple!"

Lin Que scratched his head awkwardly, just about to say something.

I saw Mr. Du spit out a smoke ring, covering him, and a tunnel appeared behind him.

"Stop talking nonsense, get out!"

Lin Que pleaded, "Teacher, let me stay for one minute, just one minute!"

"Hongye, you are waiting for me, I will win the global league championship and get the qualification to enter Taikoo Shing!"

"You must wait for me..."


Before the words were finished, Lin Que was sucked in by the passage, and then disappeared.

After Lin Que left, Hong Ye said, "Old sir, is the **** really awake?"

Mr. Du squatted on the ground and was depressed: "Didn't that kid tell you all about it?"

"He is the one chosen indefinitely. Haven't you learned about this before?"

Hongye was silent.

Mr. Du waved his hand: "Cultivate with peace of mind, those guys in the sky should be able to support it for a while."

"there is always a solution to a problem…"

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